When new businesses come to town, we just take it for granted. But when it comes to landing the important employers to our area, there is a ton of work that goes on behind the scenes to make it happen. Chris Pumphrey is the President of the Douglas County Development Authority, and under the new public/private partnership of Elevate Douglas, he is working with local interests to bring in exciting businesses to our area. Jason Post hosts the first Douglasville Impact of the year, and is joined by Hayley Chapman and Chris Dixon for some lively conversation.
Show Notes:
City of Douglasville Website: douglasvillega.gov/
City of Douglasville on Comcast: CITI TV, Channel 22 throughout Douglas County
City of Douglasville on YouTube: youtube.com/user/douglasvillecititv
City of Douglasville on Facebook: facebook.com/CityofDouglasvilleGA/
City of Douglasville on Instagram: instagram.com/cityofdouglasvillega/
Jason Post Email: postj@douglasvillega.gov
Chris Dixon Email: dixonc@douglasvillega.gov
Hayley Chapman Email: chapmanh@douglasvillega.gov
Chris Pumphrey Email: Chris@elevatedouglas.com
Elevate Douglas Website: https://elevatedouglas.com/
Parks 2020 Annual Report: https://youtu.be/pDqM3CJhhvw