Cultivating Union With Jesus

The Cosmic Car Wash

30-09-2024 • 30 minutos

The Kingdom of God is not for spectators and the presence of God is not a vacation spot. Similarly, resilience doesn't happen by accident. It's our union with Jesus that restores our humanity and enables us to be a light in the darkness, that shining city on a hill Jesus spoke of. More than intimacy with Jesus, we are invited into, indeed we are made for union with Jesus. But this union must be cultivated. Like any farmer will tell you, cultivating for growth and good returns requires sustained intentionality over a period of time. As the dark of the world gets darker, it's union with Jesus developed by purposeful engagement with Him that makes His people shine ever brighter. Join us as we explore what this means and how we can work it out in our lives. If you want to connect with us, you can do so at

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