Beyond Midnight was a horror and suspense radio show that aired from 1968 to 1970 in South Africa. Produced by Michael McCabe, the show was known for its spine-tingling tales of terror and featured stories from popular authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker, and H.G. Wells.
The show's host was Michael Jayston, who introduced each episode with a foreboding warning to listeners that they were about to enter the world of the macabre. The show's sound effects and music added to the atmosphere, creating a truly eerie listening experience.
Some of the most popular episodes of Beyond Midnight include "The Werewolf," "The Room," and "The Thing in the Darkness." The show was popular in South Africa and gained a cult following in the United Kingdom when it was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra.
Overall, Beyond Midnight is remembered as a classic horror radio show that left audiences on the edge of their seats with its spine-chilling tales of suspense and terror.
These episodes have been digitally remastered and are presented by
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