My First Five Years

My First Five Years

The podcast that helps you find the joy in parenting, and ditch the guilt and worry! My First Five Years dives into the issues facing parents of children under five today, helping them to navigate the most rewarding and challenging role they will ever have. Hosted by early childhood experts Jennie Johnson MBE and Alistair Bryce-Clegg, who have decades of experience with young children between them, you’ll hear the latest scientific research on child development and get expert tips that actually work. Hosts Jennie and Alistair speak to experts about the latest on topics like sleep and nutrition, as well as covering everything from lockdown babies to challenging behaviour. This myth-busting podcast helps you to understand your child, so that you don’t miss the magic in the smallest, often unnoticed, moments of their development, meaning you grow in confidence as a parent and have more fun along the way. read less
Niños y familiaNiños y familia


A Realistic Guide To Christmas For Imperfect Parents
A Realistic Guide To Christmas For Imperfect Parents
“We’re all pretty good at adding additional jobs to our jobs list at Christmas and we really don’t need to.” Discover top tips to help you through the festive season with your under-five and find out how to uncover the true magic of Christmas (spoiler alert, it doesn’t include a trip to Santa’s grotto). Hosted by early childhood experts Jennie Johnson MBE and Alistair Bryce-Clegg, you’ll hear how to make magical memories, how to handle the mental load over the festive season, whether there’s such a thing as too many presents and what to do about it, why children can find Christmas overwhelming and how to help them, and five easy hacks for a smooth and realistic Christmas. For more information and tips on your child’s early years, download the My First Five Years app: you’d like to purchase My First Five Years Baby, the first in our new book series with Bloomsbury, head to Johnson MBE founded the well-respected company Kids Allowed, best in class multi-award winning and top position on independent national league table for quality. Passionate about impact, high performing teams and having fun. Doing well by doing good.Alistair Bryce-Clegg has had an incredibly successful career in early years, being a headteacher for ten years as well as establishing an internationally renowned consultancy. He is recognised as a leading voice in the sector, having done a TED talk and published 25 books.
Mental Load Special with Motherkind’s Zoe Blaskey
Mental Load Special with Motherkind’s Zoe Blaskey
“80% of people consuming parenting knowledge, trying to learn how to handle feelings, and learning about milestones, are mothers. And that takes an awful lot of time, energy and effort… It’s a really important part of the mental load that mothers are picking up.”My First Five Years co-founders Jennie Johnson and Alistair Bryce-Clegg are joined by Zoe Blaskey, transformational coach and founder of Motherkind, to talk about the mental load – the often-invisible jobs that take up your time and energy, from remembering outfits for World Book Day to tracking milestones, from researching your child’s sleep to organising playdates. You’ll hear how to start sharing the load in a way that feels achievable and how to tackle it as a team, as well as five top tips to take away.For more information and tips on your child’s early years, download the My First Five Years app: Johnson MBE founded the well-respected company Kids Allowed, best in class multi-award winning and top position on independent national league table for quality. Passionate about impact, high performing teams and having fun. Doing well by doing good.Alistair Bryce-Clegg has had an incredibly successful career in early years, being a headteacher for ten years as well as establishing an internationally renowned consultancy. He is recognised as a leading voice in the sector, having done a TED talk and published 25 books.
How To Avoid A Holiday Horror Story With Children
How To Avoid A Holiday Horror Story With Children
“Holidays are a mixed blessing. They’re lots of prep, and they can be a little bit stressful, but I know I look back on many of them with really fond memories. It's worth the drama!”  Find out how to prepare your child for a holiday to take the stress out of it for them, as well as for you. You’ll hear tips on how to avoid a holiday horror show with My First Five Years app founders Jennie Johnson and Alistair Bryce-Clegg, from taking the sheets from your child’s bed at home to promote better sleep to talking to your child about the sounds they might hear on an aeroplane. From car journeys to air travel, this episode is packed with hints and tips to make your journey that bit easier. Safe sleep advice when travelling - Safe sleep charity the Lullaby Trust's advice is that it's ok for your baby to fall asleep in a car seat when travelling, but they should be taken out of the car seat as soon as you get to your destination, and placed onto a firm, flat surface to sleep such as a cot or Moses basket. Click here to read more on their website.For more information and tips on your child’s early years, download the My First Five Years app: Johnson MBE founded the well-respected company Kids Allowed, best in class multi-award winning and top position on independent national league table for quality. Passionate about impact, high performing teams and having fun. Doing well by doing good.Alistair Bryce-Clegg has had an incredibly successful career in early years, being a headteacher for ten years as well as establishing an internationally renowned consultancy. He is recognised as a leading voice in the sector, having done a TED talk and published 25 books.
Updated Potty-Training Guidance – Start From 6 Months
Updated Potty-Training Guidance – Start From 6 Months
“Newborn babies are very aware of their body... What happens with disposable nappies is that brain-body connection is eroded, and so then we have the very difficult problem that parents want to use a potty and the child has a very steep learning curve to assimilate all the skills that they'll need to be able to do that effectively.”  In this potty training special, you’ll hear the latest research about when to start and how to help your child – spoiler alert, it happens much earlier than you may think! My First Five Years founders Jennie Johnson and Alistair Bryce-Clegg are joined by Rebecca Mottram, Children's Nurse and Potty Training Consultant at ERIC, the Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity, who shares tips on when to start potty-training, the lowdown on being dry at night, and how to put your child at the centre of the process and engage them in it.For more information and tips on your child’s early years, download the My First Five Years app: Johnson MBE founded the well-respected company Kids Allowed, best in class multi-award winning and top position on independent national league table for quality. Passionate about impact, high performing teams and having fun. Doing well by doing good.Alistair Bryce-Clegg has had an incredibly successful career in early years, being a headteacher for ten years as well as establishing an internationally renowned consultancy. He is recognised as a leading voice in the sector, having done a TED talk and published 23 books