Real Women

Tracy Cartland-Ward & Dawn Willock

The business of being a real women juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down to earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heart felt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos and intelligent conversion on being a real women in todays world.

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Time For a Quick One: Putting the Fear Back in its Box
Time For a Quick One: Putting the Fear Back in its Box
It’s time for another quick on with Dawn and Tracy. In a snippet taken from Episode 98 the ladies are discussing anxiety, fear and how to be the master of it. The fear of ‘what if’ can often make us behave in ways that are not conducive to our personal or professional success. And this is not healthy. Luckily, Dawn and Tracy are here to share some practical tips and advice, collected from two lives well lived, so that you can become the master of your fear instead of it being the master of you.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Dawn has a healthy approach to managing her anxiety, she talks about her relationship with it and how she has developed skills to help her manage it.Tracy muses of the dangers of catastrophizing and how we can self soothe in order to prevent this from happening. Dawn and Tracy discuss their past experiences related to fear of failure and how these experiences have helped them to develop tools to cope should it appear.   The ladies discuss the concept of ‘Surrendering to the Fear’ using the example of Dawn’s friend who is currently going through a breakup. BEST MOMENTS “Anxiety isn’t a weakness but I can see how people might think it’s a weakness.” “When we come back to the present we can look with much more clarity at what is going on.” “If you let go of your fear, what would you do?”   EPISODE RESOURCES Original Episode Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
From Necessity to Fun - The Empty Nest Kitchen with Christine Van Bloem
From Necessity to Fun - The Empty Nest Kitchen with Christine Van Bloem
This week, Dawn and Tracy are joined by Christine Van Bleom, founder of the Empty Nest Kitchen. Christine, for many years, ran a cooking school, but when covid popped up and closed her business she found herself lost and dejected. She looked at her own life and realised that people of her generation were being left behind. Determined to do something about it, Christine established the Empty Nest Kitchen, a place where people over 50, whose families have left home, can come together online and cook for fun.  In this interview with Dawn and Tracy, Christine talks about her experience and recruits Dawn and Tracy into her tribe. KEY TAKEAWAYS Christine, who is 56, came to the realisation that society was leaving behind people of a certain age and how this was making them feel neglected and alone. This, as she explains, is her reasoning for starting her empty nest cooking course. Christine's previous business was a cooking school, however, when Covid hit, she lost her company. She talks about how she picked herself up and the challenges she faced in setting up a new company. Once a month, Christine hosts a free course with over 500 attendees. Through sharing the story of a man who recently became a widower, she details the amazing benefits the participants receive. Dawn gets emotional as the ladies discuss the numerous benefits that come with cooking in a ‘tribe’ and how it fundamentally changes the experience of cooking from something you have to do to something you want to do. BEST MOMENTS “Business and work will one day pass, but life does not finish there, so find something worth living for.” “After Covid, I think people really began to realise how important connection is.” “There’s a beauty in rediscovering the fun in something when you have sent so long doing it because you have to.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE GUEST Christine Van Bloem is the founder of The Empty Nest Kitchen, teaching live, online cooking classes to empty nesters re-learning how to cook for one or two, while finding the fun in the kitchen with a healthy-ish vibe. A heart attack survivor, Christine has reformed her butter-loving, heavy cream worshiping ways by making changes in how to cook, taking food in a healthier direction, while still keeping things flavorful and delightful. Plus, there's always room for dessert! Christine hosts the Empty Nest Kitchen podcast and lives in Maryland (US) with her husband John. ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Seven Good Reasons to Dance in Your Kitchen - How to Implement Healthy Movement into Your Daily Life
Seven Good Reasons to Dance in Your Kitchen - How to Implement Healthy Movement into Your Daily Life
This week Dawn and Tracy are joined by master Pilates teacher, CoreAlign master instructor, posture and gait specialist and Neurosomatic Intelligence coach, Kristen Iuppenlatz Grech. After 2 car crashes, Kristen experienced chronic pain for over 15 years. One day, whilst in her kitchen, she had a revelation - what if she could incorporate her pilates knowledge into daily life? Not only did this work, it eventually led Kristen to launching her programme “Seven Good Reasons to Dance in Your Kitchen”. In this interview, Kristen will motivate you to become more energetic, alert and healthy and, at the end of it, will have you dancing in your kitchen.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Kirsten, who has been a long time pilates tutor and suffering from chronic pain, recognised that the amount of time she spent in the kitchen was not good for her posture. She explains how implementing some of her pilates practices into her cooking, which ultimately led to ‘Dancing in the Kitchen.’Most people at work spend their time in unnatural, unhealthy positions that can have negative long term consequences. Kirsten shares some simple tips on how to adopt a better posture.Moving your body isn’t just good for posture and pain, there are so many long term health benefits. Kirsten focused on seven of them to create her ‘Seven Good Reasons’ programme. She breaks down what they are and the benefits of each one.What Kristen has discovered through her community is that implementing exercise and positive body movements don’t just impact your health, but your wider world. She explains how the positivity you feel is transferred to your work life and relationships. BEST MOMENTS “You’ve got to embrace who you are today, not wait for a time that may never come.” “It’s not just you that will benefit from positive movements, your co-worker, friends and family will feel the positivity bouncing off you.” “The bottom line is, if you move, you will feel better. It is the only guaranteed way to elevate your mood.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Kristen’s Free Mini course Kristen’s Facebook Kristen’s Instagram Kristen’s Youtube Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE GUEST Kristen Iuppenlatz Grech is a master Pilates teacher, CoreAlign master instructor, posture and gait specialist and Neurosomatic Intelligence coach. She's also an actor/dancer/musical theatre nerd who loves to dance anywhere! Kristen struggled with chronic pain for over 15 years after two car accidents within two years. She studied with incredible mentors over the past 25 years trying to figure out how to heal. Now she shares all the insights and hard earned wisdom she's gained that she wishes she’d been able to find back then. ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
The Alphabet of Business -  How ADHD, OCD and IVF Severely Impacts Your Business
The Alphabet of Business -  How ADHD, OCD and IVF Severely Impacts Your Business
This week on the show Dawn and Tracy are joined by Chris Edwards, a business owner that has ADHD, OCD and, with his wife, is currently going through the process of IVF, for the 13th time. As you can imagine, all of this puts a huge strain on Chris’s mental health and his ability to run his business effectively. What Chris discovered is that most people think your business impacts your life, but it is your life that impacts your business. In this interview with Dawn and Tracy, Chris recounts the challenges he has faced as a business owner whilst dealing with various ailments and challenges and how he has learned to create a balancing act. KEY TAKEAWAYS For a long time Chris thought that starting a business would impact his life, but what he has discovered is that it is his life that is impacting his business. He talks about the various ways his business suffers due to his ADHD, OCD and IVF.Chris recounts his early experiences with IVF, how this impacted him both personally and in his relationship with his wife, the lessons he learned from this experience and how his relationship is stronger now for having one through this process. Chris’s OCD plays a major part in how his life and business operate. He discusses some of the challenges he faces on a daily basis and the procedures he has put in place to help minimise its effects. There is still a stigma around men talking about their mental health, especially in the workplace. Chris soon learned that he needed to communicate his needs and his concerns to those around him in order to stay sane. He talks about the new world that opened up to him when he began to communicate. BEST MOMENTS “Society puts a lot of emphasis on a woman going through pregnancy, but men have as much emotional involvement as the women do.” “Employers need to realise that supporting their staff isn’t just about money, it’s about giving their employees time and space for their mental wellbeing.”   “Men need to communicate about their mental health. The days of putting on a front, of being big and strong are over.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website   ABOUT THE GUEST Chris Edwards is a seasoned specialist in doing things the hard way. Not by choice, but because of the life events that have been thrown at his feet. Back in 2016 he ran a semi-successful marketing agency but overtime had to learn how to fit it around what he calls his alphabet soup, by adapting his business with a power automated infrastructure that he learned accidentally and now teaches and implements for others. His business Marketing Botics, helps and provides small businesses with CRM systems, marketing tools and automation strategies to help busy business owners manage and grow. ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Time For A Quick One - It’s Ok to Not Be Ok
Time For A Quick One - It’s Ok to Not Be Ok
This week the ladies are here for a quick one. In a clip taken from episode 121, Dawn and Tracy are talking to property investor Micheal Wildig. When Micheal was caught up in a property scam that cost him over £150,000 he fell into a deep depression and contemplated suicide. In this short episode, Michael, Dawn and Tracy discuss the importance of speaking openly about mental health struggles, the stigma around men's mental health and how it’s possible, with love and support, to climb out of the deepest holes.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Through her martial arts classes, Dawn works with a lot of men that she can see are facing mental health issues. She discusses the need for men to speak out so that other men can see them as a role model and realise that it’s ok to not be ok. When he decided to start his own business, Micheal faced opposition from his friends and family. And when things turned sour, he found it incredibly difficult to admit failure to them. He discusses how he kept these feelings inside. Tracy and Micheal discuss the changing views in mental health over the last few years, why they think this has happened and the positives that have come from it. Michael, whose partner was pregnant during his troubles, talks about his realisation that he had more to fight for than just himself, and how this gave him the strength to get through his drastic situation.  BEST MOMENTS “I took the whole thing on the chest, but I wish that I had spoken to more people. Don’t make that mistake, talk to people.” “Sometimes it just takes one small thing to take somebody from being ok to being depressed.” “Men have more trouble talking about their emotions because they are used to being the provider and the protector.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Michael’s Instagram Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Who Do You Think You Are?
Who Do You Think You Are?
Dawn has recently been on a business retreat and she participated in a workshop all about identity, which has got her thinking about some big questions, such as “Do we choose our identity or is it a product of our nurture?” and “Is our identity who we are or what we do?”. As always, the ladies leave no stone unturned in their quest to get to the bottom of this subject. From the factors that make up our identity to our perception of it over time, the ladies go full Descartes, I think therefore I am, in order to solve this mystery.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Dawn and Tracy muse on the idea that people define their identities by what they do, a property investor, a mother, and not who they are as people. And the problems that arise when they no longer do the thing they've hung their identity on.The ladies, reluctantly, agree that they are getting older and whilst their bodies are ageing, their minds are as young as ever. But, how has their perception of their identity changed over this time?Do we make a mistake when meeting people for the first time and introducing ourselves by our job titles? The ladies speculate what it would be like to introduce yourself based on your true identity. Tracy argues that our identity is made up of three factors. Who we are in private, who we believe people see us as and how we behave based on who people see us as. But, does that cost us our authenticity? BEST MOMENTS “How different would your life be if you introduced yourself as who you are and not what you do?” “Who are we, at our core, when nobody else is looking?” “Is authenticity who you are at your core or is it who you are as a result of what you believe other people see you as?”   EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
An Alternative Pension Plan: Property Investment with Tracy Cartlind-Ward
An Alternative Pension Plan: Property Investment with Tracy Cartlind-Ward
Dawn's community of business owners are hitting their 40’s and 50’s. As they are all self employed or business owners, they are starting to worry about life after work, from a financial perspective. A lot of them are considering investing in property, so Dawn has decided to interview an expert in this field…Tracy. In this episode, Tracy breaks down the reality of property investment, the many routes to entry, the multiple ways in which you can make extra income, and, if done right, how it can provide a nest egg for your future.   KEY TAKEAWAYS  Becoming involved in the property business is a great way to make money to secure your future, but it’s not as easy as most make out. Tracy lays out the reality of becoming a property manager.Buying property and selling it on at a profit is one way to make an income, but the more popular, and economical, approach is ‘buy to let’. Tracy walks you through how this process works and how to get the best out of it.What if you don’t have the cash in the bank to go out and buy a property? You’re not alone, most people don’t. But, there are many strategies to raise finance, as Tracy explains.Once the money starts coming in, it’s just as important to manage it as it is to keep making it. Tracy outlines all the best ways to make sure you’re money is safe, to reduce your tax bill and how to keep making it grow.   BEST MOMENTS “Make sure you get professional advice. Do you really want to build your future based on the opinions of the guy down the pub?” “Before you do anything, ask yourself the most important question “What do I want out of this?”” “Property isn’t 100% passive, and anyone that tells you it is, is lying. Make sure you understand this before you jump in.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website   ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life. Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility.   PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
How To Get Your Marketing Message Out There?
How To Get Your Marketing Message Out There?
Dawn and Tracy, who both run successful businesses, are getting overwhelmed with the number of options available to them when it comes to marketing. This past year, Dawn has decided to “chuck the book” at a number of marketing options in an attempt to find the one that works best for her. But, what she’s discovered is that it’s not as simple as just commissioning a marketing agency. From branding, to messaging, to understating your business and yourself, the ladies are here to walk you through the fundamental aspects you have to get right first before any adventures in marketing can begin and the dangers you’ll face if you don’t do the hard work first.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Marketing is more than Facebook and Google ads, but a lot of new businesses don’t understand this. Dawn explains how marketing hasn’t really changed since the 50’s and recaps some of the lessons you can learn from the ‘old boys.’ The foundations are key to any form of marketing, such as a logo, slogan and strong branding. Dawn and Tracy share their tips on getting these foundations right so that the marketing you do, does not fail.Even the best marketing idea in the world will fail if it doesn’t reach the right people. Tracy talks about the importance of understanding your perfect customers to make sure you get your message in front of the people that matter most. There are thousands of marketing companies out there, but how do you know which one is right for you? Dawn and Tracy share their ‘red flags’ to look for when commissioning a marketing company.  BEST MOMENTS “In order to win certain deals, it’s not just about marketing your company, but marketing who you are.” “If you don’t understand who your perfect client is, you’re doomed before you start.” “What do you do, what problems can you solve, what is special about what you do, who are your clients? - if you can nail those four things, you’ll have strong, focused marketing.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Losing The Ones We Love: The impact of Grief on Life and Business
Losing The Ones We Love: The impact of Grief on Life and Business
It’s the anniversary of Tracy’s fathers death and that has got her thinking about grief, how we cope with it and the impact it has on our lives, both personally and professionally. But, is grief always a bad thing, is there any comfort to be found in suffering? Both Dawn and Tracy have been through periods of prolonged grief, in this episode, they look back on them, the strategies they used to overcome the grief, the lessons they have learned and how it shaped them into the woman they are today. And finally, come to a surprising conclusion about the inevitability of death. KEY TAKEAWAYS Tracy talks about how grief affects her both emotionally and in other aspects of her life, such as her business, and shares the strategies she has developed to cope when it comes along. Dawn recounts the story of losing her sister in law at a relatively young age, and how this led her and her husband to take stock of their life and rethink their relationship with death.The ladies both discuss the deaths of their grandparents and how, even many years later, it still affects them, but also, how they both eventually came to peace with the loss. While it’s important to grief, it’s also important to move past it. The ladies discuss how ‘picking yourself up’ after a period of grief can only make you stronger.  BEST MOMENTS “Grief is like a tennis ball in a shoebox. Everytime the ball bounces against the edge, you get a wave of grief, but, after time, you learn to put it in a bigger box.” “Nobody dies as long as somebody remembers them.” “The creed of the warrior is 7 times down, 8 times up.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
D&T Time for a Quick One - The Truth About Online Dating
D&T Time for a Quick One - The Truth About Online Dating
The ladies are back this week for another ‘Quick One’, in a clip taken from episode 94, which featured Jeremey Bailey, Dawn’s ‘Freedom Friend’, owner of multiple businesses and eligible bachelor. Talking about online dating, the trio discuss what they think is good and bad about it, why it might be more tailored to men and not women and why it will never compete with a good, old fashioned, romantic encounter.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Jeremy sparks the conversation by giving his thoughts on online dating, how he thinks the science behind it is sound, but why he prefers to talk to someone instead of just ‘swiping right’.Tracy bemoans the fact that online dating has reduced initial romantic interactions to looking at photos and a list of likes and how this will never allow you to judge someone's personality. Jeremy explains his theory that men are competing with all other men for a woman's attention, but women are not competing with other women, then uses Tracy’s experiences to prove his point. Dawn shares her thoughts on what men are attracted to in women and what women are attracted to in men and why this makes online dating a platform that men prefer.  BEST MOMENTS “From my experience, most ladies have made up their mind in minutes  whether they are interested or not.” “Men require physical attraction, women require an emotional connection to be attracted .” “I went on a date with a man and he turned out to be shorter than me, so that was no straight away.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Original Episode Jeremy’s Instagram Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
D&T | Is it the Journey or the Destination, when it comes to business and life?
D&T | Is it the Journey or the Destination, when it comes to business and life?
It’s Tracy's birthday this week and, as she becomes another year older, it prompts a question from Dawn “Is it the journey or the destination that’s important?” As the ladies try to break down this age old question, one thing becomes clear - that the answer really isn’t that simple. Looking at the difference between personal and career journeys, how their perception of the destination has changed over the years, and how the journey might pass you by, the ladies leave no stone unturned when trying to solve this riddle, but what they do decide, is that the answer to this question may be neither the journey or the destination. KEY TAKEAWAYS Dawn says that we live in a world where we are conditioned to think that ‘specific outcomes’ are what is important, but as she has discovered in life, this couldn’t be further from the truth.Tracy muses on the idea that even though the journey is important, it’s more important to recognise that you’re on a journey and to “smell the roses along the way.”Tracy talks about the idea of the ‘gap and the gain’. Should you measure your success on how far you fell short, the gap, or what you achieved that you never thought you would, the gain. Tracy looks back on how her perception of what her destination is has changed over the years and how those destinations have turned from material items into more personal desires.  BEST MOMENTS “Where we’re going is important, but by the time we get there we want change.” “We are all on multiple journeys with multiple destinations.” “Remember to live life for the moment, because we don’t know how many moments we have left.” EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Getting Up As We Age
Getting Up As We Age
Dawn and Tracy are here with a quick caffeine cast. After waking up at 4:10am this week and deciding to just get out of bed, something that has been happening more and more recently, Tracy wants to talk about why, as we get older, do we wake up earlier and earlier in the mornings.  From the science that Dawn can’t remember, to Tracy just wanting to be lazy and the all important topic of afternoon naps, the ladies are covering everything you want to know about early rising, lying in and the morning after the night before.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Dawn was listening to a podcast about the science behind sleeping times, but she can’t remember all the details. Luckily Tracy is here to fill her in. Tracy has been experimenting with her circadian rhythm when sleeping. She explains the method to Dawn and the benefits she is seeing. Dawn finds that her most productive days are the ones when she gets up early, but she muses on why she is naturally waking up earlier now that she has nothing to do in the mornings.Dawn and Tracy discuss the idea of afternoon naps. Tracy isn’t a fan, but Dawn might be able to convince to start taking them more seriously.  BEST MOMENTS “Why is it that when the kids finally leave home your body decides it wants to wake up early?” “I was listening to something, I can’t remember what it was and they were talking about something, but I can’t remember the name of it. But, apparently, it helps you sleep.” “I do find that the days I get up early are my most productive days, but, parking that, it really pisses me off.” EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Rising Above: Chloe Bisson's Journey from Success to Self-Discovery
Rising Above: Chloe Bisson's Journey from Success to Self-Discovery
This week Dawn and Tracy welcome back Chloe Bisson. Chloe had a meteoric rise in her career, becoming the director of an international company by the age of 26. But once she achieved her dream, she was left feeling empty and ill. Initially visiting the doctor to try and ease her stomach pain, she was shocked when she was diagnosed with severe clinical depression. After a period of denial, Chloe decided to tackle her illness head on, which led to some incredible revelations.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Chloe talks about her initial diagnosis of depression and how she found herself in disbelief and denial, because, as she discovered, depression is not what she thought it was.Choe talks about how her diagnosis made her look at her life and reevaluate some of her lifestyle choices, and how this may never have happened if she had not received her diagnosis.Tracy muses on the idea of labels when it comes to mental health and how they might not be the most appropriate way of helping people.Chloe shares the story of how she met a nurse that helped her finally understand her condition, which allowed her to make positive changes and face it head on.  BEST MOMENTS “Everybody has different ways of dealing with depression, but a top tip is ‘don’t suppress your emotions’.” “Everyone tells you to talk about it, which is great, but I’m not sure everybody is prepared to hear it.” “We should normalise depression instead of making it a taboo subject. Let’s let everyone know that it’s ok to not feel ok.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Chloe’s Linkedin Chloe’s Facebook Chloe’s Instagram Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website   ABOUT THE GUEST Chloe is a #1 bestselling author, international speaker, multi-award winning entrepreneur and host of the Inspired By Show. At 25, Chloe overcame severe clinical depression and started her first online business. Since then Chloe's scaled multiple six figure businesses and now specialises in helping entrepreneurs to explode their brands, write their bestselling books and elevate their status so they can inspire and influence others around them. In this episode Chloe shares her expertise on How to Write a Book. ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Dawn & Tracy | Growing Old Gracefully. Glamourous Grannies and Business. Dropping the responsibilities of parenthood as Grandparents. Growing wiser not older
Dawn & Tracy | Growing Old Gracefully. Glamourous Grannies and Business. Dropping the responsibilities of parenthood as Grandparents. Growing wiser not older
This week Dawn welcomed a new grandchild into the family which sparked the idea for this episode. Dawn and Tracy are back to discuss growing old gracefully, being glamorous grannies in business, dropping the responsibilities of parenthood as grandparents, and how we’re growing wiser, not older. Is growing old the same for everyone? And how can we make sure our sons don’t repeat the mistakes many do? KEY TAKEAWAYS For Dawn, growing old gracefully is all about not trying to salvage a youthful look with lip fillers, it’s about allowing yourself to look your age but still look amazing. Accept your age and make the most of it rather than trying to hold on to something that’s gone. For Tracy it’s about maturing and getting wiser, rather than growing older.It’s a fascinating process stepping back and watching your child become a parent, you can see where your legacy in life really is. Your children and how they raise their children is so much down to you and who you were to them.When you’ve been a single parent you want to make sure you raise your sons to be good parents because you know what can happen if someone isn’t there and doesn’t step up.Having grandchildren hasn’t made Dawn feel old, it’s made her feel proud seeing who her children have become and realising the meaning of legacy.   BEST MOMENTS ‘I refuse to let go of that status, we can retain our hotness in older age’ ‘Growing old is a bit of a dirty word’ ‘Nobody wants their grandmother having an OnlyFans account’   EPISODE RESOURCES Dawn's Facebook Link: Link for MAGB Tracy on Facebook Follow Tracy on Instagram Tracy's LinkedIn   ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up with all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old fashioned northern humility.   PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down to earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heart felt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Terrors of Technology
Terrors of Technology
Tracy has a new service that helps people overcome the struggles they have with technology. And with Dawn expanding her business and launching her books, she’s in desperate need of such a service. Having seen some of the work that Tracy has done this has got Dawn wondering how people in the world progress if they don’t have a ‘Tracy’.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Tracy outlines what her service actually does and the benefits it can bring to a new or existing business. Dawn talks about the relief she experienced using Tracy’s service, not just from a time perspective but the quality of the work and how this is a valuable lesson in business.Dawn and Tracy discuss the idea that if you are tight with your money then you attract customers that don’t want to spend money. Dawn realises that embracing the terror of technology always pays off in the long run when you realise how effective it can be.  BEST MOMENTS “Sometimes you can’t do it yourself. Outsource and then you can focus on the things you’re actually good at.” “Sometimes we get too hung up on what it is going to cost me instead of what value it is  going to bring me.” “Has tech made our lives better or just moved the point at which we are terrified?”   EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website   ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Challenges of Being a New Father and Running a Business with Michael Wildig
Challenges of Being a New Father and Running a Business with Michael Wildig
This week the ladies have brought back popular guest Micheal Wildig. Dawn and Tracy have spent a lot of time talking about being mothers alongside running their own businesses so they thought it was time for a bit of balance. A new father and business owner, Michael is here to give his thoughts on his experience of being a first time dad, the impact it has had on his relationship and business and how parenting has changed in recent years, for the better.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Michael talks about the unexpected impacts on his business after fathering his first child. Michael discusses how his wants and needs have changed since his child was born and how this has affected his personal and professional life. Michael gives his insight on how having a child has changed his relationship with his partner and the different roles they have found themselves taking. Dawn and Tracy share their experience of raising their children and their thoughts on the role of the mother versus the role of the father. BEST MOMENTS “My child has given me a massive ‘why’ when I think about running my business and the longevity and legacy I want to create.” “It’s really sad that in the past the father was the worker and the mother was the carer. This meant his father missed out on a lot of firsts.” “When raising a child with a partner, it’s not about what I’m doing and what you’re doing, it’s about how we can raise this child together.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Michael’s Instagram Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website   ABOUT THE GUEST Michael's professional journey commenced in the motor trade, where he devoted seven years of his life, earning recognition for his professionalism and sales achievements. Yet, he came to a realisation that the industry didn't fully align with his expectations. In August 2019, he made a bold choice to leave his job and embark on a fresh journey in the world of property. Since transitioning into the property sector, he has successfully completed over 30 property projects, both for himself and his clients.  His unwavering passion has garnered attention and Michael's ultimate aspiration is to create quality, affordable housing and generate investment returns through HMO conversions, not just for himself but also for his clients & business partners.    ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Rules of Engagement - Are we ageist when it comes to the thought of "chatting up"?
Rules of Engagement - Are we ageist when it comes to the thought of "chatting up"?
On a recent trip to a hardware store, Dawn’s husband was propositioned by an older lady, which got Dawn and Tracy thinking about what are the rules of engagement for older people when it comes to matters of the heart.  Are older people becoming more confident or is confidence something that comes with age? Why are more men dating older women and can relationships even work when there is a large age gap? KEY TAKEAWAYS Tracy recounts her recent experience of being approached by a younger man and how this made her feel.The ladies discuss what qualities they think men are attracted to in older women that younger women don’t have.Dawn talks about people she knew that had relationships with large age gaps and the advantages and disadvantages that came with them.Tracy talks about how she has noticed a trend in younger people in business to carry the confidence they have with dating into their professional lives and how this isn’t always a good thing. BEST MOMENTS “I think I’m a catch and if someone wants to chat me up I know it’s because of my personality.” “Older women are more confident in the bedroom. They know what they like and how they like to do it.” “Confidence is as attractive as it gets.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website   ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life. Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility.   PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Lost in the Hustle: Managing Stress and Disarray in Business
Lost in the Hustle: Managing Stress and Disarray in Business
Dawn and Tracy are both stressed, so much so that they’ve decided to drop this week's topic in favour of having a good old rant. Mobile phones, multiple messages via multiple channels, being your own boss, trying to do everything at 100 miles an hour and zoom emojis are just some of the things that are contributing to the ladies feeling ‘discombobulated.’ But is it worth getting chewed up about these things and are there simple solutions to coping with them?  KEY TAKEAWAYS Dawn encourages young people to accept when they are feeling stressed and to talk about it, especially on social media where we have a tendency to paint the picture of a perfect life. Tracy muses on the idea that the modern world, full of technology, might increase the stress placed on people's lives. The ladies discuss how they are implementing new practices into their businesses to give themselves a better work life balance. Dawn talks about the importance of taking life at the right pace and not feeling like you have to rush everything.  BEST MOMENTS “Be aware of your emotions and then you can manage them.” “Sometimes the best thing to do is take a second to stop and reassess where you are.” “Everybody has bad days, and that’s ok.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
Time for a Quick One - Freemasonry and Inclusivity with Carl Sams
Time for a Quick One - Freemasonry and Inclusivity with Carl Sams
It’s time for a quick one with Dawn and Tracy. This week they're bringing you an extract from Episode 79 which was first published on the 1st of March 2023. Following on from the ladies recent episode about ‘Boy jobs’ and ‘Girl jobs', today's episode highlights their original conversation with Carl from the Freemasons, on the role gender plays in Freemasonry.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Carl addresses some myths about the Freemasons such as whether it’s a satanic cult and if people get inducted with one trouser leg pulled up.Tracy talks about her all female property group, ‘Which Property’ and some of the negative feedback she received about being ‘sexist’. Carl talks about why people join the Freemasons and how the joining up process has changed. Carl clarifies the no women policy of the Freemasons and how it’s not actually what most people believe.  BEST MOMENTS “The satanic thing is a myth that originated from other groups that felt threatened by us.” “There are so many aspects to the group that most people find that the reason they came for isn’t the reason they stay for.” “The woman’s role in society has changed so much over the years, and we’re now on a equal footing and that’s great.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Original Episode Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website   ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.
How to Write a Book with Chloe Bisson
How to Write a Book with Chloe Bisson
This week Dawn and Tracy are joined by bestselling author, international speaker, multi-award winning entrepreneur and host of the Inspired By Show, Chloe Bisson. Chloe overcame severe depression and started her coaching business. Frustrated at the lack of clients she was acquiring, she decided to write a book to tell her story. The book ended up becoming a bestseller and launched Chloe as an author. In this interview, Chloe shares all her wisdom for aspiring authors in the hope that you can follow in her footsteps.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Chloe shares her journey to becoming an author and explains how her first book was written in the hopes of finding her more business clients but ended up taking her down an unexpected path.Chloe gives her top tips to aspiring writers and how they can overcome the pitfalls that most first time writers fall into.The ladies talk about the difference between writing for money and writing for art and how lessons learned in the former can be applied to the latter. Chloe talks about finding the right publisher for your book, the things you should take into account and how you can know you’ve found the right publisher for you. BEST MOMENTS “You’re changing as you are writing the book, so be careful not to keep going back to the start and rewriting with a new viewpoint, if you do that, you’ll never finish.” “Ask yourself what is point A and what is point B. The journey is where the reader is between the two points.” “Find an honest friend that will read your book and give you feedback.”   EPISODE RESOURCES Chloe’s Linkedin Chloe’s Facebook Chloe’s Instagram Real Women on Instagram Real Women Website ABOUT THE GUEST Chloe is a #1 bestselling author, international speaker, multi-award winning entrepreneur and host of the Inspired By Show. At 25, Chloe overcame severe clinical depression and started her first online business. Since then Chloe's scaled multiple six figure businesses and now specialises in helping entrepreneurs to explode their brands, write their bestselling books and elevate their status so they can inspire and influence others around them. In this episode Chloe shares her expertise on How to Write a Book. ABOUT THE HOSTS Dawn and Tracy are real women who are fed up of all the “noise” out there in the real world. Life isn’t simply rainbows and unicorns, it's broken relationships, hard work, hot sweats and never ending laundry baskets.  But life as a real woman is also about being honest, having good gossip and speaking our truths. Whether it’s peeling yourself into your spandex for a night out, or running a business meeting barefoot because the heel has fallen off your stilettos, there is always something to laugh about in life.  Dawn is mid 50’s mid menopause straight talking business maverick.  Four kids, three grandchildren, two businesses, one husband and a self proclaimed “hottie”. Tracy is a mid 50’s awesome mum, business and property mentor. Proud of her raw, honest nature, “bonkers” sense of humour and good old-fashioned northern humility. PODCAST DESCRIPTION The business of being a real woman juggling life, love and work for many of us is pure sweat, grit & hustle. This podcast is for those of you who are tired of the “noise” and just want real down-to-earth gossip with no filters or fluff.  Dawn and Tracy bring heartfelt humour, raw honesty, spandex, stilettos, and intelligent conversion on being a real woman in today's world.