The Brain Podcast

Dr. Shabnam Das Kar MD and Andrea Spyros

In the Brain podcast, we blend medical insights with behavior design principles to empower you in creating brain healthy habits. We aim to demystify brain health, enhance focus, and reduce the risk of dementia. Join us as we unlock the secrets of the brain, all backed by science and fueled by behavior design. read less
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Harnessing Spirituality And Gratitude For Better Blood Pressure Levels
Harnessing Spirituality And Gratitude For Better Blood Pressure Levels
In this episode, we delved into the fascinating world of cardiovascular health, specifically focusing on hypertension, with the esteemed cardiologist Dr. Maria Emilia Figueiredo Teixeira from Brazil. Dr. Maria Emilia shared insights from her groundbreaking research on the influence of gratitude, forgiveness, and spirituality on hypertension control. 00:00:00 Hypertension has become more of a concern these days. It's actually one of the most prevalent cardiovascular diseases. And most people who have it don't even know they have it. And those who do00:00:10 have really inadequate, often really inadequate control over it. Today, we are so pleased to host Dr. Maria Amelia, a cardiologist from00:00:21 Brazil, who has done some interesting research on gratitude, forgiveness, spirituality, and its effect on hypertension. I'm00:00:31 Andrea Spyros. I'm a behaviour design consultant and a professional speaker, and I work with organizations to harness the power of high-performance habits, increasing engagement, resilience, and overall well-being.00:00:45 I am Dr. Shabnam Das Kar, a functional medicine doctor and Tiny Habits certified coach. I teach people how to improve their focus, get rid of brain fog, and reduce their risk of dementia down the line.00:00:59 And today, welcome, Dr. Amelia, Maria Amelia. We're so pleased to have you today. Please share with us, there's a lot we want to unpack about your research. Please share with us what got you interested in doing this type of research.00:01:19 Hi, Andrea. Hi, Dr. Shabnam. It's my privilege to be here. Thank you for the opportunity to bring the results of our latest research, the results from the field trial that we presented recently at the late-breaking clinical trials of the ACC24. So we started to research this theme in00:01:29 2020. As a cardiologist, I'm very intrigued by the situation of hypertension in Brazil and the whole world. As you said, it's prevalent00:01:53 disease with inadequate control, bringing lots of death worldwide. And we know there is a gap. We00:02:05 know how to treat it with lifestyle habits, medications, but still it's not adequately treated. And why00:02:15 isn't it treated? And what else is influencing those blood pressure controls that we're not looking at and00:02:27 is avoiding us from having good control. I know that we're not taking, we, I say as a population, but hypertensive patients are00:02:37 not treating themselves well, are not looking at themselves, are not measuring their blood pressures, and are not taking their pills adequately,00:02:48 are not having good lifestyle habits, and what about their behaviors, their feelings? I think they're not working on that either. So I started to look at00:03:07 the influence of those feelings, and we got good results on this research that I call the field trial.00:03:17 Thank you, Dr. Maria. So the trial that Dr. Maria is talking about, and she had presented at the American College of Cardiology very recently, I think it was just last00:03:28 week. And the name of the trial, so Andrea, this is for people who want to know what it is that the trial is. The name of the trial is a clinical trial to00:03:39 evaluate the influence of a spirituality intervention on blood pressure control, central hemodynamics, and endothelial function. And00:03:49 it has a very interesting acronym, FIELD, F-W-L, FIELD trial. So, Dr. Maria, interesting thing is, I know your specialty is00:03:57 you're a cardiologist, and which is this place in Brazil that you work at, your institution?00:04:08 I work and research at the hypertension unit of the Federal University of Goiás. Goiás is a state in the center of Brazil, very close to00:04:18 Bra
What Can You Do If You Have The High-Risk Alzheimer's Disease ApoE4 Gene?
What Can You Do If You Have The High-Risk Alzheimer's Disease ApoE4 Gene?
(00:00) - Intro: Nine ways to reduce Alzheimer's risk (01:47) - Importance of ApoE4 in dementia (03:15) - Different ways to reduce dementia risk (04:12) - 9 Things You Can Do to Support Your Brain Health (07:00) - Pay attention to brain, body, and supplements for optimal health (07:51) - RDAs and benefits of supplements (08:34) - Omega3 testing and supplementation (10:08) - Omega3 supplements for atrial fibrillation (11:38) - Supplementing with a symphony of nutrients, not just one (12:32) - Vitacog Supplementing with Vitamin B and Omega3 (14:10) - Taking supplements for long-term benefits (17:07) - B vitamin testing for correcting genetic variations (17:32) - A positive aging mindset reduces dementia risk (19:15) - Tiny habits shift mindset for healthy aging (20:57) - A positive mindset helps with knee pain (21:36) - Longevity questions to ask yourself (22:06) - Inspiration for physical fitness in older age (22:46) - Hormones and Alzheimer's disease in women (26:39) - Head trauma and dementia risk importance for people with ApoE4 (29:24) - Impact of Alcohol on women's health (31:40) - What is the easiest place to quit alcohol? (32:36) - Loss of sense of smell increases the risk for Alzheimer's disease (33:13) - Using Essential Oil for Memory Training (35:03) - Home sniff tests for brain health (36:42) - Outro: Support yourself with these tips Chapters created by ChapterMe Audio-only version on YouTube References Woo, Cynthia C., et al. "Overnight olfactory enrichment using an odorant diffuser improves memory and modifies the uncinate fasciculus in older adults." Frontiers in Neuroscience 17 (2023): 1200448.
Living With The High-Risk Alzheimer's Disease ApoE4 Gene
Living With The High-Risk Alzheimer's Disease ApoE4 Gene
If you’ve been told you have the ApoE4 gene that puts you at risk for Alzheimer's or think you may have it, most likely your doctor told you there’s nothing you can do. That’s not entirely true. We’ll share the nine things you can do to reduce your risk of Alzheimer's. Many people learn they have a genetic risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and feel like victims. We'll help you protect your brain now so the risk is mitigated. (00:00) - Have You Got the APOE4 Gene Associated with Alzheimer's? (00:33) - Heads Up: Julie Bergfeld on Her Alzheimer's (01:07) - Julie Bergfeld on Her Alzheimer's Gene (01:35) - The APOE4 gene associated with Alzheimer's (02:21) - APOE4 gene associated with Alzheimer's disease (02:58) - Julie's battle with Alzheimer's disease (08:15) - Brain Games for APOE 4 (08:33) - Challenging Your Brain (09:44) - Dementia and behaviour change (11:11) - Starting small: How to Get Out of the Tiny Habits (11:44) - Mental health: Start small and build momentum (12:23) - How to Keep From Getting Down or Defeated Over a Diagn (15:25) - Does thinking about getting older affect your dementia risk? (19:33) - Genetic Testing (24:54) - Julie on the Genetic Testing (27:58) - APOE4 gene test (29:11) - Alzheimer's risk for women, genetics and the treatment (31:31) - A message about hope for your brain in your 30s (33:34) - Outro Chapters created by ChapterMe About Julie Bergfeld Audio-only version on YouTube References Levy, Becca R., et al. "Positive age beliefs protect against dementia even among elders with high-risk gene." PloS one 13.2 (2018): e0191004.Alzheimer's Disease genetic fact sheet.