Voice of the Wild

Naturalist Foundation

India's first multilingual Nature and Wildlife Conservation Podcast.

Bringing you recent news, events, latest scientific research and government policies, tales from amazing personalities, and gripping wildlife stories in relation to wildlife and environment conservation.

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Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release
Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release
Our planet being almost on the verge of experiencing its sixth major mass extinction, the most recent one recorded to be 65 million years ago taking out the dinosaurs, it is now more than important for us humans to conserve our nature and natural resources as much as we can. If extinction is a natural process that goes on even in the absence of humans, why should we stop it?One answer is that species are now going extinct far faster than they used to. The extinction rate has increased a hundredfold over the last century, and we seem to be to blame. What can be done is saving and spreading awareness about the conservation of our critically endangered species.Today, our host will walk you through wildlife rescue which not only helps to save the injured or orphaned animal with minimum survival rate in the wild and extending their life but also how can that be helpful in conservation. Host:Muskan Fakirhttps://instagram.com/_.muskanfakir._?igshid=s1kjkaqw5m8x Content Writer:Vanishree Naikhttps://instagram.com/vani_naik29?igshid=1t5rmgylpwugn Get in touch with us! We would love to hear reviews and feedbacks from you!Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturalist_foundation/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturalist.team Make sure you share our videos and subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay updated!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYn4EV8y6Lq36jR-WC24Sw If you like our content please do support us on Patreon!https://www.patreon.com/naturalistfoundation Thank You!
S2E19: Prioritize, Don't Patronize
S2E19: Prioritize, Don't Patronize
What is Sustainable Living? - A message from fellow humans-Sustainable living is not expensive if done right, in fact, ends up saving a lot of money. You don't need to go out of your way to be sustainable, just do how much you can because there will always be someone to tell you that you aren't doing enough. Progress with your own speed but try and live as sustainable as possible because it is our duty towards the planet we live on. Make sustainable living cool. -Shop locally from small businesses. Find methods to incorporate indigenous practices of sustainable packaging such as the use of leaves stitched into boxes, etc. Keep checking the government policies being passed which have a major effect on our environment. Give your input if possible or at least spread awareness. -The earth is not only for US. We have the responsibility to save our earth. We can't change our present bad situation. But our small habits can make a big difference. Start living a sustainable lifestyle through fashion and more, without causing any destructions to our environment. -I think just spreading awareness about sustainable living is not enough. When you tell people about how their choices or actions affect them as well as nature as a whole, that's when they would realize how important this is. -If we don't try to better our surroundings today then, when? It's high time we humans wake and try to do something useful for not only ourselves but the forthcoming generations as well. -Be a little more aware and start with baby steps for a sustainable lifestyle. You live in this world too. Try to become more responsible and encourage others to do the same too. -We need to adopt sustainable living if we want to provide a life and these same pleasures to future generations. -Maybe learn how to make one's own daily use products, since they are not (or less) polluting and also good for one's health. Ongoing vegan. Zero waste periods -Start it at home, start small, share with your parents or children about single-use plastic or switching off electronics when not in use. -We are the only animals that are destroying our own habitats. The Earth needs us just this once, why can't we be there for it too! -As humans we have always had greed for achievements, sustainable lifestyle is the material for which we must be greedier than ever! -How beautiful life can be led while being a minimalist. -Make others aware of pollution and pollutants. -Start small. You can't make drastic changes HostDebolina SharmaMuskan Fakir Instagram (Debolina): https://instagram.com/debolina.d.sharma?igshid=11w14txgdjai6Instagram (Muskan): https://instagram.com/_.muskanfakir._?igshid=eb77uupnhos1 Link to the Bioenzyme DIY Video: https://youtu.be/BWKQoNaeXIsGet in touch with us! We would love to hear from you!! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturalist_foundation/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturalist.team Make sure you share our videos and subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay updated.If you like our content please do support us on Patreon!!https://www.patreon.com/naturalistfoundation