Episode 37 - Christmas Demos, Paul Thayer and Timber Man

The CoCo Nation Show

15-12-2017 • 1 hora 13 minutos

Episode 37 aka CoCoTALK! Express! was focused on holiday cheer, we took at look at a few CoCo Christmas demos, got to hear from Paul Thayer, author of the latest CoCo hit, Timber Man, and even took a sneak peek at Donkey Kong Remix Christmas Edition.

On the show: CoCoMan Jason, Curtis Boyle, Paul Thayer, Ron Delvaux, Simon Jonassen and Steve Bjork.

CoCoTALK! airs live, right here on YouTube each and every Saturday at 2:00 PM EDT! We are also available for replay and podcast listening! For all things CoCoTALK! visit http://cocotalk.live

Regular segments: Panel introduction, review of how our week in the retro hobby transpired.

Feed back review: We go over previous episodes, how many views have they received, what's our current podcast download count, who sent us comments, email feed back, all those and more will be discussed and shared.

Community activity reviews: Review of news and postings from the Facebook group and the Color Computer mailing list.

NewbieTALK! Each week Grant Leighty will have the newbie question of the week about something to do with your color computer or emulator.

TechTALK! L. Curtis Boyle and David Ladd provide us with some more depth on technical discussions

Ron's Garage! Ron Delvaux offers us a peek into the past by showing of his impressive retro computing collection, each week we'll see some new items and talk about them.

Interviews, News, Reviews, and more!

CoCoTALK! is the nation's leading live talk show featuring the Tandy Color Computer.

For all things CoCoTALK! visit http://cocotalk.live

Custom artwork designed by Instagram artist Joel M. Adams: https://www.instagram.com/artistjoelmadams/

Custom CoCoTALK! and retro merchandise is available at: http://8bit256.com

Consider becoming a patron of the show: https://patreon.com/ogsteviestrow

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