We all take our drinking water for granted. But we are only able to do that because of the dedicated men and women of the Douglasville/Douglas County Water and Sewer Authority. The WSA is a prize winning provider of clean drinking water for our community. On this edition of Douglasville Impact we are pleased to welcome, Gil Shearouse, Executive Director of the WSA. Aaron Szarowicz and Hayley Chapman join host, Jason Post, for this edition of Douglasville Impact!
Show Notes:
City of Douglasville Website: douglasvillega.gov/
City of Douglasville on Comcast: CITI TV, Channel 22 throughout Douglas County
City of Douglasville on YouTube: youtube.com/user/douglasvillecititv
City of Douglasville on Facebook: facebook.com/CityofDouglasvilleGA/
City of Douglasville on Instagram: instagram.com/cityofdouglasvillega/
Jason Post Email: postj@douglasvillega.gov
Hayley Chapman Email: chapmanh@douglasvillega.gov
Aaron Szarowicz Email: szarowicza@douglasvillega.gov
Water and Sewer Authority Website: ddcwsa.com/