
Pastor Craig McCourt

TIme to stop and slow down and connect faith to everyday life, through a GodPonder. Pastor Craig McCourt loves to Ponder God and share those thoughts with you. Designed to encourage, challenge and inspire you with the great stories of Scripture and the stories of life. read less
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If My Little Pony Wrote A Creed
If My Little Pony Wrote A Creed
Today Pastor Craig and his faithful sidekick Robert examine what has created quite a buzz, in the world of Lutheranism, and thinking Christians everywhere.  The Sparkle Creed.  A recording of this creed written in 2021 and used in a ELCA Church in Edina in 2023, is all over the internet.  It caught our attention and we just can't let this one go by.   This creed is one more example of the woke church gone mad.   2 Timothy 4:3-4 (ESV) 3  For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4  and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. We are seeing these words of warning to the young pastor Timothy come true as they have over and over and over in the church. We invite you to pray for those who are so deceived by satan and the untruths of this world that the Lord of the Church - Jesus the Christ would call them back to the truth. For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God or to send us a message visit us at www.ponderinggod.org For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast! To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page