Mastering Agility

Sander Dur and Jim Sammons

Why is it that products are so hard to develop and deliver? How can we truly deliver value with so many different variables that can affect the outcome?   We are Sander Dur and Jim Sammons, professional consultants and trainers who support organizations in their pursuit of creating valuable products. Passionate about helping the community and practitioners apply the theory many authors and thought leaders bring to the industry, we started this podcast to make these concepts more accessible. This podcast will change your career and organization. You’ll be entertained while learning about the industry’s leaders and other practitioners, and you’ll feel familiar with the situations discussed as we invite guests over and discuss tools, concepts, models, metrics, leadership, frameworks, and many more elements that help you deliver amazing products. Both of us understand the many struggles, challenges, antipatterns, and dysfunctions many of us face in our daily working lives. We are here to provide actionable advice and strategies for you to create continuous improvement. You will find things that actually work for many organizations, as we and our guests have tried and tested them. You will find a goldmine of actionable information from many fields, including the space industry, Formula 1, psychology, and Silicon Valley’s top entrepreneurs. We break down these complex topics into easily digestible insights that you can start applying in your careers right away. The best part is that you can even join our live recordings to ask your most burning questions and get them answered based on your needs! We dive deep into the world of business agility, product discovery, delivery, validation, product management, and product frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, LeSS, and many more. We’ll explore the benefits of decentralized decision-making, autonomous empowered teams, leadership, and much more. We empower you with the information you need to become the leaders your organization deserve. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information. read less


#113 The end of the Goldrush? The Agile Crisis with Jurgen Appelo - Part 2
Hace 2 días
#113 The end of the Goldrush? The Agile Crisis with Jurgen Appelo - Part 2
"The way we have been working for the last 20 years with standard frameworks and methodologies, we're going to leave behind." Summary In this conversation Sander Dur, Jim Sammons and their guest Jurgen Appelo explore the impact of the current crisis on the agile community and the need for adaptation and learning new skills. They discuss the concept of agile being dissolved rather than dead, and the changing nature of the agile world. They emphasize the  importance of being a lifelong learner and continuously adapting to new technologies and ways of working. The conversation also touches on the need for individuals to invest in their own development and the challenges of finding new opportunities in a rapidly changing landscape. The conversation explores the potential impact of AI and LLMs on various aspects of work and life. Together with Jurgen, the hosts discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by these technologies, including the potential for job displacement and the need for continuous learning. They also touch on the concept of creative disruption and the importance of challenging complacency in large organizations, as well as the ethical implications of AI and the evolving boundaries of ethics. They conclude with reflections on their personal ambitions and the future of work.key takeawaysAgile is not dead, but it is dissolved and evolving in response to changing circumstances.The focus should be on outcomes rather than rigid frameworks and methodologies.Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial in the face of technological advancements and changing job markets.Individuals should take responsibility for their own development and invest in their skills and employability.Controversial opinions and diversity of perspectives are essential for progress and innovation. AI and LLMs have the potential to significantly impact various aspects of work and life.Job displacement is a concern, but there are also opportunities for continuous learning and personal growth.Creative disruption is important for challenging complacency in large organizations.Ethical considerations and the evolving boundaries of ethics are crucial in the development and use of AI.Reflection on personal ambitions and the future of work is essential for navigating the changing landscape.Check out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.scrummatch.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#113 The end of the Goldrush? The Agile Crisis with Jurgen Appelo - Part 1
Hace 5 días
#113 The end of the Goldrush? The Agile Crisis with Jurgen Appelo - Part 1
"The way we have been working for the last 20 years with standard frameworks and methodologies, we're going to leave behind." Summary In this conversation Sander Dur, Jim Sammons and their guest Jurgen Appelo explore the impact of the current crisis on the agile community and the need for adaptation and learning new skills. They discuss the concept of agile being dissolved rather than dead, and the changing nature of the agile world. They emphasize the  importance of being a lifelong learner and continuously adapting to new technologies and ways of working. The conversation also touches on the need for individuals to invest in their own development and the challenges of finding new opportunities in a rapidly changing landscape. The conversation explores the potential impact of AI and LLMs on various aspects of work and life. Together with Jurgen, the hosts discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by these technologies, including the potential for job displacement and the need for continuous learning. They also touch on the concept of creative disruption and the importance of challenging complacency in large organizations, as well as the ethical implications of AI and the evolving boundaries of ethics. They conclude with reflections on their personal ambitions and the future of work.key takeawaysAgile is not dead, but it is dissolved and evolving in response to changing circumstances.The focus should be on outcomes rather than rigid frameworks and methodologies.Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial in the face of technological advancements and changing job markets.Individuals should take responsibility for their own development and invest in their skills and employability.Controversial opinions and diversity of perspectives are essential for progress and innovation. AI and LLMs have the potential to significantly impact various aspects of work and life.Job displacement is a concern, but there are also opportunities for continuous learning and personal growth.Creative disruption is important for challenging complacency in large organizations.Ethical considerations and the evolving boundaries of ethics are crucial in the development and use of AI.Reflection on personal ambitions and the future of work is essential for navigating the changing landscape.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#112 The Product Operating Model with Chris Jones - Part 2
#112 The Product Operating Model with Chris Jones - Part 2
summaryIn this conversation, hosts Sander Dur and Jim Sammons discuss various topics including the impact of books, the secrecy of Apple, consumer behavior, and the product operating model with their guest Chris Jones. They explore the concept of the product operating model, which focuses on shifting from output-oriented approaches to outcome-oriented approaches. They also discuss the importance of building and solving problems in product development, as well as the role of product strategy in driving cohesive decision-making. The conversation explores the implementation of the product operating model and the role of product owners and product managers. It discusses the shift from locally implemented frameworks to a more holistic approach throughout the entire organization. The conversation also touches on the involvement of CFOs in funding and investment decisions and the ideal composition of the C-suite in a product organization. Examples of companies that have successfully adopted the product operating model are mentioned. The distinction between product ownership and product management is clarified, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and a holistic approach. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the future of product management and the potential for automation. takeawaysBooks can have a significant impact on personal and professional growth.The secrecy of companies like Apple can be both a strength and a weakness.Consumer behavior is influenced by both product features and brand image.The product operating model emphasizes outcome-oriented approaches over output-oriented approaches.·         Building and problem-solving are key aspects of successful product development.·         A cohesive product strategy is essential for effective decision-making. The product operating model is a holistic approach that should be implemented throughout the entire organization, rather than just in specific teams or departments.·         CFOs are increasingly involved in funding and investment decisions related to product development.·         Successful adoption of the product operating model requires collaboration and a shift from a command-and-control mindset to a focus on outcomes and value.·         The distinction between product ownership and product management lies in the level of responsibility and the scope of the role.·         Product management is a complex and judgment-based role that is less likely to be automated in the future.  Check out our Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#112 The Product Operating Model with Chris Jones - Part 1
#112 The Product Operating Model with Chris Jones - Part 1
summaryIn this conversation, hosts Sander Dur and Jim Sammons discuss various topics including the impact of books, the secrecy of Apple, consumer behavior, and the product operating model with their guest Chris Jones. They explore the concept of the product operating model, which focuses on shifting from output-oriented approaches to outcome-oriented approaches. They also discuss the importance of building and solving problems in product development, as well as the role of product strategy in driving cohesive decision-making. The conversation explores the implementation of the product operating model and the role of product owners and product managers. It discusses the shift from locally implemented frameworks to a more holistic approach throughout the entire organization. The conversation also touches on the involvement of CFOs in funding and investment decisions and the ideal composition of the C-suite in a product organization. Examples of companies that have successfully adopted the product operating model are mentioned. The distinction between product ownership and product management is clarified, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and a holistic approach. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the future of product management and the potential for automation.takeawaysBooks can have a significant impact on personal and professional growth.The secrecy of companies like Apple can be both a strength and a weakness.Consumer behavior is influenced by both product features and brand image.The product operating model emphasizes outcome-oriented approaches over output-oriented approaches.Building and problem-solving are key aspects of successful product development.A cohesive product strategy is essential for effective decision-making. The product operating model is a holistic approach that should be implemented throughout the entire organization, rather than just in specific teams or departments.CFOs are increasingly involved in funding and investment decisions related to product development.Successful adoption of the product operating model requires collaboration and a shift from a command-and-control mindset to a focus on outcomes and value.The distinction between product ownership and product management lies in the level of responsibility and the scope of the role.Product management is a complex and judgment-based role that is less likely to be automated in the future.Check out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.scrummatch.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#110 The Agile Product Operating Model with Simon Reindl & Martin Hinshelwood
#110 The Agile Product Operating Model with Simon Reindl & Martin Hinshelwood
summaryThe conversation explores the challenges and misconceptions surrounding agile methodologies, particularly Scrum, and the need for a common understanding and language in the industry. The guests discuss the fatigue and disillusionment with agile and the constant influx of new buzzwords. They emphasize the importance of focusing on core principles and delivering value, regardless of the specific framework or terminology used. The conversation also touches on the lack of competence and understanding among practitioners, highlighting the need for accreditation and a governing body to ensure quality and consistency. The conversation in this part revolves around the agile operating model and the need for certification. The hosts discuss the challenges of finding the right level of expertise and affordability in hiring co-hosts. They also touch upon the issue of online debates about using the wrong terminology. The conversation then transitions to the topic of the agile operating model and the potential for it to become the next big thing. They discuss the need for a certification process and the requirements for someone to be truly certified. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the product operating model and the potential impact on organizations and the audience. The conversation explores the convergence of product and agile operating models, the challenges of scaling innovation, the importance of clear constraints and empowerment, and the need for a learning culture. It emphasizes the need to focus on core principles rather than structures, embrace failure as part of the learning process, and create a culture of trust and connectedness. takeawaysThe industry is experiencing fatigue and disillusionment with agile methodologies, particularly Scrum, due to the constant influx of new buzzwords and the overuse of terminology.It is essential to focus on core principles and delivering value, rather than getting caught up in specific frameworks or terminology.There is a lack of competence and understanding among practitioners, with many individuals claiming to be Scrum Masters or agile coaches without a basic knowledge of Scrum.Accreditation and a governing body could help raise the bar and ensure quality and consistency in the industry.A common understanding is crucial for effective collaboration and alignment within organizations. Education and continuous learning are important for professionals in the field.Clear constraints and empowerment are essential for creating a learning culture.Leadership plays a critical role in defining purpose, setting constraints, and creating a culture of trust and connectedness.Both hierarchy and networked communication are necessary in organizations to balance autonomy and alignment.Check out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#108 The Silent Killer of Agile with Alex & Sally Sloley
#108 The Silent Killer of Agile with Alex & Sally Sloley
Summary The conversation covers karaoke, the Finnish Agile community, bad agile practices, agile transformations, fear, and personal advice. Sander Dur and his guests Sally and Aley Sloley discuss their dislike for karaoke and share stories about karaoke experiences. They praise the Finnish Agile community for their commitment and investment in creating a high-quality conference. They also discuss the negative impact of bad agile practices and the importance of sticking to true agile principles. The conversation delves into the concept of agile transformations and the need for continuous improvement rather than a definitive end state. They address the fear and resistance to change that often hinders agile adoption. They share personal experiences and offer advice on embracing experimentation and overcoming fear. The conversation concludes with a discussion on their mission to stop bad agile practices and the importance of staying true to one's beliefs. They also talk about using birds as metaphors in Sally's work and the importance of happiness in their careers. They share their fears and the impact of Agile on their lives. TakeawaysThe Finnish Agile community is committed and invested in creating high-quality events.Bad agile practices, such as fake agile playbooks and op models, can be harmful and should be avoidedAgile transformations should focus on continuous improvement rather than a definitive end-stateFear often hinders agile adoption and experimentationStaying true to one's beliefs and principles is important in the face of resistance Agile has had a positive impact on Sally's and Alex' lives and has given them hope and fulfillment.Check out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#107 Striving for Value & Quality
#107 Striving for Value & Quality
The conversation revolves around the concept of value and its various interpretations. The hosts discuss the importance of defining and measuring value, the role of quality in delivering value, and the challenges faced by organizations in prioritizing value. They also touch on the impact of short-sightedness, the rise of disruptive competitors, and the influence of money on decision-making. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the pros and cons of different business models, such as SaaS and physical products. The conversation explores the concept of mediocrity and its impact on various aspects of work and life. It discusses the acceptance of mediocrity in education and society, the importance of measuring and striving for quality, and the need for personal and professional growth beyond mediocrity. The conversation also touches on the challenges of working in different cultural contexts and the role of uncertainty in agile practices.TakeawaysValue is a widely used but often misunderstood term in the business world. It is important to define and measure value in order to make informed decisions.Quality plays a crucial role in delivering value. Organizations should prioritize quality and avoid sacrificing it for short-term gains.Employee happiness and engagement can be leading indicators of value. Creating a positive work environment can lead to better outcomes and customer satisfaction.The rise of disruptive competitors and the need to stay ahead of the market require organizations to be adaptable and open to innovation.Money can influence decision-making and lead to arrogance and mediocrity. It is important to balance financial considerations with long-term value creation.Different business models, such as SaaS and physical products, have their own advantages and challenges. Organizations should carefully consider the trade-offs when choosing a business model. Mediocrity is often accepted and tolerated in education and society, but there is a need to strive for higher standards and quality.Measuring and objectively assessing quality is becoming easier, and it is important to prioritize and invest in high-quality work.Being a mediocre scrum master or leader is not ideal, but it is better than being harmful. Strive for excellence and continuous improvement.Understanding cultural contexts and adapting to different dynamics within teams is crucial for effective collaboration.Embracing uncertainty and creating structures for long-lasting change are essential in agile practices.Check out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.scrummatch.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#106 Untrapping Product Teams with David Pereira
#106 Untrapping Product Teams with David Pereira
SummaryIn this episode, David shares his experience of writing his book 'Untrapping Product Teams' and discusses the challenges and traps that product teams often face. He talks about the importance of resilience and a growth mindset for product managers. David emphasizes the need for a balance between discovery and delivery, stating that discovery is not an excuse to not deliver anything. He also highlights the value of evidence-based decision making and the importance of focusing on building the present and the future simultaneously. In this conversation, David shares his thoughts on writing more books and explores the challenges of being a product manager. He discusses the importance of creating a space where product teams can thrive and the need for unconventional product management. David also emphasizes the value of experimentation and creating an environment where product owners can experiment. He highlights the significance of building relationships with stakeholders and the importance of aligning with them rather than managing them. The key takeaway is that no matter where you are, you can drive change and take action for a better tomorrow.TakeawaysResilience and a growth mindset are crucial traits for product managers.Discovery is not an excuse to not deliver anything; it should be balanced with delivery.Product teams should focus on learning faster than it takes to deliver.Building the present and the future simultaneously is essential for success.Evidence-based decision making is key to effective product management. Writing more books and creating additional content based on the bookCreating a space where product teams can thriveThe importance of experimentation and creating an environment for product owners to experimentBuilding relationships with stakeholders and aligning with themTaking action and driving change for a better tomorrowCheck out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.scrummatch.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#104 The Happiness Blueprint with Antoni Tzavelas
#104 The Happiness Blueprint with Antoni Tzavelas
SummaryIn this conversation, Anthony shares his insights on happiness and its impact on individuals and teams. He discusses the challenges he faced in his life and how he overcame them to find happiness. Anthony emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, empathy, and a positive mindset in fostering happiness. He also introduces the concept of the happiness blueprint, which includes elements like inspiration, mindset, power, alliance, care, and transformation. Anthony highlights the need for organizations to prioritize happiness in the workforce and shares the success story of a high-performing team. He concludes by offering advice on improving daily scrum or stand-up meetings.TakeawaysSelf-reflection and self-awareness are key to finding and maintaining happiness.Empathy and kindness towards oneself and others contribute to happiness.The happiness blueprint includes inspiration, mindset, power, alliance, care, and transformation.Happiness positively impacts individuals, teams, and organizations, leading to higher engagement and performance.Chapters00:00Introduction and Tough Crowd01:23Discovering the Importance of Happiness03:28The Impact of Challenging Experiences on Happiness04:56Overcoming Challenges and Making a Change06:22The Impact of Challenging Experiences on Family07:49Feeling Lucky and Grateful09:13The Influence of Upbringing on Happiness10:09The Meaning of Happiness10:58Inspiration from Others11:55The Happiness Blueprint13:24The Dangers of Toxic Positivity14:22Dealing with Bad Days15:21Resources for Practicing Happiness21:56Accepting and Embracing Yourself23:25Dealing with Turmoil and Anger25:56Developing Emotional Intelligence27:04Empathy vs Sympathy28:17The Importance of Self-Change29:42The Search for Dopamine Hits30:26The Impact of Happiness on the Workforce34:18The Resistance to Happiness in Organizations37:41Success Story of a High-Performing Team40:36Improving Daily Scrum or Stand-Up42:04Question for the Next GuestCheck out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.scrummatch.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#103 Lean Portfolio Management and OKRs with Yuval Yeret
#103 Lean Portfolio Management and OKRs with Yuval Yeret
SummaryIn this conversation, Jim, Sander, and their guest Yuval discuss various topics including SAFE, lean portfolio management, and OKRs. They explore the misconceptions and polarizing nature of SAFE, the difference between a traditional PMO and a lean portfolio, and the challenges of managing different ways of working within a global organization. They also delve into the concept of OKRs, the importance of setting realistic goals, and the potential pitfalls of tying incentives to OKRs. The conversation concludes with a discussion on metrics and the value of thinking in bets.TakeawaysSAFe is often misunderstood and polarizing, but it has valuable ideas and good information on its website.Lean portfolio management focuses on managing different types of work within an organization's portfolio and measuring different things for different investments.OKRs should be specific and motivating, but too many goals can be confusing and demotivating.Tying incentives to OKRs can lead to unintended consequences and the wrong behavior.Metrics such as lead time, cycle time, and customer satisfaction are important for measuring progress and making data-driven decisions.Thinking in bets and adopting a VC mindset can help make better decisions and navigate uncertainty in business.Check out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.scrummatch.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#102 "No Matter What" with Agavni Jessaijan
#102 "No Matter What" with Agavni Jessaijan
SummaryIn this conversation, Sander Dur and Agavni Jessaijan discuss her diverse creative skills and her journey to self-employment. They explore the importance of communication and the belief that everything is possible. Agavni shares her experiences as an entrepreneur and the challenges she faced during the pandemic. They also discuss her participation in a special forces TV show and the lessons she learned from it. The conversation highlights the importance of autonomy, mastery, and purpose in motivation and the need for trust and teamwork. Agavni reflects on her experience on the TV show 'Kamp van Koningsbrugge' and how it taught her the importance of speaking her truth and staying true to her core. She discusses her physical and mental challenges during the show and how they helped her overcome her insecurities. Agavni emphasizes the need for compassionate communication and the integration of the head, heart, and gut brains in personal leadership. She also talks about her upcoming book, 'No Matter What,' which shares her personal journey and offers insights and wise questions for personal growth and development.TakeawaysDiverse skills and experiences can lead to personal and professional growth.Effective communication is essential for success, both personally and within organizations.Believing that everything is possible can lead to innovation and problem-solving.Entrepreneurship requires risk-taking and the ability to adapt to challenges.Motivation is driven by autonomy, mastery, and purpose.Trust and teamwork are crucial for achieving goals and overcoming obstacles. Speaking your truth and staying true to your core is essential in personal leadership.Physical and mental challenges can help you overcome insecurities and develop resilience.Compassionate communication and integrating the head, heart, and gut brains are key in personal leadership.Asking wise questions can lead to personal growth and development.Check out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.scrummatch.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
#100 Denise Tilles on Product Operations
#100 Denise Tilles on Product Operations
SummaryDenise discusses the concept of product operations and its role in helping product managers make faster and better quality decisions. Product operations involves providing PMs with the necessary inputs and support to set strategy, prioritize, create roadmaps, and collaborate effectively with stakeholders. It differs from traditional agile approaches by focusing on the system around teams rather than just the teams themselves. Denise also highlights the importance of defining the product and understanding the problem to be solved. She emphasizes the need for buy-in from leadership and the importance of clear communication and stakeholder management in implementing product operations. In this part of the conversation, Denise discusses the challenges of stakeholder discussions and balancing strategic decisions with short-term opportunities. She also talks about the relationship between strategy and incentives in a product organization. The conversation then shifts to the topic of Denise's book on product operations and why she decided to write it. She emphasizes the importance of understanding what product operations is and how it can be implemented in different areas of a company. The chapter ends with a discussion on scaling challenges and the role of go-to-market alignment and data in product operations. In this conversation, Yuval and Jim discuss various topics related to agile portfolio management and OKRs. They explore the challenges and benefits of implementing agile practices in traditional project management offices (PMOs) and the importance of aligning goals and strategies at different levels of the organization. They also delve into the use of OKRs as a tool for setting and measuring goals, emphasizing the need for outcome-oriented goals and collaboration in their development. Throughout the conversation, they highlight the importance of continuous improvement and adaptability in managing portfolios and achieving organizational success.TakeawaysProduct operations helps PMs make faster and better quality decisions by providing the necessary inputs and support.Product operations focuses on the system around teams, rather than just the teams themselves, setting it apart from traditional agile approaches.Defining the product and understanding the problem to be solved are crucial for effective product operations.Buy-in from leadership is essential for implementing product operations.Clear communication and stakeholder management are key to successful product operations. Balancing stakeholder discussions and strategic decisions can be challenging, especially when short-term opportunities arise.The relationship between strategy and incentives in a product organization is complex and can lead to conflicting goals.Product operations is a key function in a company and understanding its role and potential is crucial.Implementing product operations requires considering areas of deficit and opportunity within the organization.Denise's book on product operations provides actionable tips and real-life experiences to help companies navigate these challenges. Agile practices can be challenging to implement in traditional PMOs, but they offer benefits such as increased alignment and adaptability.OKRs are a useful tool for setting and measuring goals, but they should be outcome-oriented and developed collaboratively with the people doing the work.Continuous improvement and adaptability are key to managing portfolios effectively and achieving organizational success.Experimentation and learning are crucial for driving innovation and differentiation in portfolio management.Check out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.scrummatch.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
S07 E07 Evelien Hölsken on Free A Girl
S07 E07 Evelien Hölsken on Free A Girl
SummaryEvelien Hölsken, founder of the Free A GIrl Foundation, discusses her work to end sexual exploitation of children. She shares her journey from a commercial background to the nonprofit sector and explains how she was inspired to start her own foundation. Evelien discusses the challenges of fundraising and the need for transparency in the nonprofit sector. She also highlights the importance of education and prevention in combating child exploitation. Evelien shares heartbreaking stories of children trapped in the sex trade and the impact her foundation has had in rescuing and rehabilitating survivors. She emphasizes the need for continued efforts to bring justice to perpetrators and support survivors.Want to donate or contribute? Check out the website: exploitation, children, nonprofit sector, fundraising, transparency, education, prevention, rescue, rehabilitation, justiceTakeawaysThe Free A Girl Foundation works to end thesexual exploitation of children and has rescued almost 8,000 children so far.The foundation focuses on both rescue and rehabilitation, as well as prevention and raising awareness.There are challenges in fundraising, but transparency and personal connections with donors can help.The justice system needs improvement to ensure perpetrators are convicted and survivors feel safe to report cases.Education and prevention are crucial in combating child exploitation, and the foundation runs programs to empower survivors and educate communities.The foundation aims to continue its work until there is no more sexual exploitation of children.TitlesEmpowering Survivors: Education and AwarenessChallenges and Triumphs: Fundraising for a NonprofitCheck out our sponsor:www.xebia.comwww.scrummatch.comwww.wiserbees.comwww.masteringagility.orgSound Bites"The direct impact, the outputs, the results are the rescue of almost 8,000 children.""There's lots of impunity. So perpetrators are arrested, they are hardly convicted.""We educate survivors to become lawyers themselves, or judges, or prosecutors or other kind of professions that have to do with human rights."Chapters00:00Introduction and Background08:04Rescue and Impact21:32Empowering Survivors25:26Fundraising and Awareness33:37Call to ActionHosted by Ausha. See for more information.
S07 E06 Joe Krebs on Agile Katas
S07 E06 Joe Krebs on Agile Katas
SummaryIn this conversation, Joe Krebs joins us at the ScanAgile24 conference in Helsinki. He discusses the concept of Agile Kata and its role in continuous improvement. He shares his passion for this topic and how it originated from his experience with agile transformations. Joe emphasizes the importance of challenging existing processes and habits to drive meaningful change. He also highlights the need for a continuous improvement mindset and the challenges organizations face in embracing it. Joe shares success stories of organizations applying Kata and the potential benefits it brings. He concludes by discussing the importance of building the Agile Kata community and the slow progress in doing so.TakeawaysAgile Kata is a pattern for continuous improvement that can enhance the world of Agile.Agile transformations should not be treated as projects with an end date but as ongoing journeys of improvement.Kata introduces scientific thinking and challenges existing habits and processes.The biggest challenge in embracing continuous learning and improvement is breaking through existing habits and routines.Chapters00:00Introduction and Background02:24The Importance of Continuous Improvement04:17The Misconception of Agile Transformation05:14Evolution of the Talk on Agile Kata06:12The Challenge of Embracing Continuous Learning07:40Challenges in Challenging Existing Processes09:07The Time Investment for Creating New Habits10:08Using Kata to Improve Business Situations11:36Success Stories of Applying Kata13:31Applying Kata in Lean Manufacturing Environments14:55The Challenge of Having a Continuous Improvement Mindset15:23The Danger of Zombie Scrum20:35Challenging the Sprint-Based Approach24:21Applying Kata in Simple Product Spaces25:20The Slow Progress of Building the Agile Kata Community27:35Question for the Next GuestHosted by Ausha. See for more information.