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Seleccionadas por Amazon's Music Experts.

REDISCOVER The 2000s: Indie

Seleccionadas por Amazon's Music Experts.

You gotta hear this playlist, It'll change your life we swear


1Wake Up2A-Punk319014Banquet5Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll6Again & Again7The Underdog8Float On9New Slang10Last Nite11Maps12I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor13Take a Walk14First Day of My Life15Take Me Out16Soul Meets Body17Such Great Heights (Remastered)18Paper Planes19Wolf Like Me20Walking with a Ghost21Kids22The Rat23Evil24Mykonos25Young Folks26Two Birds27Hang Me Up To Dry28About Today29Portions for Foxes30Hate To Say I Told You So31Weird Fishes / Arpeggi32Help I'm Alive33The Funeral34The Recluse35People Say36L.E.S. Artistes37Daft Punk Is Playing at My House38Skinny Love39Bohemian Like You40Daylight41Walking On A Dream42The House That Heaven Built43Heads Will Roll44House Of Jealous Lovers45I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You46Bandages47No Children48Extraordinary Machine49Crystalised50Now It's On51Do You Realize??52Catch The Sun53Tessellate54Animal55Sad Sad City56Swim57Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)58Speakers Push the Air5950560Another Sunny Day613rd Planet62Your Ex-Lover Is Dead63Somebody That I Used To Know64Something to Talk About65Can't Stand Me Now66Huddle Formation67Obstacle 1 (2012 Remaster)68Nowhere Again69Standing In the Way of Control70Fit but You Know It71Reptilia72Men's Needs73My Girls74Mr. November75Modern Girl76Gold Lion77Chicago78The Great Escape79Quiet Little Voices80We Own the Sky81Gold Guns Girls82Danger! High Voltage (Soulchild Radio Mix)83Lisztomania84Where You'll Find Me85Transatlanticism86Postcards from Italy87Sam's Town88Knee Deep at ATP (Remastered)89Oxford Comma90Swim Until You Can't See Land91Staring at the Sun92Press Gang93Golden Skans94Caring Is Creepy95I'm Not Your Toy96No Cars Go97Consequence98D.A.N.C.E.99Such Great Heights100Your Hand in Mine