The GasLit Podcast


Perception is reality ... or is it? We often bend our realities to fit our perceptions (or use our perceptions to tailor our realities) which blurs the lines between opinion and fact, especially in this moment where "if you have an opinion, you start a podcast" & "everyone's opinion is truth". The GasLit podcast is here to infuse a streamline of realism through thoughtful, fun and engaging takes and conversations on all things sports, pop culture, and the societal issues that affect us all. We're not afraid to dive into the nitty-gritty of the socioeconomic, sociocultural, and sociopolitical events that shape our realities. Pull up. Stay up. Get Lit. 🔥 read less
Sociedad y culturaSociedad y cultura
Ciencias socialesCiencias sociales
Comentaristas de noticiasComentaristas de noticias
