The Gospel of John

Bob Corbin & Family Bible Church

An Expository Series covering the Gospel of John. Presented at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, GA read less
Religión y espiritualidadReligión y espiritualidad


41 Follow Me and Feed My Sheep
41 Follow Me and Feed My Sheep
* During the past nine months we have been considering John's presentation of Jesus - the Son of God who became flesh in order that He might become the payment for our sins, as the Lamb of God. Jesus became that payment - the sacrifice to take away our sins - when He was crucified. Jesus' final statement on the cross was: "It is Finished!" Three days later, He rose bodily from the dead, appearing first to Mary Magdalene and then to two disciples traveling to Emmaus (cf. Luke 24:13-35). Last week we covered the third and fourth appearances of Jesus, which were the first two appearances to His disciples after His resurrection - first to 10 of the 11 (Thomas was missing) and then to all 11. Today we cover the last chapter in the Gospel of John. * Speaking of Jesus' disciples, Luke writes in Acts 1:3 - "... to whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God." The New Testament records at least 10 appearances by Jesus to various people and groups during this forty day period. John ends his account with one of these, where Jesus appears to seven of His disciples in Galilee along the shore of the Sea of Tiberias (also known as the Sea of Galilee). This appearance shows us three different ways that this is the same risen Jesus as the Jesus the disciples had known prior to the crucifixion. Jesus challenges Peter to "Follow Me" and to "Feed My sheep". * This message was presented on December 19, 2021 by David Hayes.
27 The Betrayer and the Denier
27 The Betrayer and the Denier
* The primary purpose of John's gospel is reveal Jesus as the Son of God who became the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. The first 12 chapters of John's gospel account cover the public ministry of Jesus, revealing His Deity through both His declarations and the performance of miracles that only YHWH could do. * Last week, we began to look at Jesus' final evening with His disciples. In chapters 13-18, we see Jesus' final teaching and instruction to His disciples. As we discussed last week, when you know that you are about to pass away, you want to make sure that you impart those things that you believe those you are leaving behind need to know. This is what we will be considering over the next two months or so. * This section is initiated with the statement that Jesus "having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end." * Last week, we saw that Jesus demonstrated His love through servant leadership. He saw their need and then became involved in meeting their need. His washing their feet was just a small illustration of the sacrifice and cleansing that He would shortly perform on their behalf. * Today, we continue looking at the "extent" of this great love, by looking deeper into the context and relationships which were involved during that event. For, in this moment, we see the juxtaposition of the failure of man with the faithfulness of God. * This message was presented on September 12, 2021 by Bob Corbin.