Returning to Center

My Journal - Agatha Nolen

17-10-2022 • 8 minutos

I seem to need to “return to center” frequently these days. The news across the world is tragic with wars and human oppression. The news seems relentless in its ability to promote anxiety. Regularly, I need to stop and to pray, but first I need to settle down into the right frame of mind to listen to what God is speaking to me. When I need to re-center, it is almost always that I turn to music before i am ready to return to God.

I have always loved all kinds of music but have been most intrigued by classical music. A few years ago, I invited a friend who likes rock and roll to go with me to a classical concert and he said, “I don’t know much about classical music, you’ll have to explain it to me.” And my reply: “It really isn’t to be explained but more about being experienced. The notes can take you anywhere your mind needs to be.”

This piece is by Johann Sebastian Bach with Andreas Scholl, a countertenor. It is from Bach’s  Mass in B minor with this 6:38 section in the key of B flat-major and G minor. The Agnus Dei which means “Lamb of God” appears at the end of the mass and is based upon Christ’s final appearance to the disciples before his Ascension into heaven. It comes from John the Baptist’s words in John 1:29: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

In addition to the music of the violins, I like that this is scored for an alto voice. I’m an alto and we never get a melody!

Link to: Agnus Dei by Johann Sebastian Bach with Andreas Scholl (8:07):

May Peace be with you.
