Life Lessons with Dr. Steve Schell

Steve Schell

Pastor Steve Schell comprehensively teaches through entire books of the Bible pulling out the deep, eternal truths in each section of Scripture without skipping over challenging passages. These sermons will help foster true discipleship for the committed Christian, both young and old. read less
Religión y espiritualidadReligión y espiritualidad


5 - The Holy Spirit
5 - The Holy Spirit
For some reason when we think of the Holy Spirit we tend to think of Him as an emanation from God, some sort of impersonal power He uses to make things happen. But this thinking is wrong. He is not a power. He is not even a power with a personality. He is a Person whose presence is powerful. There is a great difference between an Impersonal force (such as gravity, electricity, magnetism, light, heat, wind or plant life) and a spirit. A spirit is the non-physical part of a person, and a person is the existence of a distinct personality which is made up of consciousness, will, emotion, reason, attitude toward God, recognition, unique potential and expression. So it is impossible for there to be such a thing as an impersonal spirit. A spirit is a person, or it is not a spirit at all. The Holy Spirit is one of the three Persons who make up our God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These Three minister in complete harmony and unity. The Father has made us and chosen to save us. The Son has come to save us and intercedes constantly for us, and the Holy Spirit abides with and in us, making possible every change in attitude and every obedient action we do (Phil. 2:13). To purchase Pastor Steve's new book Understanding Acts: Life-Changing Lessons from the Early Church, visit Amazon.  Also check out our website at for additional resources for pastors and leaders. We have free recorded classes and other materials offered at no charge.  And check us out on Instagram as well!
3 - Christ in You
3 - Christ in You
Last time we saw Mary receive the miracle of a supernatural conception. She became pregnant with the Son of God. Suddenly Jesus was living inside her, and the effect that His presence had on her and the circumstances surrounding her is a dramatic illustration of what all Christians can expect. After all, when a person believes in Jesus Christ, He also comes to live inside of him/her (Jn. 14:20, 23; Gal. 4:19; Col. 1:27). We carry Christ inside us in a different way, but like Mary our lives will be deeply impacted by this reality. Unfortunately, there is an unbalanced teaching prevalent today that once a person becomes a Christian everything in life should go smoothly. Along with that is the teaching that when a person is truly in the will of God everything should proceed without hardship. Though this teaching has no real Biblical support it creates false expectations in people which, when unmet, leave them disappointed and alienated from God. There is no event in history which is more surely in the will of God than the incarnation and birth of His Son. It is the essential first step toward the salvation of believing humans. So, one would expect that God would arrange circumstances for Mary so that she faced little suffering as she fulfilled her appointed service. But that was not the case. In actuality, Mary faced an appalling list of heart-breaking events. It seemed that the presence of Christ in her ignited opposition everywhere she went. And yet God was always faithful to guide and provide for her as she needed it.   To purchase Pastor Steve's new book Understanding Acts: Life-Changing Lessons from the Early Church, visit Amazon.  Also check out our website at for additional resources for pastors and leaders. We have free recorded classes and other materials offered at no charge.  And check us out on Instagram as well!
1 - Hearts of the Fathers
1 - Hearts of the Fathers
The angel Gabriel explains that John the Baptist will become a prophet who restores many people to spiritual health. Quoting from the prophecy of Malachi, the angel states that when true repentance and faith comes to Israel there will be a marked transformation in the attitudes of men toward children. Though this is obviously a positive thing to have happen, it is surprising that men's attitudes toward fatherhood would become such an important sign to God. To understand why God would focus on this particular sign, we must first recognize the role He intended men to play in their families. After reading Deuteronomy 6:1-25 you'll see that God puts the primary responsibility for the spiritual formation of their children on the fathers. Of course, mothers have a great role to play in this as well (Prov. 1:8; 6:20), but when men refuse their part in this role it is a sign of spiritual decline. When men become spiritually complacent or ignorant, they tend to pass this duty off onto women and then proceed to teach by modeling how to live for the pleasures of this life and how to rely on self rather than God. On the other hand, after being revived, men once again take their responsibility to teach their children about God. After all, people who are right with God long to teach their children about God.   To purchase Pastor Steve's new book Understanding Acts: Life-Changing Lessons from the Early Church, visit Amazon.  Also check out our website at for additional resources for pastors and leaders. We have free recorded classes and other materials offered at no charge.  And check us out on Instagram as well!