The QuackCast

Michael Morris

The QuackCast features Ozoneocean, Banes, Tantz Aerine, and Pitface, talking about writing, movies, webcomics, art, politics, philosophy, sexuality, and everything else! We're the hosts of the oldest webcomic host on the net,, aka theduckwebcomics. 20 years this year! read less


Quackcast 704 - The Cultcast
Hace 4 días
Quackcast 704 - The Cultcast
The topic we're talking about today was inspired by my ruminations on Bullshido martial arts promo demonstration videos. These are the videos where a martial arts master shows off their skill in a patently fake demonstration, usually starting with breaking concrete slabs or wood and then progressing to a performance where they show how easily they can defeat all of their students who try and attack them. The really bad ones will pretend to channel “chi” (a fake energy) and knock down their students without even trying! The thing is that often the teachers actually believe they can really DO this stuff because the reactions of their students make them believe that it's real. And the students believe it too because of motivated reasoning (they WANT to believe), and they are influenced by each other. It's all one self reinforcing bubble echo-chamber of belief. There are two reasons I'm talking about this in terms of webcomics: 1. Bullshido is the origin of the amazing and silly martial arts and superhero moves and techniques in comics and animation and it's interesting to know where it comes from. and 2. this sort of stuff is why we have preconceived ideas about why a lot of pop-culture is good or bad: We fall for a sort of tribal thinking that's created by our tendency to follow the beliefs of others without examining them for ourselves. It's the sort of thing that results in cults, conspiracy belief, and our opinions on political figures. It's even why we believe that valve amps, Les Paul guitars, Stradivarius violins, and vinyl records sound magically better than the alternatives. It's a fascinating and fun topic and we go deep into it! This week Gunwallace wasn't able to make a new theme so I re-issued the theme to Kirsha Brackets - A warm rush of frenetic activity! Modern, bright, shiny, new, fun, action, happening, moving, going, bouncing, bubbling, hopping, motivation! Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Jalek and the Starbook - Featured music: Kirsha Brackets - - by DrawingGenius, rated T. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Kawaiidaigakusei - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 703 - Cross Cultural Influence
Quackcast 703 - Cross Cultural Influence
Cross cultural influence is a marvellous thing and very enriching to creativity! It's lovely when you can see multiple cultural influences in things, whether comics, movies, art, fashion, music or anything else. It's inspiring and leads to new and more interesting things. I picked promo images from some recent Pixar movies Turning Red, Encanto, Coco, and Moana, because they're good examples of the process and what it can result in. The flip-side of that is “cultural appropriation”. That's where you take something that's important, sacred or representative of another culture and you claim ownership of it or use it in an inappropriate way, not giving the true source any respect and not seeking permission. unfortunately this is often used as a false accusation by people who either try and white-knight or are just trying to weaponise the idea in order to gain status or make a point, which has a number of very negative effects: It drives people toward monoculuralisim in their expression, makes people afraid to experiment, it can make people less likely to see ACTUAL examples of cultural appropriation and more likely to discount or ignore real examples of it. In the Quackcast we mention Big Trouble in Little China, which was a wonderful blend of American action film and Hong Kong kung-fu movie. The Clint Eastwood Western A Fist Full Of Dollars is a version of the Japanese samurai film Yojimbo, made by Italians. And then of course the Samurai films of that era were inspired by America westerns anyway, so there was all sorts of deep cultural mixing. What are some of your own fave examples of cross cultural influence? This week another re-release of an older theme by Gunwallace, this one inspired by Thrud Goddess Of Thunder - Big fat beats and an epic sound! This one really brings the thunder! It’d be great as the intro tune to a professional wrestling match. It builds anticipation perfectly and really slams home and delivers on its promises. Epic sounds! This is the theme that became our Quackcast theme! Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: The Sloggs Gang Go To Comic Con - Featured music: Thrud Goddess Of Thunder - - by takoyama, rated T. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 702 - Expression-cast
Quackcast 702 - Expression-cast
Following on from last week with our Quackcast on faces, this week we're chatting about expressions, which is a very natural progression! expressions are a great way to enhance communication in comics. they can be fun to play with but tricky to master. Though when you get them right they really help lift your game. Exaggerated expressions are seen more in cartoony work rather than realistic styles but drawing good expressive faces still works well regardless, even if they ARE more subtle. One of the funniest things about drawing facial expressions is how your own face tends to mirror what you're drawing at the time, so you can look like a freak! When it comes to expression I think anime took it to a new level with their range of expressions using eyes, sweat drops, and hovering vein symbols. I've never seen western art that has such a facility when it comes to the variety in Manga, like characters who seem to be smiling and good natured but are broken and dead inside, or secretly evil- all done simply with the eyes and mouth. One of the big myths about non-verbal communication is that it comprises the vast majority of communication, which is pretty silly and easily debunk-able, but the fact that myth is still so popular shows how important expressions are to us, at least in our perception. Obviously the vast majority of communication is primarily through language alone, but body-language and expression do help. For our Patreon video we all tried drawing facial expressions real time, that's where the cover image comes from. Banes and Tantz were great! I wasn't. Are you any good at drawing expressions? Do you make silly faces when you do? What's your fave expression? This week Gunwallace gave us a theme inspired by The Gimblians - Introspective, considered and thoughtful. A short little compact track that leads us down a silent snowy path through a dark forest in the moonlight… and into a bouncy castle filled with clowns! Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Carpe Doodle - Featured music: The Gimblians - - by Mattgasser, rated E. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Kawaiidaigakusei - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 701 - Faces come out in the rain...
Quackcast 701 - Faces come out in the rain...
Drawing faces is one of the most natural things for us to do, and they're very easy for people to see that they're faces because animals are evolved especially to be able to see faces- people mistakenly think this is just a human thing but it's clearly something that happened much earlier. We're so good at seeing faces we see them where they don't exist (paradolia). So drawing them for comics should be super simple, should it? Well it is and it isn't. You can always get better at things and drawing faces is something that has a vast range of difficulties. They can be as simple as a circle with minimal features, or more advanced attempts with everything clearly laid out with shading and a perfect expression, and everything in between… How I do it is something in between: Sort of realistic but still pretty cartoony. The easiest way to do more realistic faces is to understand the rules: The eyes go roughly halfway on the face. The eyebrows go up above and create a shaded line, the mouth and bottom of the nose divide the bottom of the face into thirds. And that's you average face. Drawing different ethnic traits though is very tricky without being racist! So practise those a lot before coming out with anything publicly. An important thing to know is the myth of symmetry. The myth is that perfectly symmetrical faces are more beautiful, this idea was put forward a few years ago by a plastic surgeon of all people and many ate it up. The reality though that very symmetrical faces can actually give you an "uncanny valley" feel so that the face can start to look unnatural and alien. It's VERY easy to make perfectly symmetrical faces in art, now moreso than ever. You simply draw one side of a face, copy, paste, flip and join them. It's a good technique to use to quickly draw a portrait but a smart move is to rough up either side and remove some of that symmetry subtly. Beauty is about being average (not too far outside norms) and the cultural standards of that particular point in time, symmetry is a small and basic part of that, NOT the prime component: a good clue as to why this is the case is the fact that humans don't all look the same, people from different ethnicities have very different facial traits and beauty standards, and we can very easily see that beauty standards throughout time varied massively and constantly. Saying that beauty is based on symmetry is like saying cars are based on wheels- in one sense yes but in all other senses no. How are you with drawing faces? What's your secret? Can you draw people of different ethnicities without being racist? What style of faces do you draw? NEXT WEEK- The expression cast This week Gunwallace has given us a theme inspired by The Hotel - Trapped in a never ending loop inside an elevator. Are you going up, down, or… sideways? Ring the bell for service. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave. Topics and shownotes Links Please consider purchasing a copy of our latest DD anthology A Flock of Dreams to help DD Featured comic: It's My Turn to Save the World - Featured music: The Hotel - - by Pinupcitizen, rated T. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 700 - Mythcast part 2
Quackcast 700 - Mythcast part 2
We chatted about Greek Myths last week and found the subject so interesting that we thought we'd do a part two! So even MORE Greek myth stuff for Quackcast 700. There are just so many great stories like the myth of the Hydra and how it was so hard to kill because when one of its many heads were cut off it would just grow another one. Or the Minotaur that was trapped in a labyrinth under the palace of Minos in Crete in order to imprison him because he was a monster. The labyrinth was of course built by Daedalus. I love all the stories about Daedalus who was a genius inventor and architect, basically an engineer and a scientist, and I love that he as an inventor is a celebrated character of myth. Not many cultures have myths about such characters. Odysseus is another favourite of mine, he was a genius strategist and just an all round clever man who could always come up with plans and amazing solutions to problems… a bit of a MacGyver if you will. And he's another interesting character to be celebrated in myth. My favourite gods are the siblings Artemis and Apollo. Apollo only because he's a sun god and he's an arrogant, pretty fellow so he's fun to draw. Artemis is a fave because she's so capable, competent, and driven, plus she has an awesome name. she's seen as a virgin, maiden hunter goddess and another aspect of Athena. The Roman version was Diana and our modern version is Wonder Woman. Who are your fave gods or humans in Greek myth? This week Gunwallace wasn't able to do a Quackcast so since this is Quackcast 700 I decided to reissue our theme to Quackcast 500! - This was an awesome rocky anthem for the DD Quackcast. It’s all hard guitars and loud stonkin’ sound! With the super-duper added contribution of us all shouting “500”! Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Amell: A Grey Warden is Born - Featured music: Five hundred! - by All of us, rated E Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Kawaiidaigakusei - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 699 - Greek Myths!
Quackcast 699 - Greek Myths!
We're chatting about our fave Greek myths! Greek myths are foundational to a lot of Western culture, they're what superheroes are based on as well as all sorts of epic stories. Lots of scientific concepts and ideas are based on things from mythology. The stories resonate down through the millennia because they're so relatable and human- rather than being about stodgy perfect beings who live in a magical realm and guide their mortal charges like children, the Greek gods of myth have the same emotional drives, lusts, jealousies, and personal problems of any modern person living today. Many of us find our own way into the myths. For me it was the astronomy books I loved as a child because I adored the images of the planets, stars, and nebulae. They had names from Greek and Roman myth and there were stories explaining where the names came from. Aspects of Greek myth would pop up all through culture; the naiads, dryads, and fauns in CS Lewis's Narnia books, the plays and music based on the love story of Orpheus and Eurydice… Hercules was always everywhere, and one of my favourite cartoons as a child was Ulysses 31, a French Scifi show based on the Odyssey. Then there are all the classic sword and sandal movie epics like Clash of the Titans! The Greek gods even show up in the musical Xanadu, a childhood fave of mine. These days people have have many animes, video games like God of War and Assassins Creed, movie and book series like Percy Jackson, the 300 and even Wonder Woman. I'm sure the 90s Kevin Sorbo series Hercules the Legendary journeys and its sister series Xena Warrior Princess were big inspirations for many! Even the Disney cartoon about Hercules. Not to mention all the secondary and tertiary influences like He-man who has more than his share of Hercules in him, even carrying a sword inspired by Greek weapons (though he's also based on Conan, who has Hercules in him too). It's funny where Greek myth references pop up- a lot of them in the names for technology and technical computer things because the scientists and engineers who created them were a little pretentious and wanted to show their classical learning. One of my faves is the name for the days of the week- In English most of them are the names of Germanic gods- Tuesday = Tir, god of war: Wednesday = Odin, Wodan, Wotan, god of wisdom: Thursday = Thor, god of thunder: Friday = Frigg and or Freyja, one a mother god he other a goddess of fertility. They were named that as a translation of the original Latin names because of course those days were named for Roman Gods: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus… which were of course translations of Greek gods: Aries, Hermes, Zeus, and Aphrodite. So what are your fave characters from Greek myth, fave Greek myths or fave pop-culture things with Greek mythic influence? How did you come to learn of the Greek myths? (Every culture has ancient, important, and highly influential myths but we're not talking about those here, just the Greek ones). This week Gunwallace has given us a theme inspired by On the Edge - Borg showtunes!!! You WILL be assimilated, resistance is futile. Fazing, fading mechanical vocals with a suspiciously New Zealand lilt. You've never heard his classic in THIS form. Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Cork and Blotto - Featured music: On the Edge - - by Gunwallace, rated T. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 698 - the Haircast
Quackcast 698 - the Haircast
Hair is a weird thing isn't it? It's just a bunch of thin filaments that stand out and hang from the body, most visibly from the head. Everyone is bald as an egg underneath this coating of head-fur, but the floof on top takes on a life, body, and shape of its own even though the truth is that it's just thin threads all buffed up with a lot of air. Hairstyles can indicate class, status, wealth, occupation, style, coolness, lack of cool, age, date, and any number of other factors about a person and where and when they fit in society. We also have strong reactions to hair: love, hate, revulsion, or disgust. It can indicate whether a person belongs to a community, a society, a religion or a sect. It's a gigantic subject, so lets limit it down to just a few things… In the 20th century the biggest events with hair were caused by the 2 world wars. World War one gave us the beginnings of female emancipation: in the 1920s after WW1 we had young “flappers” with their short, boyish haircuts, much to the shock of some people. But it was also the first beginnings of mass military service for millions of young men who were introduced to the mass enforced conformity of the military haircuts. In the years between wars fashion fought back and other styles prevailed, but World War 2 bought millions more men and women into military service and THIS time those fashions stuck. It wasn't till the late 1950s and early 1960s the the first reactions to post war ultra-conservatism started to show up with what eventually became the counter culture movement exemplified by hippies. Long hair on men was seen as an act of revolution. Their conservative parents somehow forgot that their own parents and grandparents before them had long shaggy hair and beards (if they wanted them), and treated the long haired youth like something new and weird, when in reality it was their own conservative war traumatised generation that were the weird ones. That aside, what hairstyles do you like? What do you gravitate towards? Do you like particular styles on characters that you draw or read about in comics? I love big hair and long hair on my characters because short hair is really hard to draw. But these days I experiment with my styles, even bald styles which are interesting, though not full bald because that's just easy mode. This week Gunwallace has given us a theme inspired by The DD Anthology: A Flock of Dreams - A very dream-like cruise on a sea of somnambulance…drifting off into dreamland with piano and soft sounds. Floating on waters of heavy, dully shining mercury. Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Tuk and His Dinosaur - Featured music: The DD Anthology: A Flock of Dreams - Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Kawaiidaigakusei - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 697 - The DD Anthology comic
Quackcast 697 - The DD Anthology comic
We present to you our latest Drunk Duck anthology comic: A Flock Of Dreams! This is an amazing collection of high quality comics by the members of our site, all connected by the theme theme of dreams. *It has a mature rating and is definitely not for kids! There is some nudity, violence and dark subjects. A Flock of Dreams features 166 pages and 13 different stories by our creators. They're sexy, comedic, mysterious, fascinating, dark, terrifying, and magical! We created this anthology in order to raise money for improvements to our site. Drunk Duck is an awesome free community run webcomic comic host, in fact we're oldest online! We've been around since 2002 and have a hell of a lot of history. People have grown up reading comics on our site, creators have married either other, had kids, and the kids have grown up to become creators on DD. Please help us preserve this legacy. A copy of A Flock of Dreams costs $25. You can purchase it from our Patreon store here: - Or you can cut out the middleman and buy it from me directly at by sending $25 USD to me through Paypal, but you will need a gmail address to download the anthology - Over the years DD has produced several anthologies but this is the only second one we've put together especially for sale to raise money for the site. We really hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed creating it for you! This week Gunwallace has given us a theme inspired by The sagas of Seelhoe - High drama as tension slowly but surely builds in this otherwise very relaxing tune. This classical sound is epic and worthy of a movie soundtrack. Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Nose Bleed - Featured music: The Sagas of Seelhoe - - by Roberto Fabris - rated M. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 696 - Tropes
Quackcast 696 - Tropes
We're talking about tropes that we like hate. Some we brought up were conspiracy theories, especially the ones that involve a whiteboard where all the info and photos stuck on there are connected by red string and the ones in anime where at the end of the episode a mysterious character looks at the action from a distance and says cryptically “ah, this is all going exactly to plan…” Others included Isekai, Life re-dos, power couples, Time loops, and 1930s style adventure. Oh, and one I hate is the courtroom episode trope. What are your fave story tropes and which ones you do dislike with a passion? This week Gunwallace has given us a theme inspired by 696 - Faeward - A very happy, joyful and jaunty tune with an almost nautical air about it with a variety of instruments, mainly synth, with a special appearance by bagpipes. Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: The Hotel - Featured music: Faeward - - by Fancyfatale, rated M. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Kawaiidaigakusei - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 695 - Pop Culture
Quackcast 695 - Pop Culture
Pop-Culture, and the way it's always changing… We fall in love with pop culture but it's constantly changing and new pop culture is always being created, which means that as time goes on less and less people will care about the same pop culture as you. And what you were into will become niche and obscure, even though at the time you fell in love with it, it was massively mainstream and all over the place! There are exceptions to this with things that are SUPER popular like Star Wars, DC and Marvel comic characters, Star Trek, and Doctor Who, who's new versions facilitate a life support for the old stuff or sometimes even a revival of it, but they also have an issue where they try and replace their classic stuff with the newer versions. The term “Pop-culture” started as a sort of critical description of what was thought of as a low quality, disposable alternative to “true” culture, but we've long since embraced it and no longer see it as something lessor. Pop-culture is simply the universal, current, contemporary culture that we all have access to. The two biggest factors in pop-culture are time and money: Time, because there's a constant turnover of content, people lose interest in things constantly so we always need new things; and Money, because the more money put into something the bigger it will get in pop-culture and also the more something can earn (because it's part of a popular concept) the more likely more of those things will be made (i.e superhero movies, Isekai anime etc). Older, previously created pop-culture still continues to exist but rapidly loses popularity and availability the older it gets. By its nature there is an extreme bias towards the new. Here we're talking about how massively popular and universal things become niche and unknown. It can revive because mining older pop-culture to make new pop-culture is very lucrative and easy, but it's never the same when it does. Even perennially popular things like Star Trek, Marvel and DC constantly change with each new iteration. Companies like Disney re-release their older IPs in their original forms but the purpose of that is to maintain the popularity of their brand (and now the streaming service) to help market their newer stuff. Pop-culture is a ravenous beast that must consonantly be fed with the new and money. What are some Pop-culture things you love but no one else does anymore? This week Gunwallace has given us a theme inspired by The Scourge of Ninepoint - A mournful yet extremely respectful funerary sounding tune ramps up quickly into a furiously paced call to action and a desperate race against time! Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Snake in the office - Featured music: The Scourge of Ninepoint - - by BonesMcKay, rated T. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 694 - Consistency
Quackcast 694 - Consistency
Is your work consistent? It's hard to maintain consistency but it does pay off: consistency in art work, style, character, writing, humour, updates and every other factor. To aid consistency in commercial works they come up with a “bible” which has drawings of character from all angles, all their colour swatches, their outfits, accessories, weapons, vehicles, floor plans of buildings, etc, as well as descriptions of their characters and the story style. That sort of thing is a huge help and especially useful when you have teams of people working on the project and need to hand over to other people. For a webcomicers a “bible” is usually overkill and involves as much work as several chapters of the comic itself. Some creators find them very useful, but for most of us it's wasted work. It's a good idea just to just a rough page of profile images to refer to because if you base your references on previous pages that's a great way to compound errors that are made earlier in the comic- believe me I know because I do that all the time. The very most important aspect of consistency though is style. If you have a characteristic style and a specific style of doing characters it does not matter ONE JOT how “good” your art is, and perfection is irrelevant. As long you draw it the same way each time people will be able to understand it and see that it's a deliberate choice. It will make your work look honed and professional. How do you go with maintaining consistency? I definitely have my own style but I'm not good at consistency as the images of my main character in the cover image shows. Today we reissued Gunwallace's theme to - Charby the Vampiriate - A classic comic on DD and a very classic theme by Gunwallace featuring a very Vampiric organ (from Quackcast 173). Charby the Vampiriate is a real poster-child for consistency! Although the comic and style have evolved a LOT over the years, Amelius manages a frightening level of stylistic consistency with a massive ensemble cast of different characters. Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Pipeline Lizards - Featured music: Charby the Vampiriate - - by Amelius, rated T. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Kawaiidaigakusei - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 693 - Betray!
Quackcast 693 - Betray!
Betrayal is not a fave theme of mine in any media. I really dislike it, but it's so popular! We've talked about this one before but no one really remembers Quackcast 427 so we're having another crack at it! We talk about all the different aspects: political, love, country, loyalty etc and really have fun with it! What I dislike most about the betrayal theme is when a character lies to get into a relationship with another character, or betrays the trust of someone they're in a relationship with. It's like nails on a blackboard to me, and yet it's done all the time so it must be entertaining and popular to other people? Another one I really dislike is when a character is betrayed by their team or their friends: people they trust all suddenly turn on them. I really hate that, it can feel very shocking and horrible. Betrayal by an organisation, a country, or superiors is also pretty popular but I don't think that approach is so bad because it usually reflects how people feel rather than a personal attack. Take Rambo for example: in that his country betrays him, but we all understand that it's a parable about how Vietnam war veterans were abandoned by their country and not given the support they needed. In my comic Pinky TA I use the “betrayed by superiors” theme, mainly because I was influenced by Ghost in the Shell when I wrote it and that was a popular theme in more serious anime at the time. It's also a good parable for growing into adulthood. Have you used a betrayal theme? Do you like it, or do you hate it like me? This week Gunwallace has given us a theme inspired by Oswald the Overman in the Lesser Planes of Hell - Starting off cutesy and friendly and pink this tune quickly spirals down into surreal, mind melting weirdness followed by a little bit of Louie Louie on the keyboards just to get us back to feeling in a party mood again! Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: The Scourge of Ninepoint - Featured music: Oswald the Overman in the Lesser Planes of Hell - - by OswaldTheOverman, rated T. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 692 - Benevolent racism and other isms!
Quackcast 692 - Benevolent racism and other isms!
Benevolent racism, sexism, ableism, and whatever other “isim” is an interesting aspect of those otherwise negative things. It's not as obvious in its negativity, it's well-meaning and yet quite misguided. So what is it? The term “Benevolent” makes it seem nice and harmless and that IS how people mean it, but that's because they're a bit clueless and ignorant. Benevolent sexism, ableism, and racism is basically using a “positive” stereotype to characterise someone based on their ethnicity, gender etc, like “all black people have natural rhythm”, or “women are more sensitive and in touch with nature”, or “blind people have all their other senses massively heightened”. So why is that a problem, you might ask? Because a stereotype that characterises an individual based on an assumption about their gender, their ethnicity or any other group they belong to is STILL a stereotype, it's still false and has nothing to do with them as an INDIVIDUAL person. What people really do when they use these benevolent stereotypes is to keep that person “other” from themselves, preventing them from relating to that person as a fellow human. It also puts the person in an awkward position, having to fit into or live up to standards that have nothing to do with them, i.e. “I'm an Asian so that means I have to be amazing at maths, a doctor, expert at martial arts, and constantly doing spiritual Buddhist ceremonies…” Anything that prevents us properly relating to people as fellow humans is a problem whether it's openly negative or seemingly positive. The argument in favour of benevolent stereotypes is to combat the negative ones and in that it has a place, a limited one but a place nonetheless. Think about the old “noble Savage” idea, native people used to be universally looked down upon but then this idea developed that they had a “nobility” of their own, free from the constraints of civilisation, they were in touch with the natural world etc. For black people it was the “magical Negro”, an older black person who's only trait seemed to be that they were friendly and there to offer wise life advice to white people. For south Asian people it was unarmed martial arts expertise, spirituality, and ceremony. For gay people it was “the gay best friend” who would give sage love-life advice to a female main character, do her hair and pick our her shoes and look fabulous. These stereotypes served the purpose of combating negative images and making a place for these groups in the mainstream. They had a place, but their time has passed. Examples are legion and usually very silly. Can you recognise them when you see them? Have you experienced them yourself? Do you use them yourself? What are some you can think of? One I hate the most is when bad stand up comedians tell us the “differences” between men and women, and it's just a list of stupid stereotypes. This week Gunwallace was under the weather so we reissued - Space Repair Garage The Comic - Groove into this easy-going, saucy space symphony of high tech bleep-blooping cool! You’ll be carried along on a flaming column of power as it slowly ramps up to epic proportions, and then be left alone, coasting in space as it suddenly cuts out. (from Quackcast 415) Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Drunk Duck Awards 2024 - Featured music: Space Repair Garage The Comic - - by Ninja_bait, rated E. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Kawaiidaigakusei - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 691 - Thirst Trap
Quackcast 691 - Thirst Trap
Thirst trap is the topic of today's Quackcast! What is a thirst trap? It's basically someone presenting themselves as very sexy in order to get attention for some sort of reason, rather than just happening to look attractive. So it's usually used for some sort of advertising purpose, to sell their OnlyFans, to get a date, or more conventional advertising. Today we're talking about it it terms of comics :) Years and years ago there ws an explosively popular comic on Drunk Duck called Craving Control. It was very well drawn and featured a sex, very busty women who would eat uncontrollably and get very fat and then slim down again quite suddenly. For some reason this was MASSIVELY interesting to people. The reason I mention it hear though is that their thumbnail pronominally featured a very boobular cleavage shot of the main character. Many of us creators on the site envied the popularity of this comic and chose to copy that thumbnail style. Suddenly there were all sorts of comics on the site being advertised with boob or butt thumbnails. Thirst traps everywhere! It started a fad on the site. People all suddenly re-learned the ancient lesson that “sex sells”. In our cast we expand this a bit to talk about some of the famous thirst trap comics that often don't deliver on the promise of their covers like Vampirella, along with Witchblade and Red Sonja. This was something that existed even before comics back with the old pulps. Artists like Margeret Brundage were famous for their scantily clad, busty women in compromising situations, which the stories within weren't nearly as racy. The of course we have “bodice-ripper” romance novels featuring women in tight corsets and men with bulging chests… Have you been guilty or at least tempted to use this tactic to promote your work? I know I have! Future topic: Benevolent sexism, also benevolent racism. This week Gunwallace was still unwell so I picked a sexy sounding past one to go along with the the topic today - Pep Squad - These girls are here to get you motivated! You can almost SEE the dance routine in your mind’s eye, and believe me, it’s pretty sexy… They’ve got some moves. The crowd roars as the pep squad performs, bumping, grinding and sliding on the stage. (from Quackcast 409) Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: A Lunatics Tale - Featured music: Pep Squad - - by Dave Mire, rated E Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 690 - Mister V, Dozer Manifesto
Quackcast 690 - Mister V, Dozer Manifesto
Mister V, aka Arborcides is our guest today, doing an interview with us about his huge project “Dozer Manifesto”, now finally completed! You can read the entire thing here on DD. It's about a fellow called Marv Heemeyer, resident of the Colorado town of Granby, and his decent into craziness, resulting in him creating an armour-plated, armed bulldozer, designed to be invulnerable, so he could crush the town and destroy his enemies with impunity. You might have heard of it being call the “killdozer”. The story was pretty sensationalised at the time and most people rooted for Marv as some sort of Robin Hood, or avenging angel, righteously taking revenge on enemies who had unfairly crossed him. There was very little consideration given to the other side, or the lives of the people he impacted. Mister V's comic really takes pains to tell the story the right way! In this age of mediated and sensationalised “reality” where fake conflict is inserted to tell better stories, people are characterised according to tropes, the truth is spun, and our very image of what is real is continually distorted, Mister V beautifully fights against that and delivers a fully balanced, nuanced view of the entire story from beginning to end and many years after. As a resident himself of Granby where the action happened, he had special access to the locations and the witnesses involved, which makes the Dozer Manifesto fascinating reading and elevates it from a comic to an actual historical document. Do you remember the whole Killdozer event? Have you heard about it? I'd advise you to look it up online and then come back and read the Dozer Manifesto by Arborcides! This week Gunwallace was under the weather so we reissued an older track that fit this theme perfectly! Dozer Manifesto - Start your engine… The sound of the powerful diesel motor as it comes time life… you can smell the fumes. Dry, dusty, industrial, rocky, the guitar thrums with a mechanical rhythm, hot and fast. (from Quackcast 465) Topics and shownotes Links Our intview subject today: Mister V, aka Arborcides - Featured comic: Friendship Material - Featured music: Dozer Manifesto - - by Arborcides, rated T. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Kawaiidaigakusei - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 689 - One Big Passion and Influence
Quackcast 689 - One Big Passion and Influence
What was one significant inspiring piece of pop-culture that a massive influence over your creative endeavours? All of us have had many, many different influences over the years but that's certainly NOT what we're interested in here, what we're talking about is that one thing you can remember that had a huge effect on you, why, how, and when. For me, I picked the time I saw the Tank Girl movie. It was all the way back in the mid 1990s. The movie didn't have much promotion so I didn't see it in the cinema because I didn't even know it was being screened, I only remember some radio ads. It came out on video very quickly and that's how I saw it. I rented it out and I actually own that very video cassette now because I bought it when the shop went out of business years later. An Ex stole my DVD and I can't buy a digital copy online here But I digress… When I saw that movie it was the perfect critical mass of creative influence for me. The story wasn't very good and it bore little relation to the comic but it was full of so much 1990s alt culture that it's a perfect time capsule and exemplar of the period; From the post-punk alt club fashions, to the alt rock and grunge soundtrack curated by Courtney Love, the aggressive alt-grrl femininity, the fantastic scenes depicted, the haircuts, and then there are the performances by Lori Petty, Tony Collette, Ice T, Malcom McDowell, Iggy Pop and more. It set off the creative bulbs in my head and I spent all evening creating a huge drawing on 3x A1 sheets of paper of a Tank covered in different incarnations of sexy Tank Girl inspired women. I was an art student at the time so I was very familiar with the alt culture depicted. At it's core the imagery of a funky dressed, sexy woman, with an aggressive DGAF attitude, paired with heavy, custom modified and decorated military hardware is what sticks with you and has been one of the core influences in my creative pursuits from then on. There have been many others of course, but this was A significant moment. The image in the art for this Quackcast is the drawing I made back then. I took it to class the next day and my lecturer just said that to her it just showed an “arrogance in drawing ability”, which I was a little shocked by, but this was the mid 1990s and drawing ability was NOT a priority among artists at the time. I am very serious- most 1990s fine artists lacked even rudimentary skill. It was a weird time. Can you tell us about any significant creative influence exposure events? This week Gunwallace made up a theme inspired by Pipeline Lizards - Oriental, old west, rock! This capers up to you in an enthusiastic, confusing, crabwalk of anachronism, bathing you in exciting rock and the plucky tones of what sounds like a shamisen played like a banjo! - I'm saying that I love it BTW. Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Faeward - Featured music: Pipeline Lizards - - by Pipeline Lizards, rated E. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord - The pic. Click to see a full size -
Quackcast 688 - Artistic Evolution
Quackcast 688 - Artistic Evolution
How and why does your creativity change over time? It “evolves”. Evolution is often wrongly thought of as a process that leads to a goal, like the idea that humans are the pinnacle of evolution, or that we will “evolve” into something better and “more superior”, or that there is a “next level” of evolution… All of that is just silly comic-book nonsense and terrible sci-fi. Evolution has no goal or direction, it's simply how we describe change that occurs over time. Creatures don't get “better” due to evolution, rather environmental pressures influence changes that make creatures fit in and cope with those specific pressures better. And many factors influence evolution, not just environmental pressures. With creativity the evolution influencers are things like age, experience, taste, style, family, friends, technology, culture… As you get older you have more experience but less time to spend on things because of the pressures of work, relationships, and increasing responsibilities. Your tastes change, you get smarter, you get more skilled, you change what you work with, your ideas and interests change. You begin with the influences of your parents and early childhood exposures to culture, then you break away from that and form your own ideas of popular culture in your early teens, then you try to desperately fit in with various subgroups till your mid 20s and then you mainly stick with the cultural influences you were exposed up till then as your main influences from then on -still picking up new things from time to time, but not having as big an effect. In the professional world creators get more power and less oversight so they often produce worse stuff because they have more control and don't listen to people as much, have less collaborators and less influence by producers and editors to fix their bad ideas… that's not always the case but it's proved true all too often with musicians, film makers, and writers. Wider environmental factors like technological change (the internet, digital photography, AI etc), culture change, and political change, all have major effects on people's creativity. Then there are internal factors like puberty, depression, happiness, grief, and more. All these things leave their mark and alter the course of our creativity over time. And THAT is why most bands aren't producing the same good stuff now as they did when they started out, hahaha! In this Quackcast we talk about how our own work has changed over time and why. How has your changed over time and why? This week Gunwallace was influenced to create a theme for Craters Edge - creepy, ethereal, mysterious mist arises, deepening the enigmatic aurora of the presence… Then chaos is unleashed without warning! Rapidfire electronica overwhelms, before fading back into smoke and darkness. Topics and shownotes Links Featured comic: Somewhere in the Universe - Featured music: Craters Edge - - by Jason Moon, rated M. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Kawaiidaigakusei - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 687 - ...a very special episode
Quackcast 687 - ...a very special episode
This isn't really a special episode! It's a Quackcast about them. Not PSA episodes though. Our topic was inspired by those weird special non-sequitur episodes in anime and manga like the famous bikini episode where all the characters head off to the beach, water park, hot springs or something and get into their bathing suits. It doesn't usually forward the story too much, if at all, but it's a chance to have fun with the characters, outline and explore any underlying love themes, and show off skin. There are other kinds of special episodes like the festival ones, Christmas etc. In American stuff Christmas and thanksgiving are popular for that, also new years. And this is reflected in comics too! On Drunk Duck we have our Secret Santa tradition where we do special Christmas art for people but we also often incorporate that into our comics. Probably the most import special episode art we do though involves our annual comic awards! At the moment people are already submitting art for the red carpet intros. On this subject, one of our own DDers was a part of one of the most famous of these things ever: the Star Wars Holiday special. He actually helped introduce the world to Bobba Fet via the animation work he did on that project. That was the first the world ever saw of Bobba Fet, so specials are good for something afterall! Do you like non-sequitur episodes centred around special events and things? (they're not always non-sequiturs). How about the infamous beach bikini episodes? Love ‘em or loathe ’em? This week Gunwallace made up a theme inspired by The Magpie - Such weight! This electronic piece weighs down heavily with the super powered gravity of a neutron star, crushing down with the mass of its brilliance and beauty. Topics and shownotes Links Red Carpet news John Celestri - Featured comic: Jack of AllTrades - Featured music: The Magpie - - by BonesMcKay, rated M. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 686 - May the fourth be with you
Quackcast 686 - May the fourth be with you
We recorded the Quackcast on the 4th of May, which of course means that it was “May the fourth”, the Star Wars celebration date! So we decided to talk about Star Wars, but instead of our usual rants about what we think could be done better we kept it to mainly positive stuff, focussing on what we loved about the films, mainly original series, which are the best ones. My fave version of Luke is the first one with the shaggy hair and wild eyes. I Love the mecha, the costumes, the armour, and the ships, especially the awesome Star Destroyers. My fave characters are the original Boba-Fet (not the modern fat, bald version), Darth Vader, Lando Calrission, Han Solo, and C3PO, Gand Moff Tarkin. My fave Star Wars films in order are: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars (it wasn't called :new hop or episode 4 till years later), ReTrun of the Jedi, Rogue One, Solo, Caravan of Courage, and Battle For Endor. And I love the Mandalorian series.    What are your fave things about Star Wars? The light sabers, the AT-AT walkers, the spaceships, the characters? Or do you dislike it all?    This week Gunwallace was pressed for time so I've chose one of my favourite themes: Tomb Busters - Compelling, regal, atmospheric, steel guitar country rock, this is a triumphant epic that will swallow you whole and leave you gasping for air.    Topics and shownotes     Links    Tantz Aerine's newspost on May the Fourth -    Featured comic:  Lonely Planets -    Featured music:  Tomb Busters - - by StorkStudio, rated T.    Special thanks to:  Gunwallace -  Ozoneocean -  Kawaiidaigakusei -  Tantz Aerine -  Banes -      VIDEO exclusive!  Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks!  -  Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts!    Join us on Discord -
Quackcast 685 - mantle
Quackcast 685 - mantle
“Passing the mantle” is an interesting phrase. Many claim it comes from a biblical origin; the prophet Elijah was said to have passed his mantle to Elisha when he ascended to heaven, thereby symbolically transferring his authority… but honestly that seems a little silly and elaborate of an origin story, the sort of thing bad bible scholars in America loved to come up with in the 19th century. Mantles of office were commonly worn by kings, statesmen and even lord mayors today and the passing of those symbolises them gaining office and authority. It's a very ordinary, commonplace secular tradition. But why am I even talking about it at all? Well it's a way of transitioning to a new protagonist, often with the same role and traits as the previous one, but not always. It's a great way to retire an older character and reinvigorate things with a younger successor. The greatest example I can think of in comics is The Phantom. He's one of the oldest superheroes, predating batman and superman… The Phantom (in the story), comes from an unbroken lineage of heroes dating back to the golden age of piracy when his ancestor was betrayed and shipwrecked on an African coast. He was taken in by the local people, nursed back to health and taught their secret ways, becoming “the ghost who walks”. Ever since then the sons have taken that role from their farther. You can see a similar theme in a lot of older stories or stories set in the past, like Zorro, the pirate Doctor Syn, even The Dread Pirate Roberts from the Princess Bride. These people don the disguise of their forebear and BECOME the same character. Modern superheroes play a little with that too, though they usually revert back to the old characters again and just use the mantle passing as a sneaky way of introducing a new character. But it's been popularly done with characters like Antman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Captain Marvel, Spiderman, and many others. In the Quackcast we have a discussion about how this method would have been a better way of introducing Rey in the Star Wars sequels and maybe a good way to fix Indiana Jones (though I disagree). Do you have any fave examples of a passed mantle? The Phantom still wins for me. This week Gunwallace made up a theme inspired by Old Dogs - The burning of an old fire, glowing red hot amongst the black coals and charred, ashen, grey wood. This is a gritty ode to grizzled, aged, experience and time. It’s prickly, with a taste of rock and bourbon, like a good BBQ sauce. Topics and shownotes Links Banes' mantle newspost - Featured comic: The Outbreak - Featured music: Old Dogs - - by JCorrachComics, rated A. Special thanks to: Gunwallace - Ozoneocean - Tantz Aerine - Banes - VIDEO exclusive! Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks! - Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts! Join us on Discord -