198. The Habit that Cost $100MM to Learn and Why It Was Worth It (Part 2) – Keith Cunningham

The ONE Thing

15-07-2019 • 54 minutos

Do you have a habit of taking time to ask yourself big questions? In the last episode, we learned about how Keith Cunningham lost $100MM dollars – and why it was worth it because he developed this habit of thinking time. Really, we could all benefit from blocking off time in our calendars to purposefully sit down with great questions that truly evaluate how we’re showing up in the world and help us gain clarity. In this episode, we continue our conversation with Keith and learn more about the biggest mistakes that people make as a result of not having thinking time blocks. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/podcast. In this episode, you will learn... [3:30] How you can distinguish a problem from a symptom. [14:00] The questions you should consider during your thinking time to get clarity on what your obstacle really is. [19:45] The biggest mistake you can make when trying to develop a thinking time habit. [26:05] ONE exercise you can do to stop letting perfect get in the way of possible. [39:55] What stops people from building great businesses (and how you can avoid it). Links & Tools From This Episode Connect with Keith: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn The Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham Get Results With Your 411 Mentioned in this episode: Factor 75 Head to FactorMeals.com/one50 and use code one50 to get 50% off. That’s code one50 at FactorMeals.com/one50 to get 50% off! Factor 75

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