Did you know Georgia has over 40 state parks? We do! Kim Hatcher is an expert on all things concerning our State Park system. She is our special guest on this Douglasville Impact. Jason Post is joined by Hayley Chapman, and Allison Parker for some fun conversation on our show. So, get ready to learn about some fun, family friendly, recreational activities in our great state, on this edition of Douglasville Impact!
Show Notes:
City of Douglasville Website: douglasvillega.gov/
City of Douglasville on Comcast: CITI TV, Channel 22 throughout Douglas County
City of Douglasville on YouTube: youtube.com/user/douglasvillecititv
City of Douglasville on Facebook: facebook.com/CityofDouglasvilleGA/
City of Douglasville on Instagram: instagram.com/cityofdouglasvillega/
Jason Post Email: postj@douglasvillega.gov
Hayley Chapman Email: chapmanh@douglasvillega.gov
Allison Parker Email: parkera@douglasvillega.gov
Georgia State Parks Website: https://gastateparks.org/
Kim Hatcher Email: kim.hatcher@dnr.ga.gov