Be brave enough to suck at something new

Daily Disney

06-02-2023 • 1 minuto

February 6, 2023: I’m having a bit of a rough morning. Can’t seem to do anything right this morning as I get ready to leave for work. So instead of drawing it out, I’m just gonna post this here video about Disney and a potential nuclear reactor ( ) … it’s from one of my favorite Youtubers, and the man who has the job I wish I had. | Today’s character is a Boy Scout, or at least that’s how he’s portrayed in the movies. If you believe the fan theories, then he’s actually an angel trying to earn his wings by escorting an old man through the afterlife. | Today the man who created the man himself, celebrates a birthday. It’s a reminder to call your father and tell him that you love him. | today’s quote is from Ed Catmull, and he tells us about the beauty of randomness.