Cigar smokers wanna know what the best cigar flavors are. Even if you smoke the #1 cigar, you might never experience its full flavor if you smoke a cigar too fast, judge a cigar when you first light it or try to set the record for the biggest ash.
You might be surprised to hear the way you smoke cigars may impact their flavors. Correct these 3 mistakes cigar smokers make and your next cigar might taste a whole lot better.
Pro Cigar Tip: a well-humidified cigar always tastes better. Store cigars with Boveda in a humidor to get the best flavor out of every cigar.
Guest: Altadis Cigars’ National Education Manager, Travis Pappenheim
Boveda Box Hosts: Rob Gagner and Nate Beck
00:00 Cold open
02:19 Are you puffing on a cigar too fast?
02:40 Does tobacco really have flavors?
03:51 How long should you hold cigar smoke in your mouth?
03:57 What it means if the ember of a cigar is this color
04:07 Why a big cigar ash is bad (Our apologies to Sir Mixalot!)
04:25 How to correctly draw on a cigar
06:09 Are you smoking a bad cigar? (How long until a cigar's flavor kicks in.)
07:24 Where’s the most flavor in a cigar—what a lit cigar is trying to tell you.
Boveda are 2-way humidity packs you put in a humidor to preserve cigars. If you store cigars in a wood humidor, have you seasoned your humidor lately? The easy way to season a wood humidor is using the Boveda Humidor Starter Kits.
Check out the easy-to-use kits here:
How many Boveda do I need for a humidor? Find out here: