The Golf Biz

The Golf Biz

Management, Marketing, Myths & Morons

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The Golf Biz #17 - The Good, Bad & Ugly of Starting a New Management Deal at a New Property
The Golf Biz #17 - The Good, Bad & Ugly of Starting a New Management Deal at a New Property
This goes for any and every business, the majority of people do not like change!! So it’s safe to say that when we take over management or ownership of a course, there is The Good, The Bad & Ugly. On this episode, Mikey, Drew and I discuss best practices and mindset when we take over the management of a property. As we share our past experiences, there is humor, humility, and even a little bit of wisdom 😊. One of the biggest challenges when shifting the culture within a course, the existing team not only struggles with change in general but when asked to buy into the non-traditional Paradigm Principles can be difficult or sometimes impossible for some. This does not make these team members bad, incompetent, or resistant, it makes it not a good fit and change needs to take place. This episode will showcase examples of huge success in turning around courses along with mistakes along the way that we will call learning moments. We believe strongly in partnerships rather than third-party management deals. The difference is the way we structure our management agreements to be performance-based rather than ones that lock in an owner no matter how we perform. Our formula for success is Happy Customers + Motivated Team = Profitable Growth. Enjoy the episode and please leave any comments or perspectives. If you ever have any questions, curiosity or would like to discuss the episode further please give me a call. For anyone that is currently in the Golf Business or interested in getting into it, please feel free to reach out. Hope We Make You Smile!
The Golf Biz #14 - The Not So Silent Business Killer
The Golf Biz #14 - The Not So Silent Business Killer
On this episode Joe, Mikey D & Drew discuss with great experience and humor, the flaw of the Annual Membership and what to do if you want your course not just survive but thrive… First of all, we are not referring to a Private Club. The Not So Silent Business Killer, The Annual Membership is the failed business model that many public golf courses create and offer due to a lack of marketing expertise or trying to mimic the failing or barely solvent course down the street. The problem with this membership product and/or business model is that it entitles the golfer (member) primetime inventory, unlimited access to other profit centers (range, f and b etc..) and access to share or even demand the way the course should be managed and marketed, AT A ROCK BOTTOM PRICE!!! In addition, when calling them “members” it empowers them to dominate the time and energy of the entire management and front-line service team. Hence, no one is focusing on acquiring new customers or providing memorable service to the other customers playing their course. The problem is not the “member” it is the product and/or business model. The sure way to fail is to give all your prime inventory, attention, and energy to a group that pays the least. One consistent challenge with all the courses we have helped that had an Annual Membership product is that their average green fee was at least 50% lower than their daily fee guest. If you are going to do an Annual Membership at a low price, make it only valid in your off-peak times and use the creative strategies we share to fill the prime time with new high paying customers… Enjoy the episode and Hope We Make You Smile
The Golf Biz #13 - Paradigm Principle: Daily Operational Leadership is a must to maximize success...
The Golf Biz #13 - Paradigm Principle: Daily Operational Leadership is a must to maximize success...
One of the reasons that so many golf courses (and other businesses) never maximize their success, or even fail, is the lack of what we call Operational Leadership. On this episode, Joe, Mikey and Drew discuss Operational Leadership and why it is so important to have your property not just survive, but thrive. Operational Leadership is different than Management, and most operators don’t understand the difference. You manage budgets, schedules, inventory, systems, and processes, but who “Leads” the team and guest experience??? In the golf business, the more you move up or get promoted, typically you become less and less engaged or even aware of the daily operation and the more you manage the things shared above. This combined with a complete lack of training, prioritizing, and accountaability with your front-line team will leave our guest experience, team morale, and property's success left to chance. When implementing Operational Leadership, your property will have a designated team member that has been trained, inspired, and even rewarded to take full responsibility for the guest experience (first tee pairing, presentation, spacing), pace of play (directing and communication with LOD) service, smiles and sales along with team morale and efficiency. Management is important, but without Operational Leadership, you won’t have anything to manage. Enjoy the episode and please share you thoughts on our FB or IG pages. Hope We Make You Smile… "