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Amazon Ads Raw Daily

Alexander Swade

A daily podcast about Amazon Advertising, Amazon PPC, Amazon Ads, and Amazon DSP. But also Marketing, PPC, Advertising Strategy, E-Commerce, and Technology Topics in general. From Tactics to Features to best practices and implementation strategies.

This Podcast will deliver almost daily in a quick summary of all important learnings and news from the day and the week about Amazon Advertising.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Episode #99 - CPCs: Beyond Just the Numbers 🔍
Episode #99 - CPCs: Beyond Just the Numbers 🔍
Summary: In episode 99, we debunk the common concern about rising CPCs on Amazon. While the numbers might be increasing, the real story lies in understanding the percentage of CPC relative to your selling price, considering inflation, and the dynamics of the marketplace.Description:Good morning to our dedicated listeners on this fine Monday! We're on the cusp of our milestone 100th episode, and I can hardly contain my excitement for what's in store tomorrow. But first, let's dive deep into today's topic: Cost Per Click, or CPC.Understanding CPC: There's a prevalent sentiment among Amazon sellers that CPCs are on a relentless upward trajectory. While this might be statistically accurate, the narrative often overlooks the real picture. It's not just about the value of the CPC but how the CPC relates as a percentage of your selling price.Inflation and Its Impact: A critical factor to consider is inflation, which inherently devalues money over time. With goods, shipping, and various other costs witnessing a rise, many sellers have adjusted their prices accordingly. A price increase means you can allocate a higher CPC, provided your conversion rate remains consistent.The Essence of CPC: Think about it – if the selling price of a product increases due to inflation or other market dynamics, a proportional rise in CPC is natural, especially if your conversion rate stays consistent. This correlation helps us understand that merely stating "CPCs are rising" isn't necessarily an alarming fact. Instead, it's an outcome of broader economic and marketplace dynamics.Digging Deeper: Let's not forget other contributing factors, like organic rankings, competitors' behavior, and your specific goals in terms of market share. The ratio between PPC sales and organic sales plays a significant role in determining your CPC. So, it's crucial to adopt a more nuanced perspective rather than jump to conclusions based on standalone numbers.To sum it up, the next time you come across the statement, "CPCs are too high," remember it's about understanding the entire ecosystem and not just isolated numbers. It's a combination of your product's price, market dynamics, and strategic objectives.Thank you for joining today. As always, stay curious, keep questioning, and remember to tune in tomorrow for our grand 100th episode. Until then, take care and have a productive start to your week!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #98 - Amazon's AI Partnership & Mistral AI's Powerful Model 🤖
Episode #98 - Amazon's AI Partnership & Mistral AI's Powerful Model 🤖
Episode #98 - Amazon's AI Partnership & Mistral AI's Powerful Model 🤖Summary: In episode 98, we discuss Amazon's big investment in the AI space by partnering with Entropic, and the impressive achievement of Mistral AI with their 7B model. Moreover, we address video quality issues from our YouTube channel and touch on Amazon Ads API updates.Description:Hello to our amazing listeners on this beautiful Friday, 29th of September! We're edging closer to episode 100, and there might be a little surprise in store for all of you.YouTube Quality Concerns: First off, to our avid YouTube viewers, I've noticed comments regarding the video quality looking somewhat 'foggy'. I must admit, that's due to recording via Zoom which doesn't offer the best video resolution. My apologies, and I will be looking into potential solutions next week.Amazon Ads API Update: Amazon continues to innovate with their latest API release for sponsored displays. Now, when setting up a sponsored display campaign, the potential reach and impressions are forecasted more accurately. The addition of forecast statuses - 'impression targeting too narrow' and 'impression targeting too broad' - assists advertisers in better understanding their potential reach. This is certainly an update for those who like to delve into the nitty-gritty of their campaigns.Big News in AI: Amazon has taken a massive step in the AI realm by investing $4 billion into Entropic, a company recognized for its advanced large language models, similar to OpenAI. On top of that, Amazon itself houses the Amazon Bedrock large language model. This collaboration with Entropic further cements their commitment to advancing in AI.Mistral AI's Milestone: Speaking of advancements in AI, Mistral AI, a startup from Paris, is making waves in the industry. Despite being a young company, they've already released a 7B model which has outperformed several bigger models in various benchmarks. Its proficiency in areas like math and coding is particularly impressive, giving established models from giants like Google a run for their money. European AI has truly showcased its potential!To delve deeper into the fascinating world of AI and Mistral's achievements, I recommend reading the detailed article on their website (link in the description).Thank you all for tuning in. I hope you have a splendid weekend. Be sure to tune in on Monday, and as we approach our 100th episode, expect a few surprises. Take care and goodbye!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #97 - Exploring Off-Amazon Placements and The Power of Algorithms 🖥️🔄
Episode #97 - Exploring Off-Amazon Placements and The Power of Algorithms 🖥️🔄
Summary: This Thursday, we're diving into the world of off-Amazon placements and how they've now become more visible in placement reports for sponsored products. Plus, a fascinating exploration of how algorithms, particularly those used by video platforms, determine content exposure.Description:Good morning to all our Amazon Ads Raw Daily listeners. Today, we'll be shedding light on a recent development that has been making waves in the Amazon Ads space.Starting off, we'll delve into the realm of off-Amazon placements. For those out of the loop, these placements are the new kids on the block, automatically enrolled into sponsor product campaigns in the US. These placements feature on platforms like BuzzFeed, Pinterest, and other content-rich sites under the Amazon content network. Now, advertisers can see how their campaigns are performing on these platforms thanks to the new "Off Amazon" category in placement reports for sponsored products. However, a lingering question is how these placements fare in terms of conversion, considering they might attract an audience with potentially lower purchase intent compared to on-site Amazon visitors. The data is still in its early stages, but indications hint at a rather modest click-through rate.Switching lanes, our focus shifts to the world of algorithms. Almost every platform you can think of, from Amazon to YouTube to TikTok, operates based on these intricate formulas. Ever wondered how certain content gets recommended to you or why some videos go viral while others stay stagnant? It's all thanks to these algorithms. An AI app named Opus Clip has managed to leverage this by transforming longer YouTube videos into bite-sized clips tailored for platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts. From personal experience, these algorithms seem to work in stages, gradually pushing content to larger audiences based on engagement levels.Intrigued? Reach out to us with your thoughts or any insights on these topics. As always, your engagement keeps us going. Stay curious and until next time, take care!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #96 - Fresh API Updates and A Glimpse into the New Ad Console Interface 🎧📱
Episode #96 - Fresh API Updates and A Glimpse into the New Ad Console Interface 🎧📱
Title: Episode #96 - Fresh API Updates and A Glimpse into the New Ad Console Interface 🎧📱Summary: This Wednesday, join us as we dive deep into the newest updates from Amazon's Ad Console and the Amazon Ads API. Learn about the novel "exports API," its capabilities, the latest model documentation, and Amazon's intriguing new beta for video ad campaigns.Description:Greetings to our dedicated listeners of Amazon Ads Raw! Apologies for missing out on yesterday's episode, but today we’re back with some noteworthy updates from Amazon's world.Firstly, we discuss the latest API addition, the "exports API." This unique API in the Amazon Ads universe provides a snapshot of your setup, offering a one-time export of your metadata and the present state of all setups. Contrasting with the historical data access, this API focuses on the metadata. Notably, it currently delivers only campaign and ad group level details, but there's ongoing work for targeting and ad specifications. An additional feature to note is the new documentation for common models, shedding light on campaign statuses, ad group statuses, and more.Switching gears to the Ad Console, we highlight an exciting find – a new beta feature related to video ads. Positioned under the campaign creation section, this beta guides users in creating video campaigns for sponsored brands and sponsored display. What’s interesting is the simplified process it offers, particularly catering to advertisers less familiar with the intricacies of Amazon Ads. With just a few clicks, choose a strategy, select a product, decide on targeting, and you're good to go!Despite these new introductions, a pressing concern is Amazon's motivation behind these features. While simplicity and user experience are paramount, the growing feeling is that Amazon's primary focus might be on driving more advertising revenue rather than genuinely enhancing user experience.Thank you for joining us today. If you're an advertiser, stay curious, test these new features, and always strive for better insights. Until next time, take care!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #94 - Amazon's New Ad Rules & Bid Scheduling Insights 📅📉
Episode #94 - Amazon's New Ad Rules & Bid Scheduling Insights 📅📉
Episode #94 - Amazon's New Ad Rules & Bid Scheduling Insights 📅📉Summary: In today's episode, we delve into Amazon's latest ad rule for sponsor product campaigns, the buzz it created on LinkedIn, and how it may impact your ad strategies. Additionally, we'll explore a new development in Sponsored Product Campaign Performance on Rest of Search Placements.Description:Hello everybody and a happy Friday to you all! Welcome back to the Amazon Ads Raw Daily Podcast, episode 94. We're buzzing with news today, especially one that caught the attention of many on LinkedIn.Introducing Day Parting: Amazon has quietly rolled out a new feature allowing advertisers to schedule bids based on days and specific hours. Though not witnessed firsthand, multiple LinkedIn reports suggest that this change is imminent and might soon be available to US accounts.Granularity Shift: From the usual daily granularity, Amazon has shifted to an hourly one. The change enables advertisers to gauge the efficiency of their sponsor product campaigns at an hourly rate, tracking metrics like spend, clicks, impressions, and ACOS.Understanding the Bid Rules: These bid rules come with some limitations. Notably, you can only increase your bids and cannot create a complex schedule. For instance, it's impossible to say that on Monday you want to increase your bid by 10%, then on Sunday by 50%, and on Wednesday by 40%. This makes the rule quite basic compared to more sophisticated systems like Google Ads.New on API: Alongside the scheduling buzz, Amazon has announced an improvement in Sponsored Product Campaign Performance on Rest of Search Placements. This allows advertisers to apply bid adjustments for rest of search placements in their campaigns. Though announced a while ago, this feature is now fully functional and available across various regions.The core takeaway? Amazon's ad functionalities are evolving, though not necessarily keeping pace with the demands of large-scale sellers. To truly harness the platform's capabilities, advertisers need to stay updated and flexible.For a more in-depth look, check out the various discussions on LinkedIn. And as always, thank you for lending us your ears. Looking forward to catching up on Monday. Have a fantastic weekend, and goodbye!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #93 - Amazon's Seasonal Hiring Surge: Analysis & Implications for Q4 📈🎁
Episode #93 - Amazon's Seasonal Hiring Surge: Analysis & Implications for Q4 📈🎁 #93 - Amazon's Seasonal Hiring Surge: Analysis & Implications for Q4 📈🎁Summary: Today's quick episode dives into Amazon's recent announcement to hire 250,000 logistical workers for the upcoming holiday season. We analyze the historical data and the possible implications this has for Q4, not just for Amazon but for the e-commerce industry as a whole.Hey there! Welcome back to the Amazon Ads Reward Daily Podcast, episode 93. We're keeping things concise today due to a tight schedule, but I wanted to touch upon a significant announcement from Amazon.Historical Context: Amazon plans to hire 250,000 logistical workers for the holiday season - the highest number they've declared for seasonal employment in the past decade. The announcement's timing, made on the 19th of September, is notably earlier compared to previous years, hinting at some strategic shifts.Comparative Analysis: In 2021 and 2022, Amazon declared their seasonal workforce needs around October 6th. This year, they've gone ahead roughly two weeks in advance. Additionally, these 250,000 seasonal hires account for 16% of Amazon's total employee base, based on numbers from the end of 2022. This is the most significant seasonal-to-permanent worker ratio in the last four years.Implications for Q4: What does this hiring surge mean? The data strongly suggests that Amazon is gearing up for an extremely busy Q4. A potential reason could be the inflation rates in the U.S., which aren’t as alarming as initially predicted. A drop in consumer apprehension about inflation might lead to more spending during the holiday season. This is a good sign not only for Amazon but also for other e-commerce and retail businesses.What to Expect: With the hiring spree and the current economic conditions, we can anticipate a robust Q4 across the e-commerce spectrum. Businesses should be prepared to manage increased demand and capitalize on the opportunities.You can delve deeper into this topic with the LinkedIn post linked in the podcast description. The key takeaway? Be ready for a bustling holiday season!That's it for today's snapshot episode. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for more insights. Wishing you a fantastic day ahead! Thanks for listening. Hear you tomorrow on Friday. Bye bye.Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #91 - Multi Country Campaigns & Virtual Product Placements 🖥️🎬
Episode #91 - Multi Country Campaigns & Virtual Product Placements 🖥️🎬
Summary: Dive into recent Amazon Ads updates including the revamped budgets tab, a new sponsored ads report, the multi-country sponsored ads campaign manager, and the futuristic virtual product placements. Stay informed about how these features can change the advertising landscape on Amazon.Description:Hello, folks, and a warm welcome from Amazon Ads Raw on this beautiful Monday, 18th of September. I'm here to unpack the fresh Amazon Ads updates that came in over the weekend and the preceding days. Let's get started:Budgets Tab Update - Many of you might have noticed this, albeit it's still in beta. Located on the left pane within the campaigns sponsored ad menu, it has fresh metrics to offer. Metrics such as average time in budget, estimated missed sales, and estimated missed impressions now help streamline your budgeting strategies. The added widget provides a comprehensive summary of campaigns running out of budget, further aiding your decision-making process.Reporting Enhancement - The sponsored ads report has a new addition. Still, in its infancy, this new report under sponsored products now offers both daily and hourly time units. This addition complements Amazon's Stream feature, which also provides hourly data.Multi-country Sponsored Ads Campaign Manager - For those selling across borders, this is a game-changer. Advertisers running sponsored ad campaigns in multiple countries can now manage them all under a single account ad page. This new functionality promises efficiency, accuracy, and easy currency conversions.Virtual Product Placements (VPP) - This futuristic feature is Amazon's step into digital post-shot video editing. Brands can now place their products within video content digitally, post-production. The VPP allows product placements to be changed based on geography or target audience. While I have my reservations about the potential saturation of ads in video content, it's undoubtedly a groundbreaking feature to look out for.Amazon is ceaselessly innovating, and these updates are a testament to their commitment. For those keen on maximizing their advertising efficiency on the platform, these tools could very well be game-changers.Thank you for joining me today on Amazon Ads Raw. Stay sharp, and I'll catch up with you tomorrow. Cheers!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #90 - Recap of Amazon Accelerate Announcements Day 2
Episode #90 - Recap of Amazon Accelerate Announcements Day 2
Flexible customer financing: Amazon is offering a buy now, pay later program called flexible customer financing. Sellers can offer this to their customers, and customers can pay for the product over a certain amount of time. Sellers will have to pay a fee for this program, but it could help them reach new customers who can't afford their products upfront.Brand tailored coupons: Brand tailored coupons are now out of beta and available to US brand registered sellers. Sellers can use this feature to create targeted coupons for their customers based on their purchase history and loyalty.Customer loyalty analytics dashboard: This new dashboard will give sellers insights into their customers' purchase patterns and loyalty. Sellers can use this information to create targeted promotions and email campaigns.Fit Insight Tools: These AI-powered tools help sellers identify and resolve size and fit issues with their products. This could help sellers improve their product listings and reduce returns.Computer vision based detection: Amazon will use computer vision to detect expired products, damaged products, and other defects before they reach customers. This will help sellers avoid negative customer reviews and returns.Voice-off customer dashboard: This dashboard will be enhanced with new features that surface additional insights to help sellers build long-term customer loyalty. These features include key phrases from customer feedback, category benchmarking, and trend analysis.Seller profile product listings: Amazon will now allow sellers to add products to their seller profile pages. Customers will be able to add these products to their cart directly from the seller profile page.Tap to review: Amazon is simplifying the seller feedback submission process by eliminating the written feedback requirement. This will make it faster for sellers to get the ratings they need to grow their business.Amazon Landing: Amazon Landing now includes merchant cash advances, which are repaid with a percentage of future sales.Amazon Seller Wallet: This feature allows sellers to pay their vendors with one click and have record of all their payments in one place.By with Prime: By with Prime has been included in Shopify. This program allows sellers to offer Prime shipping to their Shopify customers.Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #89 - Day 1 Highlights of Amazon Accelerate Event and the New Supply Chain Initiative 🚀📦
Episode #89 - Day 1 Highlights of Amazon Accelerate Event and the New Supply Chain Initiative 🚀📦
Summary: Dive into the top announcements from the first day of Amazon Accelerate in Seattle. From Amazon's fully automated supply chain service to the innovations in generative AI for product listings, we cover the most important updates. Keep an ear out for insights on how Amazon continues to evolve in supporting sellers worldwide.Description:Happy Thursday, everyone! Welcome to Amazon Ads Reward Daily Podcast, episode 89. Fresh off the press, we're bringing you updates straight from Seattle, where the Amazon Accelerate event is unfolding. While I'm keeping pace with Pacific time from Berlin, my sources over LinkedIn have been indispensable in providing quick summaries of the announcements.Supply Chain by Amazon: Arguably, the highlight of the day! Amazon has unveiled a fully automated supply chain service. This major step symbolizes Amazon's intent to streamline everything from warehousing to logistics. Sellers can now place an order at the manufacturing location and let Amazon handle the rest. With additional services like automatic inventory replenishment, it's evident that Amazon aims to be a one-stop solution.Amazon Shipping: Amazon has also introduced a new ground delivery option guaranteeing deliveries within 2-5 days throughout the week and weekends – without any extra charges. It's an exciting proposition for sellers and buyers alike.Smart Seller Central Homepages: Amazon is restructuring the seller homepage to make it more user-friendly and relevant. With so much happening on Amazon, this refocus is indeed welcome.Emerald Notifications: A pilot program that integrates third-party app notifications directly into Seller Central. Early integrations feature apps like Jungle Scout and Getida, with more on the horizon.Generative AI in Product Listing: A move that leverages the power of AI to aid sellers in creating product listings. Simply provide a few keywords and images, and the system suggests titles, bullets, and descriptions.Seller Protections: Addressing concerns about fraud and false claims, Amazon is now allowing signatures on delivery for sellers shipping their products. Also, sellers can add more details about product conditions, potentially saving tons on refunds.More to Come!: From announcements around generative AI working organization-wide to potential updates in advertising, there's a lot to look forward to in the coming days.Given the deluge of updates, these were the most pivotal. The overarching themes point towards innovative capabilities, time-saving solutions, fostering a thriving seller community, and developing a holistic platform for brand building.Stay tuned for more insights from Day 2 of Amazon Accelerate. Next week, we'll dive deeper into selected announcements and their implications. And fingers crossed, we're hoping for some exciting news on the advertising front, perhaps even something around the Search Query Performance API!Thank you for joining today, and as always, have a splendid day ahead! Tschüss and goodbye!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #88 - Amazon Accelerate Updates & Brand-tailored Promotions Deep Dive Addon 🛍️🎯
Episode #88 - Amazon Accelerate Updates & Brand-tailored Promotions Deep Dive Addon 🛍️🎯
Summary: Today, we're delving into the latest updates from Amazon Accelerate and discussing the recent changes in brand-tailored promotions. Learn about new audience segments like "at risk" and "promising" and find out how you can use them to your advantage.Description:Greetings everyone, and a sunny morning from Amazon Azure Daily! Today's a bit of a change - I'm not nestled in my comfy home studio but broadcasting straight from the office. And with Amazon Accelerate in the fray, there's so much to unpack.Yesterday, we took a plunge into brand-tailored promotions. It's a fantastic tool to customize promotions for specific brand audiences. And speaking of which, a fresh LinkedIn post I came across recently introduced some newly-released audiences within this feature. So here's the scoop:At Risk - This category is for customers who once bought from your brand but haven't returned. The idea here is to reignite their interest with discounts and incentives. Think of it as CPR for customer-brand relationships.Promising - This is the segment of customers who might just become your brand's most loyal patrons. They've recently made a purchase, do it occasionally, and generally spend above average.Top Tier (still in the shadows) - Spotted in a greyed-out section, this seems to be a premium segment reserved for those with a brand registry. These are the creme de la creme, the ones who've recently made purchases and do so very frequently.Now, switching gears to Amazon Accelerate. There are several intriguing sessions lined up. Particularly, 'Boost Your Brand Equity with Amazon Ads', '7 Tactics the Top 10% of Brands Use in Their Ads Strategy', and 'Unwrapping Q4 Tactics to Help Stand Out This Holiday Season' caught my eye. Although I'm a tad skeptical about some being salesy pitches, they promise to be packed with insights.For all my listeners, I'd recommend signing up for Amazon Accelerate, diving into these sessions, and harnessing the knowledge. Let's make the most of this platform!Signing off for today, but stay tuned for more updates tomorrow. Until then, keep learning, keep innovating, and see you soon!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #87 - Brand Tailored Promotions Deep Dive 📊🎯
Episode #87 - Brand Tailored Promotions Deep Dive 📊🎯
Brand Tailored Promotions is a new Amazon tool that allows sellers to create promotional discounts for specific customer audiences.The tool is currently free to use and there are no fees associated with redemption.Sellers can choose from six different customer audiences, including:Brand Abandoners 90 Days: Customers who have added any of the seller's brand products to their cart in the last 90 days but haven't purchased yet.Brand Followers: Customers who have followed the seller's brand on Amazon.High Spend Customers: A 5% sampling of the seller's highest spending customers in the last 12 months.Potential New Customers: Customers who have clicked on the seller's brand page or added products to their cart in the last 90 days but have not purchased from the brand in the last year.Recent Customers: A 5% sampling of the seller's customers in the last 12 months.Repeat Customers: Customers who have purchased more than one order from the seller's brand in the last 12 months.Sellers can set a discount of up to 50% for each customer audience.The discount codes are valid for a maximum of 60 days.Sellers can track the performance of their Brand Tailored Promotions campaigns in the Amazon Seller Central dashboard.Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #86 - The Power of Constant Learning 📚💼
Episode #86 - The Power of Constant Learning 📚💼
Title: Episode #86 - The Power of Constant Learning 📚💼Summary: In this episode, we dive deep into the significance of ongoing learning, especially in the digital age. Drawing from personal experiences, we discuss the motivating factors for the millennial generation and provide resources for those eager to learn more about data science.Description:Hello to all my lovely listeners, and welcome back to Amazon Ads Raw Daily, your daily dose of Amazon advertising and a little extra on the side. It's episode 86, and today's topic is close to my heart - the continuous journey of learning.The millennial generation - those of us between the ages of 25 and 45 - seem to have a shared experience. We're driven by an innate need to learn and grow. The initial thrill of a new job often diminishes when tasks become repetitive, leading to feelings of stagnation. So, how do we combat this? By striving for constant learning. Yet, how can one ensure this continuous influx of knowledge?While I don't claim to have all the answers, I've found that setting personal goals and embracing new challenges can be a way forward. For instance, even though my role now is managerial, I love diving back into operational tasks. Lately, I've ventured into data science, working with tools like Python and statistical analysis. The joy of learning something new, even if it involves some failures along the way, is unparalleled.We are fortunate to live in an era where learning resources are abundantly available, often for free. There are several exceptional online courses from institutions like Harvard University and John Hopkins that cover data science basics, statistics, and more. The digital landscape today is a goldmine of knowledge with experts sharing their niche insights freely, making it possible for anyone to learn almost anything. So, why wait?Embracing continuous learning not only helps personal growth but also adds value to one's professional role. It can be a game-changer during feedback sessions with managers, showcasing not just the fulfillment of responsibilities but also the additional skills acquired.The crux of this episode? Stay curious. Keep learning. Whether it's setting aside a couple of hours a week or even just 30 minutes daily, invest in your growth. This very podcast is a testament to the power of continuous learning - from figuring out the recording process to growing the listener base.To help you on your journey, I'll link some fantastic courses on data analysis in the description below. Remember, knowledge isn't just power; it's the path to a fulfilled and motivated life.Wishing you all a fantastic start to your week. Stay curious, keep learning, and see you next time!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #85 - Anticipating Announcements at the Amazon Accelerate Event 🚀📅
Episode #85 - Anticipating Announcements at the Amazon Accelerate Event 🚀📅
Summary: In this episode, recorded live on the 8th of September, we delve into the upcoming Amazon Accelerate event in Seattle. This annual seller event promises fresh announcements, especially in the advertising sector. Plus, a discussion on YouTube thumbnail testing and its impact on viewer engagement.Description:Hello everyone, welcome to another insightful episode of Amazon Ads Raw Daily on this fine Friday! We're on the brink of Amazon Accelerate - the annual spectacle hosted directly by Amazon. It's your window into invaluable learnings, networking opportunities, and a sneak peek into Amazon's future plans.Given its pattern, the event is a breeding ground for new announcements, especially on the advertising front. Lately, there's been a noticeable decline in updates, which makes me believe this event will unveil a flurry of them. If you're a seller, this is your moment!Amazon Accelerate blends virtual with real, although, sadly, in-person tickets are sold out. But don't lose hope; you can still grab a virtual seat, attend sessions, and even get recordings. Head over to to explore the speakers, agenda, and much more.Diving into a tangent, let's talk about thumbnails - not on Amazon, but YouTube. A topic that's intrigued me recently is YouTube's A-B testing feature for video thumbnails. Interestingly, the popular open-mouth thumbnail may be losing its charm! Mr. Beast's recent tests show that closed-mouth thumbnails result in increased watch time. Why, you ask? Well, I have some theories. Is it audience evolution? Or are viewers now seeking genuine content over mere clickbait? Your guess is as good as mine.Feel free to share your thoughts or reach out with your insights. I always appreciate hearing from my listeners.With that, let's wrap up this episode and head into the weekend. Exciting times await next week with the Amazon Accelerate event, and I'll keep you updated. Have a splendid weekend and see you on the other side!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #84 - Delving into Product-Attributed Targeting Campaigns 🎧📱
Episode #84 - Delving into Product-Attributed Targeting Campaigns 🎧📱
Episode #84 - Delving into Product-Attributed Targeting Campaigns 🎧📱Summary: This episode, recorded live on the 6th of September, delves into a hot topic: product-attributed targeting campaigns on Amazon. But first, an experiment with audio quality, recording outdoors, directly from a phone connected to a MacBook. Join us for this raw exploration!Description:Hello everyone, and welcome to a truly raw episode of Amazon Ads Raw Daily! I'm broadcasting directly from my phone outside to test the audio quality. Indeed, it's a sunny day here in Germany with temperatures soaring to 30 degrees - not what you'd expect for September!Today, we're zooming in on product-attributed targeting campaigns. It's a topic that's consistently on my radar and one that I believe needs thorough understanding. I've discussed this before, but it's an issue that demands repeated attention. A recent conversation sparked even more insights which I believe you'll find valuable.Here's a curious observation: product-attributed targeting campaigns often have lower Cost Per Click (CPC) on top of search compared to generic keyword campaigns. Why is this so? One theory suggests that product targeting campaigns target a broader range of search terms, which might inherently have a reduced CPC. This would drive down the average CPC of your product-attributed targeting campaigns.However, it's not straightforward. There's a twist with sponsored brands. When comparing the CPCs from sponsored brands with keyword campaigns, the results differ for product-attributed targeting campaigns. The observations hint that for sponsored products, CPCs on product-attributed targeting campaigns at the top of the search are lower than for keywords. But why?My suspicion is that Amazon might be offering discounts on CPCs to encourage adoption of certain campaign types. However, if this is the case for product-attributed targeting campaigns which have been around for years, it's perplexing. Another angle to consider is the visibility (or lack thereof) of all search terms in these campaigns. With potentially lower CPCs and perhaps improved conversion rates, advertisers might end up investing more, leading to greater overall spending.The intricacies of these campaigns are intriguing, and I'm committed to understanding them further. Today's episode is a springboard for that exploration, and I hope it piques your curiosity as it has mine.Thank you for joining me today on this experimental and informative episode. Stay tuned, stay curious, and see you next time! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #83 - Deep Dive into the Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) 🎧📱
Episode #83 - Deep Dive into the Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) 🎧📱
Summary: On Wednesday, the 6th of September, we explore the Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) in detail. Discover what AMC is, how it provides granular insights that no other Amazon service offers, and how its additional paid features can revolutionize your understanding of customer behavior on Amazon.Description:Good day to all listeners of Amazon Ads Raw Daily! On this insightful episode, we're focusing on the Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC). Despite being around for more than a year, its depth and potential are something that many advertisers may not have fully grasped yet. Let's break it down.AMC is an additional, free reporting service offered by Amazon to advertisers. Accessible through the ad console, AMC lets users interact with a SQL-based relational database to access their data. This gives an unprecedented level of granularity, surpassing even the reports from the Ad Console or API endpoints. If you've been yearning for more detailed insights, AMC is your answer.But there's more! Amazon Marketing Cloud also offers its own API solution. This means you can fetch data from AMC, similar to the Amazon Ads API or the Selling Partner (SP) API. If you’re wondering whether it’s available outside the US, the answer is not very clear as of now.One unique thing about AMC is its provision of extra paid features. These features give insights using data from external providers. For example:Experian: Offers vehicle purchase insights. Perfect for those in the automotive industry.Foursquare: Provides a view into selected brick-and-mortar stores in the US. This can measure the impact of your ads on physical store visits, showing cross-channel shopping habits.Flexible Amazon Shopping Insights: Perhaps the most potent of the trio, this service combines data from your paid and organic activities, breaking down the shopper’s journey. With it, you get a clearer, holistic perspective on your marketing strategies.Further, we dive into the intricacies of AMC's instructional queries. These are ready-made queries that you can use right away. While they're beneficial, personalizing them to suit your unique needs can make them even more powerful. One such instructional query we delved into was the "time to conversion," shedding light on how quickly customers make purchasing decisions post-ad engagement.Thank you for tuning in to today's deep dive into AMC. If you’re not using it yet, now’s the time to start exploring!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #82 - The Importance of Naming Conventions in Campaigns & Updates from the Aggregator Scene 🎧📱
Episode #82 - The Importance of Naming Conventions in Campaigns & Updates from the Aggregator Scene 🎧📱
Episode #82 - The Importance of Naming Conventions in Campaigns & Updates from the Aggregator Scene 🎧📱 On this breezy Tuesday, the 5th of September, we dive deep into the importance of naming structures for advertising campaigns. Learn why a proper naming convention can be a game-changer in your Amazon Ads management. Plus, fresh updates from the aggregator scene, post Benitago's bankruptcy.Welcome back to Amazon Ads Raw Daily! On this bright September day, we'll delve into the details of naming conventions for your advertising campaigns, especially if you've not given it much thought before. Proper naming can make all the difference in your Amazon Ads management, and today, we'll explore why.First and foremost, a structured naming convention helps you quickly identify campaigns, streamlines reporting, and aids in the organization of your account. It's essential to begin with a clear identifier, such as abbreviations based on the campaign type: SP for sponsored product, SB for sponsored brands, and SD for sponsored display. From there, it's about understanding the commonalities and differences among your campaigns, so you can structure names accordingly.For instance, campaign type followed by brand name, targeted ASIN, and other identifiers can aid in clarity. It might seem overwhelming initially, but once you grasp the concept and the nuances, you'll understand its immense value. Whether it's targeting methods, destinations, ad types, or even specific keywords, a well-thought-out naming convention can simplify your campaign management immensely. Plus, with Amazon constantly introducing new features and options, it's beneficial to have a system that can adapt without much upheaval.Shifting gears, let's talk about the recent news from the aggregator scene. Following last week's revelation of Benitago's bankruptcy, this week brings in fresh news: Apollo Global Management is reportedly seeking a buyer for Amazon brand aggregator, Perch. It's a fascinating time in the aggregator business, with Elevate Brands merging with SellerX, Benitago declaring bankruptcy, and now Apollo Global Management looking to offload Perch. With the aggregator sector undergoing some changes, it's going to be intriguing to see the upcoming trends.To all listeners, thank you for joining in today. Wishing you a productive Tuesday, and till our next episode, cheers from Amazon Ads Raw Daily!Thanks for listening and if you like the podcast make sure to subscribe!Check out the YouTube Channel as well: Infos about the Me & the Podcast can be found here: me on LinkedIn: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode #81 - Bankruptcy of Amazon Ads Aggregator Benitago and Industry Impacts 🎧📱
Episode #81 - Bankruptcy of Amazon Ads Aggregator Benitago and Industry Impacts 🎧📱
Episode #81 - Bankruptcy of Amazon Ads Aggregator Benitago and Industry Impacts 🎧📱Summary: On this sunny Monday morning in Berlin, we discuss the surprising bankruptcy of the Amazon ads aggregator, Benitago, and what this could mean for the e-commerce industry. As more aggregators appear and then disappear, the question arises: What does the future hold for these companies?Description:Good morning and welcome back to Amazon Ads Raw Daily, the hub for all things related to Amazon marketing technology. As the golden September in Berlin unfolds, we dive deep into a recent news item that's been making waves in the Amazon community.Last week, TechCrunch reported the bankruptcy of an Amazon ads aggregator, Benitago. If you're not familiar with it, don't worry – neither was I before this news broke. The e-commerce industry has seen a rise in aggregators, with new ones popping up rapidly. However, not all seem to survive, and the recent demise of Benitago highlights this trend.Benitago wasn't always an aggregator. Founded in 2016 by Benedikt Dohem and Santiago Nisteres, it began as an Amazon brand. Bootstrapping their way to eight-figure revenue, the duo seemed to have cracked the code of brand operation on Amazon. With a substantial fund of 325 million in a series A equity and debt secured in 2021, they pivoted to acquiring more brands. But by November 2022, they were letting go of 40% of their staff amidst rumors of business troubles.What led to their downfall? One theory posits a shift in consumer preferences as lockdowns ended. However, analyzing global trends, e-commerce sales seem to be following their projected growth trajectory. Was it just a temporary spike during the pandemic that gave false hopes, or did underlying operational inefficiencies catch up with them? Whatever the reasons, the reality is that not every aggregator can live up to its promises.This unfortunate event raises eyebrows about the fate of other aggregators. Not too long ago, Seller X acquired Elevate Brands in an all-share deal, strengthening its position. The industry anticipates further consolidations, and some aggregators might not withstand market pressures.As we wrap up today's episode, it's worth reflecting on the dynamic nature of the business world. While some companies soar, others might falter. The key takeaway? Stay agile, informed, and adapt.Until tomorrow, have a splendid start to your week. Cheers from Berlin! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.