Essential Oil Coach Podcast

Kalli Wilson

Whether a new or seasoned oil user, you'll love this podcast. With over a decade of experience as a certified health coach and life/business mentor, Kalli Wilson shares practical advice to help you live even better faster. Topics include health & wellness tips and protocols, easy DIYs, relationships help, emotions mastery, mindset training, parenting support, entrepreneurship opportunities, leadership development, travel and adventure tips, and more. The information shared should not be intended to replace proper medical advice or treat, diagnose, or cure disease. read less
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How to Heal the Parent-Child Bond with Geranium or Rose
How to Heal the Parent-Child Bond with Geranium or Rose
Parenting is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs, and let's face it, we don't always get it right. But here's a powerful tip to help you repair and strengthen the special bond you share with your child. 💕 Introducing the heart-to-heart bonding technique, using the incredible power of essential oils. Try using doTERRA's Geranium or Rose essential oils on your heart area for a more effective and heartwarming experience. 🌸 Geranium Essential Oil: This aromatic gem is known for its balancing properties. It can help create a sense of harmony and connection between you and your child. 🌹 Rose Essential Oil: Often called the "oil of love," rose essential oil is perfect for enhancing emotional well-being. It can bring about feelings of love, compassion, and understanding. Here's how to do it: •Find a quiet and peaceful moment with your child. •Take a few deep breaths together to create a calm atmosphere. •Apply a drop of Geranium or Rose essential oil to both of your heart areas. •Gently hug heart to heart. •Close your eyes and visualize a warm, loving energy flowing from your heart to theirs. •Share your love, appreciation, and understanding silently or through heartfelt words. •Release when the child says they are done and you feel like the repair is complete. The heart-to-heart energy exchange is a simple yet profound way to strengthen your bond, especially during challenging times. It reminds both you and your child of the deep love you share, helping you navigate the ups and downs of parenting with grace and compassion. Give it a try, and watch how this beautiful practice can bring you closer to your child and create lasting memories of love and connection. 💖 Link to Buy: