Online Coaching

Stephanie Fiteni

In this podcast, Stephanie Fiteni and her expert guests answer the most common online coaching and coach marketing questions to help you unravel the facts and take the right next step for your coaching business. With guests, she talks about popular topics such as marketing for coaches, blogging, digital marketing strategies, pricing, mindset, and how coaches build their businesses. Stephanie is an experienced Content Marketing Strategist as well as a Traffic and Lead Gen Coach. She talks about online marketing strategies, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), marketing tools, books, and much more. She learned programming as a fresh graduate and has worked as a trainer, programmer, and web consultant for over 15 years before becoming an online coach. For the last 6 years, she has offered 1:1 coaching and Online Programmes designed for coaches, therapists, and online service providers. She also offers Content strategy design and content marketing services to 6, 7 & 8 figure coaches through her agency. Find out more at read less


007: Pivoting, Personal Branding and Working Less
007: Pivoting, Personal Branding and Working Less
Personal Branding for individuals doesn't need to be hard. In this Episode, Sage Polaris previously known as Sarah Grear shares how she transitioned into her new business persona.She also shares her journey around pivoting from a client-based business to a mentoring/coaching business. She explains how her systems and team allow her to take 4 months off a year. (no not a typo 4 full months a year!)Sage Polaris (AKA the artist formerly known as Sarah Grear) has written high converting copy for more than 350 clients earning them millions of dollars. She helps personal brands and service providers sell more of their service or offer with the words on their website.Her emails and sales pages are responsible for generating as much as 7 figures in a single launch. She has worked with Chrisette Michele, James Wedmore, Rick Mulready, and Amber McCue. Basically, she makes money for the “internet famous” people we all look up to.And in turn, has been an international speaker in exclusive private Masterminds. She can SHOW your audience how to go from storytelling to story-selling. This is what truly makes a brand legendary.You can find Sage at http://www.sagepolaris.comEpisode LinksSage's Free Gift Hermann's Book - Alter Ego: Did you Enjoy this Episode? Subscribe to this Podcast Here Prefer to Read? Here's the Transcript:Sage: (00:57) Today we have Sage Polaris. Hello Sage. Thank you for joining us. Hey Steph. Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here. We're very excited to have you. Sage is a launch strategist to the online stars and she is a workless earn more mentor and we are very excited to hear more about working less, of course, but before we jump in, say I actually have a something that I know that my audience is very curious about because a lot, a lot of the people I deal with are women. And sometimes the question of the ego and this persona that we put out there and alongside imposter syndrome becomes a big thing. So I'm really interested in the fact that you, you actually changed your name to Sage Polaris, which is a fantastic name, but I would really like to know the story behind that.Sage: (01:57) Sure. Yeah. So I'm Sage to the artist formerly known as Sarah Grear. And the reason I decided to change my name is I was really stepping into a new identity in my business. I'm eight years deep into my business now and around like the six-year Mark, I realized that I no longer wanted to hide behind my client's success. I was doing a lot of client-based projects. They were having wonderful success with their launches. It was so beautiful to see, but I knew I was kind of hiding behind that and not really stepping out into my own identity. And so I decided to switch my name because I felt like it would signify something from myself like, okay, I'm not hiding anymore. I'm going to go into the spotlight, and since then I have been doing more, of my own launches for myself.Sage: (02:49)Personal/Individual Branding:I've also created co-created mastermind with my business partner, Tarzan Kay, which was a hundred per cent event that we ran in Niagara falls and then turn that into a mastermind. So all of these things were a way for me to kind of signal to myself and to everyone else that I was taking on a new identity for myself...
008: How to Launch Your Podcast
008: How to Launch Your Podcast
My guest in this episode is Colin Gray, he's a podcaster, international speaker, PhD and founder of The Podcast Host and Alitu: The Podcast Maker. Colin started out in Astrophysics, before realising, to his dismay, how much maths you had to do. Podcasting has less maths, but just as many puzzles, and fun ones at that.He started in 2011, and it's now one of the biggest and oldest Podcasting blogs on the web, dedicated to helping you create a successful show.He went on to found in 2018 to help podcasters create their shows more easily. It's a web app that takes care of the tech, by polishing, branding & publishing for you. It offers a custom set of tools for building and editing epic podcasts.Episode Links and Mentions:https://alitu.com you Enjoy this Episode?Subscribe to this Podcast Here Prefer to Read? Here’s the Transcript:Stephanie:Hello, thank you for joining me. You're listening to the profitable content marketing show. In this episode, I talk to Colin Gray about podcasting. If you've not heard of Colin before he is known as the podcast host, and he is a speaker, as well as the owner of a podcasting school. I met Colin in London around three years ago. He was speaking at the Youpreneur summit event. I believe it was actually the first event. And I got talking to Colin after his speaking gig. And I just love his down to earth approach. And the way his tips are just so doable. And this interview, we talked about, you know, how to stay consistent and how to improve your productivity as well as you know, it's not just the tips very often. It's also the tools we use. So Colin also shares this amazing tool. So if you are planning to start a podcast or you're podcasting already, but want to get faster and more productive, well, this episode is for you. So thanks for joining. Let's jump right in and hear what Colin has to say to him.Colin:Hi there. Thanks for having me on,Stephanie:Thank you very much for joining us. So Colin, I know that you actually teach podcasting, so you have a wealth of information to share with us. So I wanted to start by asking you one of the most common questions I hear, as you probably know I work with a lot of bloggers and content creators, so, and business owners. So we talk a lot about finding your voice when it comes to writing and making sure that you are authentic. Whereas with podcasts, of course, the actual voice can be heard. So we're talking also about, you know, perhaps excellence or lack of accent sometimes. Yes. What kind of advice do you give about this? Usually?Speaker 2:Yeah, it's, it's a tricky one and it's one of, it's definitely one of the most common things that come up. Like you say, it applies to just any content out there, but with podcasting, obviously voice, voice is so important because it's your voice that's actually been recorded. The advice I generally give is that podcasting is such a great medium because just about anyone can find fans for their voice. They can find somebody that will like the way they speak, the way they act, their ethos, their personality, all of those aspects. So the key thing really is to be yourself. And it's easy to say that I know, but the being yourself thing is so important because it's so much hater, so much harder to hight behind the mic. And it's so much easier, to be honest, transparent, open behind the making. I think the thing is with, you know, with blogging, you're kind of, you're hiding behind your typewriter.Colin:It's hard to get your typewriter by going back to the 1950s ranger keyboard. And...
009 How to pick your niche
009 How to pick your niche
Finding a profitable niche is not hard.But it needs to be done right, at the right time.In this episode, I walk you through the process with examples from my own journey and that of my clients.Episode Links and Mentions:The blog post where I mention niching Levesque's Ask Method you Enjoy this Episode?Subscribe to this Podcast HerePrefer to read? Here's the full transcriptHey, welcome to today's episode. I'm going to talk about niching today and I'm going to share my journey and, you know, the tips that I support my clients with as well, because, you know, niching is not just about finding that special thing that you can do that allows you to charge more later, but also finding that thing that makes you a no brainer in your industry so that you can really grow and scale your business.Pick the right nicheSo how can you make sure that you're picking the right niche? The first thing to do, which is probably a little bit counter-intuitive, is to look inwards, you know, finding your niche is something that you should not look to the competition to the strongest niche you can find is going to be one that your competition hasn't picked. So you need to make sure that it's definitely has a strong overlap with your strengths.Your experience is your nicheWhat this means is that your experience, your life experience, not just your work experience is actually your niche. And in fact, this is very common with a lot of coaches and consultants. You know, a lot of coaches especially can find it quite easy to have a look at that motivator, that thing that changed our lives, that made them become a coach and that helped them discover maybe a new part of their life or any part of themselves. And they can actually turn that into something that they offer. For example, my experience is in SEO and building websites and, you know, I used to have my own agency. So, you know, my experience in, in terms of, you know, coding and websites and also writing content is what makes me a little bit different. So a lot of content writers have either a PR or you know, or a writing background.So they were writers before they actually specifically niche down to blogging. So I came from a little bit of a different background, which of course is going to make me send out. This does not mean that the niche though is going to fit you like a glove. In my case, I had a little bit of a problem. I really wanted to work with coaches because I was so excited about the way I started my business online from scratch. And, you know, when you work within an agency, you tend to take businesses from say point C to point D you don't actually build from scratch. So I was really proud and I was really, I really felt that this was a strength that I had the experience of building a business and international business that was completely started from scratch. So I felt that working with coaches was going to help me really make use of this experience because I had built my own online coaching business, but it didn't fit me like a glove for one particular reason.My background was technical. And I used to use words that coaches didn't understand. And, you know, this is something that I had to kind of learn to let go of. I had been, I had spent so many years of training, spending a lot of time with programmers and people in marketing. And we don't realize how much of the industry terminology you use without even being aware of it. So this was one of the disadvantages for me, but that didn't mean that it was around the niche.What have you done that
010 Get your CRM systems in place with Steven Logreira
010 Get your CRM systems in place with Steven Logreira
This week's guest, Steven Logreira, is the founder of the Sales Process Automation Systems.He is a tech wiz, an automation expert and a seasoned sales professional.A Computer Engineering Graduate from the University of Florida with a minor in Business Administration. He started his career working for IBM as a Technical Sales Specialist. His forte is automating systems and processes in a way that impacts productivity and boosts revenues.He is a whiz at creating automated profitable sales processes that save you time and don't let prospects slip through the cracks.We talked about...>> The glue between generating leads and closing the sales call, aka your CRM system>> How to start your CRM system from scratch>> How to make sure none of your prospects/leads slip through the cracks of your CRMEpisode Links and Mentions:Automate My ProcessDid you Enjoy this Episode?Subscribe to this Podcast HereFull Transcript:Hello, thank you for joining me. You're listening to the profitable content marketing show. In this episode, I speak to my guest, Stephen lo Guerrera, who is the founder of sales process automation systems. He's a tech Wiz, an automation expert, and a seasoned sales professional. I invited him here on the podcast because he is a whiz at creating automated profitable sales processes that save you time.Prospects slip through the cracks. So if you're a coach, consultant or a service provider, get ready to get, Steven's help creating your CRM system. Let's dive right in.So hello, Stephan. Thank you very much for being with us today on the profitable content podcast. I have invited Stephen to speak. Because he specializes in helping us close our leads. And as we know for coaches, consultants and service providers, as well as many other businesses, because we all lead needs and we all have to close them, making sure that we close all our leads and not leave any money on the table.It's very, very important. So Steven is going to help us get through this process today. So Steven, can you help us get to know a little bit better? Hey, Stephanie, how you doing so glad to be here and to be part of your tribe and get hopefully by the end of this talk though, they'll have a little bit more knowledge as to really a very important piece that is, I, I think it's so important and quite often overlooked, you know, in, in, in business.It's by the Williams, especially I find within the coaches and consultants and service providers, and everybody's focusing on lead generation. How do I, how do I get leads? How do I get leads? How do I get leads? But then what happens with those leads? Right? And then another industry that's really big within, within this is teaching people how to close.Right. What do you say in the conversation? You know, how do you overcome objections and all that stuff? And there's so much training on that as the same as in the marketing side of things, right? There's this piece in the mood, I call it the glue between lead and actually having that sales conversation.That's really the sales process. When a lead comes in, how do you manage that lead? How do you keep track of that lead from when it originally comes in all the way to when you have that sales conversation and then out of that conversation, there's three outcomes. Yes, no, maybe if it's yes. Do you actually have a onboarding process?You know, how do you charge money? How do you get your, the...
013: How to overcome imposter syndrome – interview with Clare Josa
013: How to overcome imposter syndrome – interview with Clare Josa
This week's guest, Clare Josa, is the UK's leading authority on Imposter Syndrome, having spent the past fifteen years working with business leaders to help them to overcome it, as well as leading the landmark 2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study and publishing her new book: Ditching Imposter Syndrome.An expert in the neuroscience and psychology of performance, her original training as an engineer, specialising in Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing, means her inspirational approach is grounded in practical common sense, creating breakthroughs, not burnout.She is the author of eight books and has been interviewed by the likes of The Independent, The Daily Telegraph and Radio 4, amongst others. Clare speaks internationally on how to change the world by changing yourself. We talked about...>> Getting speaking gigs as a coach (even during lockdown)>> Imposter Syndrome and how to identify it in yourself>> How to overcome your imposter syndrome>> When content comes from the heart>> Creating a movementEpisode Links and Mentions:Clare's Book: an imposter syndrome Mentor:'s Speaking Page:'s Free Guide: you Enjoy this Episode?Subscribe to this Podcast HerePrefer to Read? Here’s the Transcript:Clare Josa Thank you for being with us. Thank you, Stephanie. It's lovely to spend time with you today. Claire, I know that you have done so much as a coach and you've come so far. You've got your book, you've got your certification program. You do amazing speaking ex now also virtually, and you also have your one-to-one and other programs. So, you know, I'm sure all the coaches and consultants listening are thinking, wow, how did she manage to do all this, but really love to hear more about your journey. Of course. Well, I started off as an engineer, as you do my training, I've got a master's degree in mechanical engineering and German, and I spent 10 years in engineering and specialised in six Sigma and lean manufacturing. After about 10 years, I realized actually I wanted to change a scene. There was a lot of me too in engineering back then being one of just two female engineers on a staff of 200 was quite challenging.Clare Josa And I would say realized I wanted to spend more time with people because making people smile was really what floated my boat rather than working with machines. So I went and I became, I went travelling for a year and then came back and I got the job as head of market research at Dyson. So I set up their market research functionality. I'd been running what we called guerilla market research in my engineering job. Because just being able to get engineers to talk directly to customers that gives you so much better feedback than when it's been through a marketing teams' filter because they're all speaking different languages. So at Dyson, my job was to be the interpreter between the design engineers, the marketing team and the end customers. And I loved that. That's when I qualified as an NLP trainer. So neuro-linguistic programming. After a few years, I realized I could never make a big enough difference in the world by selling somebody else's bits of plastic.Clare Josa So I took the leap back in 2003 and set up my own business in leadership development. The reason I got into imposter syndrome, which is what I've spent...
014: 2021 – Biggest opportunities in Digital Marketing
014: 2021 – Biggest opportunities in Digital Marketing
In this episode, we talk about strategies, tools and platforms that promise new and known opportunities in 2021. We talk about what worked really well in 2020, what still works now and what new platforms and changes are coming up in 2021.We talked about...>> Google's Newest Significant Algorithm Changes scheduled for May 2021>> Social Shopping>> The new popular kid on the block: ClubhouseEpisode Links and Mentions:>>>> fiverr.comDid you Enjoy this Episode?Subscribe to this Podcast Here Prefer to Read? Here’s the Transcript:Google releases about 3000 updates a year to its algorithm, but every now and then it has an algorithm that actually carries a name like probably the most popular was Panda and then hummingbird. And there is going to be another big update in 2021. We don't know what it's going to be called yet, but it is going to be released in May 2021.And we already know why it is going to be important and how things are going to change. So coming back to the one thing I always talk about, and you know, the reason why Google exists is to serve the best results to people who punch in keywords and sentences and questions into Google.So you don't really need to fear because you are in Google are on the same side. However, Google, since probably the major algorithm released in 2010 has been working on trying to, push people who create websites and businesses to create a faster experience. So they want to speed up the internet and the algorithm release in May, 2021 is going to focus specifically on this. They've called it the user experience release. So they want to really focus on improving the way users are using your website.So Google is going to now start looking at a number of elements on your site that it believes improve the experience of people or maybe more precisely yeah. Are elements that Google thinks are showing signs of a better positive experience.Google has created what it's calling the core web vitals, which are, you know, three elements of measurements that it's going to use to decide whether your site has a nice user experience are not the first element Google will measure is how quickly the measurements above the fold actually load above the fold means that's part of the website that you can see in your screen right away without scrolling. So Google will be measuring how quickly it loads and also how quickly people can actually click on it because sometimes sites can load, but you know, you can't quite click on them right away.It's like they need to do a little bit of extra loading and then you can finally interact with them. The third element is how long it takes for the picture to become visually stable. So for the whole layout to become visually stable, you know, sometimes you see a website that takes a little bit of time to load and sort of you see things falling around and, you know, the layout changes. So Google is going to take into consideration how quickly it takes to stabilise and settle down all these elements. According to Google, make for a good user experience. It has picked these three things to measure how the user is going to interact with your website in a positive way. But of course, it's going to give a lot more importance to mobile this time around than it does to the desktop. There are still many sites on the internet that don't quite perform as well on mobile.In spite of having a very pretty mobile site, some websites are not great. I say most still have some very small elements to click on when it comes to the mobile experience. And there are certain things that Google thinks need to be actually even faster than
015: Why and how content is the key to a coach’s success – Interview with Jeanet Bathoorn
015: Why and how content is the key to a coach’s success – Interview with Jeanet Bathoorn
This week’s guest, Jeanet Bathoorn, is a bestselling author of 6 books, international speaker and trainer and a no-nonsense business coach. She is a certified NLP Master Coach and a Certified Sacred Money Archetype Coach.She started the Freedom Entrepreneur Movement a couple of years ago after having dealt with a total lack of freedom in her business and private. In 2020 she started her own podcast show in which she recorded 100 episodes in 100 days.She is a multiple six-figure entrepreneur since 2005 and has coached thousands of entrepreneurs finding their own unique path to freedom. She also runs several mastermind groups.We talked about…>> Changing plans from freedom entrepreneur running cruises to focus on the dutch market again>> Launching a podcast with 100 episodes in 100 days>> The importance of having fun with your content>> Writing your first book shifting to author>> Keeping things simple to avoid confusing your clientsEpisode Links and Mentions:English Website: Link: Jeanet: Link: Stephanie: you Enjoy this Episode?Subscribe to this Podcast Here Prefer to Read? Here’s the Transcript:Stephanie:Hello, Jeanet, how are you? Hi, Stephanie. I'm fine. Thanks for having me. Thank you very much for joining us today. I'm really happy to have you on, would you like to start by introducing yourself and letting us know what you do? And we do it for? Okay. So my name is Janet - I work for the Dutch market, so all my content, everything is in Dutch. I call myself the freedom entrepreneur and I guide/mentor self-employed entrepreneurs to break through their own limiting beliefs, like the beliefs that they created in themselves. And I do that by running mastermind groups. And by putting out a lot of content, I know we're going to talk about content, but I put out a lot of content. Yeah, excellent. Yes, we're in the right place to talk about content. So, what does that content look like?Jeanet:So I am, I'm in the habit of writing books. I love to write books. And in fact, this year I will publish two books. My first book is about running a mastermind group. So what do you need to run a mastermind group? And what does it take to run a group? And the next book I wrote that my publisher asked me to write it. That will be published in November. And it's about online business models because of the whole COVID-19 situation.Stephanie:Oh, wow. Yes, definitely the right topic and especially the right topic for you. . Excellent. So that would be book number 10 in all, because you've already written eight books, right?Jeanet:Yeah. That's that if it's like books that I wrote his book number eight, but I wrote also like chapters for other books, so that, that would bring it to like books and co-writing books.Stephanie:Wow. was it all in dutch? For the Dutch...
016: Exactly how to sell coaching – interview with Phil M Jones
016: Exactly how to sell coaching – interview with Phil M Jones
This week's guest, Phil M Jones has written 8 best-selling books, produced two original programmes for Audible and delivered over 2,500 presentations in 57 countries across five continents.Phil entered the world of business at the tender age of 14. With nothing more than a bucket and sponge, he went from singlehandedly washing cars at weekends to hiring a fleet of friends working on his behalf, resulting in him earning more than his teachers by the time he was 15.Since then, Phil has made it his life’s work to completely demystify the sales process and bring both simplicity and integrity to a world that is often full of big egos and even bigger lies.Phil’s unique philosophy of using specific word choices to teach people “Exactly What To Say” in order to influence, persuade and drive outcomes, has made Phil one of the most practical and in-demand business experts in the world.We talked about…>> How to sell coaching online>> Closing sales and confidence>> Questions to ask on a discovery call>> Selling High-ticket>> Great pieces of content that grow your personal brandEpisode Links and Mentions:Phil's website: & Twitter Handle: @philmjonesukLinkedIn:'s Books on Amazon: what to say on Audible: you Enjoy this Episode?Subscribe to this Podcast Here Prefer to Read? Here’s the Transcript:Phil M Jones (0:00):A pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me on the show.Stephanie Fiteni (01:07):Well, I am very intrigued and I was, I was reading information about you and your website. I've heard you talk about this before, and I just really wanted to know how you started at 14.Phil M Jones (01:22):How did I start at 14 years of age in business - I guess it probably started a little bit before that is it. My parents did a wonderful job getting me into a great school and the school that I got into meant the lots of the kids had different things than what I had in terms of trainers, sneakers, the bag that they would carry, you know, the sports equipment that they have on the sports field, et cetera. And I'd always go to my parents and be like, Hey, can I have, can I have, can I have one? I got the recurring answer of no. So I started to get this idea of, of how do I go about being able to make money for myself and have this sort of entrepreneurial gene that when everything from me selling the homemade sandwiches that my mum had made for me in my pack lunch through to then me starting a little car cleaning business at the age of 14, and that had me just knocking on the doors of my neighbours, asking them if they'd like their cars washed. And by the age of 15, that little carpooling business was making me more money than most of my school teachers, as what I'd done is I'd built out quite a comprehensive round of customers have kids in the year below that were helping to service those customers. And we had a legitimate business that I didn't even realize was as such until much later in life, but that's where it all started.Stephanie Fiteni (02:37):That's so amazing because you know, so many of us just, you know, we kind of take a while to realize the power of actually asking for the sale and, you know, making things happen. So it's just so amazing.Phil M...
017: How to transition from offline to online service based business
017: How to transition from offline to online service based business
In this episode, we talk about the tweaks and changes you need to make to successfully pivot from your face-to-face service-based business to selling and servicing clients online.We talked about…>> Pricing your services (and packages)>> Common pitfalls to watch out for>> Pivoting from offline business to online businessEpisode Links and Mentions:>> Mini-Course about online business tools (with discount) >> Episode with Phil JonesDid you Enjoy this Episode?Subscribe to this Podcast Here Prefer to Read? Here’s the Transcript:(00:23): Move your business onlineThe first thing you need to do, if you want to move your business completely online is definitely have a good look at the business you have offline and what is working really well for you there now? Not all the things you're doing offline are going to work online, and some things are going to need quite a few changes, but it's all in hand. And I'm going to walk you through the process of looking at your business.So the first thing you need to do is look at your audience, your audience, being your clients, people who are already buying from you, people who are interested, perhaps people who follow you online. These are all people that can help you kickstart your online business, especially if it's closely connected to the business you have offline. Now I know that's a lot of consultants and coaches come across problems when moving their business offline to online.(01:18): How to price your coaching program or service packagesThe first problem I hear a lot about is usually pricing. Local pricing may be lower due to perceptions. So a lot of people feel like they cannot really put their prices up to international levels or, you know, sort of average online levels because the people that are already in their orbits that are already their audience that are already their clients are going to have a problem with this. And this is perfectly understandable.This is something I went through. I think a lot of people who come from countries where perhaps the standard of living and the wages are not as high as they are in the U S or in the UK, or, you know larger countries. Then we, of course, we have a little bit of a disconnect and we may not be very sure about how to price and how to do this transition.(02:05):The way I did it was very simple. I started off by putting up my prices to what I thought was, you know, the bare minimum to be taken seriously. This is something we really need to keep in mind. So you need to have a look at what people are charging
019: How to get more leads from your website
019: How to get more leads from your website
In this episode, we talk about how to get more leads from your coaching website using blogging, social media, funnels and SEO.We talked about…>> Blogging to generate traffic>> How to harvest leads>> All the things your site needs>> Call-to-ActionsEpisode Links and Mentions:>> FREE GUIDE: 10 Steps to Generate More Leads from Your Website >> Blogging Tips on my website Did you Enjoy this Episode?Subscribe to this Podcast Here Prefer to Read? (00:25): Drive Leads to your websiteWelcome. Today. We talk about one of my favourite topics. Getting more leads from your website is one of the things I really love to focus on. It's one of the things that are really important for my clients, and I love to help them with this because it's one of those things that give you results right away. So let's dive right in and start from the first thing you need to have. A lot of people think that blogging might be a thing of the past, but unless you have a blog on your website, it's going to be really hard for you to actually generate the traffic that you need, the volume that you need so that you get leads directly from your site, no matter what your lead looks like. So whether it's someone jumping on our email list, or somebody booking a discovery call with you, or maybe a free consultancy call, no matter where this lead looks like to you, you need to make sure that you have the tools on your site. (01:27): How SEO and gets leads from websitesAnd also the marketing strategy to turn this lead into a contact and your contact into a client. So the first thing I mentioned in a blog and the main reason why you need the blogs because you need to have consistent signals. This is part of SEO search engine optimisation, and you need to have optimised content that is giving Google and other search engines, consistent signals that you have new content on your website. Now, most search engines understand text better than any other format for now. However, you can have any format and then turn it into text, if writing blogs is not your thing. So you could start for our podcast and have show notes. You can start from a YouTube video and then transcribe it, or maybe use the script and turn that into an article. Or you can start from the blog post.(02:22): Blogging results and well-matched leadsNow, of course, if you start from a blog post, your blog post is going to be stronger and is going to convert better. Just to give you an idea. Every time I post a blog post on social media, I get at least, my first two to three leads from that particular post and by leads. I mean, in my case, I measure that through discovery calls booked, once you actually start ranking those posts. So once the post salts ranking on Google, you will see that certain posts on your site are generating leads regularly. There was a time when I actually had an SEO mini-course on my website and my goal at the time was different. My goal at the time was to get people to jump on my email list and about one out of every three people who visited my site used to actually...