paramendra: Son of God: Jesus come back as promised

Paramendra Bhagat

Son Of God: Jesus Come Back As Promised Support this podcast: read less
Religión y espiritualidadReligión y espiritualidad


Basic Introduction Problems
Basic Introduction Problems
There have been some basic introduction problems. I, the returned Jesus, have been introducing myself to the world for years and Lord Kalki for months now. I have been encountering resistance, and I am patient about it. The early people, by definition, will be small in number. And that small number will snowball. The first 10,000 people that will join my organization will be special, but that organization will grow to be larger than the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Chinese Communist Party put together. It is a biblical prophecy that I will be widely accepted. There are two billion Christians and a billion Muslims already waiting for me. Lord Kalki's project to reorganize the caste system on the Indian subcontinent will open up the floodgates and the world will see two billion Brahmins. The major resistance I have been encountering is as follows. As soon as you mention Jesus, Hindus tune you out. That guy who helplessly dangled from the cross? God is supposed to be powerful. God does not get killed. God kills. They don't wait for you to connect the dots and show them, based on their own scriptures that Jesus was Bramha the creator in human incarnation. As soon as you mention Lord Vishnu, the Christians tune you out. You don't even get to talk about Lord Kalki. Hinduism is a false religion. Vishnu is a false God. They don't wait for you to connect the dots and show them, based on their own scriptures that Lord Vishnu is Lord God the Holy Father. They have been praying now for 2,000 years asking Him to come become king of all earth. Thy Kingdom Come. He is the long-awaited Messiah of the Jews, one king for all earth who will usher in peace and prosperity everywhere. But if you manage to "hide" Jesus and talk only about Lord Kalki to the Hindus, you still encounter major resistance. The thing that is most often said is that this Kali Yuga, this age of great sin, will go on for another 420,000 years. This is not correct timing. Lord Kalki can not be here right now. The four yugas, or ages, are cyclical like the four seasons and each lasts a few thousand years. Fall can not be three months, winter three months, Spring three, and then summer goes on for 50 years! Varanasi is the oldest continuously inhabited city on earth. Hindu, non-Hindu, and non-religious sources all agree on that number. The disciples of Lord Shiva started that city during the last Satya Yuga. We have Lord Rama's birth chart today. According to that, He was on earth during the next age, the Treta Yuga, about 7,000 years ago. It is widely accepted Lord Krishna was on earth about 5,000 years ago during the Dwapar Yuga, the age after that. After He left for Vaikuntha Lok, the highest heaven, the Kali Yuga started and has gone on now for more than 5,000 years. In the Vhavishya Purana which is 5,000 years old, Narad Muni asks Mata Laxmi, "How will people on earth know the end of the Kali Yuga is near?" She replies, "Temples will be locked up and there will be long lines of people at liquor stores." Those prophecies got fulfilled during the pandemic. That is how you should know the end of the Kali Yuga is near. When you manage to "hide" Lord Kalki and talk only about Jesus, you still face major resistance among Christians. The thing that most often gets said is, you can not be Jesus, we expect Jesus to come down from the clouds. You did not come down from the clouds. There are less than half a dozen prophecies that are widely circulated as associated with the Second Coming of Jesus. Last time more than 350 prophecies got fulfilled. During the Second Coming, the number is going to be larger. Some prophecies that are in wide circulation today are as follows. One, Jesus will come like a thief in the night. I have been on earth for decades, and you did not even know. Prophecy fulfilled. Two, Jesus will come down from the clouds. It is widely known, during the Second C --- Support this podcast:
How I Came To Know I Am Jesus Come Back
How I Came To Know I Am Jesus Come Back
I was born into a landowning Hindu family. My great-grandfather was a rags-to-riches story who had ended up with more land than anyone else in the village in southeast Nepal near Janakpurdham. We always had plenty to eat. But when I left for college in the United States in August 1996, my family had never owned either a car or a telephone. My family still does not have a car. In middle school, I remember leafing through a Bible out of curiosity. I figured out the Ten Commandments are the summary. I read each of them. Worship God. Makes sense. Respect your parents. Makes sense. Do not lie, cheat, steal or kill. Makes sense. No argument there. A South Indian physical education teacher in Kathmandu who still regularly shows up in my Facebook stream first took me to church in Banepa in the Kathmandu Valley. I read through the Gospels on my own many times over the years. In fact, that is the only thing I read in the Bible when I felt like reading the Bible. The story was great, and the lessons were nothing to argue with. Do good, be good. No argument there. Other than the Psalms and the Genesis story, I mostly stayed away from the Old Testament. The genealogies felt like Latin. Even the New Testament past the Gospels I simply skipped, until 2016, that is, when I read the Bible cover to cover. When God Himself tells you that you are Jesus come back, one thing you are going to do is read the Bible cover to cover. I read every word of the genealogies with rapt interest. When I came over to the Book Of Isaiah, I got elated. The work that I was here to do was described in vivid detail right there. It was as if I was following a script. Me being born human is a voluntary emptying of powers and knowledge. In 2016 the concept of the Holy Trinity was explained to me by the Holy Father in human form and the Holy Spirit in human form. Early in 2016, I had what Sadhguru might call an enlightenment experience. You see something that is much, much brighter than the sun, but you are not seeing it with your physical eyes. It is not a dream. It is an experience. I still have to read the news. I still read books. But after that experience, I can make sense of every book of scripture. The knowledge was gifted to me. Or what I had voluntarily relinquished, I took some of that back. Back then I thought it had been gifted to me. Then in 2022, the Holy Father in human incarnation hinted I myself was doing it. I took back some of what I had given up voluntarily. Fully human, fully divine. Early in 2016, I made a trip to heaven. There is similitude as has been said in the Koran. I saw a garden. I heard music that is incomparably better than anything I have heard on earth. I went to smell hell. It is foul. Why would that be? Why did I make those trips? This person that is talking to you has direct knowledge that indeed there is a heaven, there is a hell. Just like I know the news today, I know there is a heaven. It is true. But then you show up for college in Kentucky, Bible Belt, and there are many instances when you are asked to pick your side. Do you want your soul saved or not? A good friend of mine once just sat me down and said, “Either you are right, or I am right, and I am willing to switch over!” I said, look, I don’t think you are wrong, but I don’t think I am either! There is nothing for you to leave! To those who tried to point out the miracles in the Bible, I wanted to say, if only you knew all that Hanumanji did! --- Support this podcast:
The God You Meet
The God You Meet
Say you start in the Christian tradition, and you read the Bible, and you meet God, the God you meet is omnipotent, can do anything, is omniscient, knows everything, is omnipresent, is everywhere, then it does not make sense to say, everything God knows is contained in this book, the Bible, everything God can possibly do has been documented in the Bible. The truth is, very little of God's infinite knowledge is contained in the Bible, just a tiny bit, very little of all that God can do is described in the Bible. There is so much more God knows. There is so much more God can do and has done.  You are not being asked to know all God knows, or all God has done. The idea is not to understand God, all of Him. That is not possible. You are finite. God is infinite. The idea is to achieve sufficient understanding of God, enough to submit to His will. For people of tremendous faith, a tiny bit of understanding is enough. They can look at any element of this huge creation and say, my God created that, He is wonderful, and I choose to do His will.  You still have to exercise your will. Choosing to do God's will is the best option. It is the only good option. The God of infinite knowledge has already thought through all possible actions and reactions, all possible permutations and combinations, and laid down His laws.   Once you realize only a tiny bit of God's infinite knowledge is contained in the Bible, or in any book of scripture, only a little of all that God can do is described in the Bible, or any book of scripture, that opens up the possibility of inter-faith dialogue.  It is true there have been false religions, there still are. Mind over matter, spirit over mind and matter, heart above all. But Judaism, Islam, Budhism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Hinduism are not false religions. All of them point towards a Supreme Being. All of them say this creation has been created. All of them ask that we do good. --- Support this podcast:
दुनिया के इतिहास के सबसे बड़े प्रोजेक्ट में फ्रंट रो सीट
दुनिया के इतिहास के सबसे बड़े प्रोजेक्ट में फ्रंट रो सीट
हम कल्कि सेना के सेनापति नियुक्त हुवे। भगवान कल्कि ने नियुक्त किया। कि कल्कि सेना का निर्माण करिए। दश हजार सदस्य हो जाते हैं तो भगवान कल्कि पब्लिक में आएंगे। सदस्यता फ्री रखा है मैंने। सिर्फ एक फॉर्म भरिए और सदस्य हो जाइए। संगठन निर्माण करना है तो फंडरेजिंग तो होगा ही। लिखा है मुझे दुनिया भर के समस्त चर्च को सक्रिय नेतृत्व प्रदान करने हैं। पोप फ्रांसिस सिर्फ कैथोलिक चर्च को नेतृत्व प्रदान करते। मुझे कैथोलिक, ऑर्थोडॉक्स, प्रोटेस्टैंट, इंडिपेंडेंट समस्त चर्च को सक्रिय नेतृत्व प्रदान करना है। दो बिलियन लोग तो वैसे ही हुवे। मुझे उस संख्या को उपर ले जाने हैं। तो सिर्फ एक देश अमेरिका में एक कैथोलिक चर्च का एक साल का बजेट है २०० बिलियन डॉलर के आसपास। भगवान कल्कि के कहने पर मैंने गोफण्डमी वेबसाइट पर तीन अलग अलग फंडरेजर शुरू कर दिए। प्रत्येक पाँच लाख डॉलर के हैं। हाल ही में मैंने एक और एक लाख वाला शुरू कर दिया। कहाँ २०० बिलियन और कहाँ ये दो मिलियन भी नहीं। अमेरिका का कोइ एक हिन्दु मन्दिर इस काम को शनिवार शुरू कर रविवार को फत्ते कर सकते। हाल ही में टेक्सास के नेपाली दुतावास के ऑफिस की दो लाख डॉलर चोरी हो गयी। तो दुतावास कह रही है जिन लोगों ने रसीद कटवाए थे उनकी गयी। २०-३० डॉलर देने वाले दश हजार मधेसी, नेपाली, बिहारी आगे आ जाएँ हो गया फंडरेजिंग। मान लो इस महिने अपना फोन बिल एक बार नहीं दो दो बार भरना पड़ा। कठिन काम नहीं है। लोग क्लिक भी नहीं करते। ब्लॉग पोस्ट भेजुँगा। खोलेंगे तक नहीं। विडियो भेजते हैं छोटा से छोटा बना के। करते करते एक मिनट पर ला के रख दिया। डाटा आता है सिर्फ प्रथम तीन सेकंड देख रहे हैं। किसी दुसरे आदमी का म्युजिक सुन लेते हैं। मेरा बोली आने से पहले ही रफुचक्कर। लगता है कलि युग चल रहा है। जो ब्लॉग पोस्ट वीडियो मिलता है कमसेकम फॉरवर्ड करते, शेयर करते। नहीं। नहीं करते। फेसबुक ग्रुप हैं। एक एक में दशो हजार लोग। लेकिन ब्लॉग पोस्ट पर क्लिक करने वाले २०० हो गए वो काफी। लाइक करने वाले अगर ५० हो तो वो भी क्लिक नहीं करते। फोटो देख के लाइक कर के खिसक जाते। मैंने लॉजिक दिया, देखो, एक मन्दिर भवन निर्माण के लिए जैसे मोबिलाइज हो जाते हैं उसी तरह मोबिलाइज हो जाओ। अगर होंगे तो आगे जा के होंगे। अभी तक तो टस से मस नहीं हुवे। पत्थर में भगवान दिख जाता है। लेकिन भगवान खुद फोन कर के बात करते हैं तो भगवान नहीं दिखता। अरे यार मैं ब्रम्हा का मानव अवतार। परिचय देने के लिए जो सब करना चाहिए वो सब कर चुका। दर्जन प्रोफेसी लिख के रख दिया कि देखो पुरा हुवा। चमत्कार कर दिया दो बड़े बड़े। मिशन इतना सटीक और स्पष्ट है। मैं शुरू करूँगा तो मधेसी सर्कल से ही, नेपाली सर्कल से ही। हिन्दु मंदिरो को फोन किया। न्यु यॉर्क, न्यु जर्सी, नार्थ कैरोलाइना, टेक्सास, कैलिफ़ोर्निया। ओरेगन तक पहुँच गया। एक भविष्यवाणी है मेरे बारे में जीजस आ तो गया लेकिन चेहरा देखा नहीं जाता। इतना अच्छा खासा चेहरा है तो। तो वो प्रोफेसी है कि गोरे क्रिस्चियन मेरी परिचय स्थापित हो जाने के बाद भी कत्थी चमरी देख स्ट्रगल करेंगे। सब नहीं करेंगे लेकिन कुछ तो करेंगे। शुरू शुरू में काफी भी कर सकते हैं। कल्कि सेना के प्रथम १०,००० लोग विशेष होंगे। फ्रंट रो सीट दे रहे आप को हम दुनिया के इतिहास के सबसे बड़े प्रोजेक्ट का। ले लो। --- Support this podcast:
विश्व गुरु बनने जा रहा नेपाल
विश्व गुरु बनने जा रहा नेपाल
पाँच हजार साल से हिन्दु समाज में लोग मानते आ रहे हैं कि भगवान विष्णु के राम, कृष्ण, बुद्ध अवतार के तरह कल्कि अवतार आएँगे और कलि युग समाप्त करेंगे। भगवान कृष्ण के वापस वैकुण्ठ लोक जाने के बाद कलि युग शुरू हुवा। ५,००० साल से ज्यादा हो चुका। द्वापर युग के अन्त्य के समय में जब दो कनिष्ठ पांडवों को भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने बताया कि कलि युग में ऐसा होगा, वैसा होगा वे अचंभित हुवे। मानना ही मुश्किल। क्या वैसा भी हो सकता है? मनुष्य मनुष्य बीच का व्यवहार उतना ख़राब हो सकता है? गीता में कहा गया है। सम्भवामि युगे युगे। प्रत्येक युग में धर्म स्थापना करने हेतु मैं आ जाउँगा। आ गए। भगवान कल्कि धरती पर हैं। विक्रम सम्वत कैलेंडर अनुसार शताब्दी के अंत में कलि युग समाप्त। उसके बाद सत्य युग शुरू। हजारों साल तक चलेगी। प्रोजेक्ट शुरू होने होने को है। कुछ महिने में एक पुस्तक आ रही है। उसमें कलि युग समाप्ति के प्रोजेक्ट का रोडमैप प्रस्तुत किया जाएगा। सत्य युग समस्त पृथ्वी पर शुरू होगी। उसकी शुरुवात नेपाल से होने जा रही है। नेपाल में जब अगली चुनाव होगी सत्य युग समाज पार्टी स्वीप करेगी। इस प्रोजेक्ट में ढेर सारे लोग सहभागी होंगे। जनसहभागिता के रास्ते आगे बढ़ेगी प्रोजेक्ट। लोग बात समझेंगे। बात को समर्थन करेंगे। मेरा काम है जो जॉन द बाप्टिस्ट ने २,००० साल पहले किया। बिगुल फुंकना। मैं कौन? मैं ब्रम्हा का मानव अवतार। २,००० साल पहले मैं येशु था। कह के गया था फिर आऊँगा। आ गया। बाइबल के सबसे प्रख्यात पुस्तक गॉस्पेल ऑफ़ जॉन के प्रथम दफा में ही कहा गया है जीजस सृष्टिकर्ता। यदि किसी हिन्दु से पुछा जाए कि सृष्टिकर्ता कौन तो क्या जवाब देंगे? विष्णु अवतार राम, कृष्ण, बुद्ध और आज कल्कि। ब्रम्हा अवतार २,००० साल पहले येशु, आज मैं। महाभारत ग्रन्थ में एक जगह लिखा है, हे ब्रम्हा, आप के ढेर सारे नाम हैं। एक नाम कहा गया है इसा। इसा कौन? कुरान में जिस नाम का जिक्र सबसे ज्यादा बार किया गया है वो नाम है इसा। कुरान का इसा, बाइबल का जीजस जिसे माता मेरी कहती थी येशुआ। मैं फिर आऊँगा। तब तक मेरे याद में इस तरह ब्रेड और वाइन खाना मरने से एक रोज पहले बोले येशु। खा रहे हैं। दो हजार सालों से खा रहे हैं। भगवान राम भी कह के गए थे। मैं फिर आऊँगा। आ गए। दो हजार साल बाद भगवान श्री कृष्ण बन के आ गए। कृष्ण ने एक बार कहा, मैं ही राम हुँ। बुद्ध ने भी एक बार कहा, मैं ही राम हुँ। राम लक्ष्मण, कृष्ण बलराम। लक्ष्मण फिर से आए हैं। अपने बड़े भाइ को काम में मदद कर रहे हैं। भगवान कल्कि के बारे में ५,००० साल पहले भविष्यवाणी की गयी कि शम्भल में पैदा होंगे। तो लोग कहते हैं शहर ढुंढो। शम्भल नाम का शहर कहाँ पर है? पता करो।एक ओरिसा में है। एक है उत्तर प्रदेश में। और भी हैं। लेकिन वो शहर नहीं देश कहा गया है। शम्भु का देश। पशुपतिनाथ का देश। अर्थात नेपाल। २५०० साल पहले नेपाल के पश्चिमी तराई के लुम्बिनी में पैदा हुवे। अब नेपाल के ही पुर्वी तराई के मटिहानी में पैदा हुवे हैं। माता का नाम, पत्नी का नाम भविष्यवाणी से मिलता है। सबसे प्रमुख बात तो है काम। भगवान कल्कि वो जो कलि युग को समाप्त कर दे। कलि युग समाप्त करने का रोडमैप कुछ ही महिनों में आनेवाला है। मैं भगवान कल्कि द्वारा नियुक्त कल्कि सेना का सेनापति। जब कल्कि सेना के सदस्य १०,००० से उपर हो जाते हैं तब भगवान कल्कि पब्लिक में आएंगे। कोइ सदस्यता शुल्क नहीं है। सदस्यता विश्वव्यापी है। सदस्य बनिए और हप्ते का पाँच दश घंटा समय दिजिए। मैंने एक फॉर्म रख दिया है इंटरनेट पर। वो फॉर्म भरिए और सदस्य बनिए। सत्य युग में लोग महिनों सालों तपस्या करते थे कि शायद भगवान के दर्शन हो जाए। अभी जब भगवान धरती पर मानव अवतार में हो तो दर्शन ही दर्शन। --- Support this podcast:
ग्रेजुएट डिग्री र ईश्वर प्रति को आस्था
ग्रेजुएट डिग्री र ईश्वर प्रति को आस्था
आइजैक न्युटन आस्था भएका मानिस थिए। घोर आस्था। अल्बर्ट आइंस्टाइन त्यस्तै आस्थावान मानिस थिए। ईश्वर ले गरेको सृष्टि म बुझ्न चाहिरहेको छु भन्थे। तर आज थुप्रै ग्रेजुएट डिग्री प्राप्त मानिस हरु छन जो भन्छन मैले त बिज्ञान पढ़ें अब मलाई ईश्वर को जरूरत बाँकी रहेन। अर्थात अज्ञानी हुँदा ईश्वर। अब त म ज्ञानी भएँ। आइजैक न्युटन र अल्बर्ट आइंस्टाइन ले पनि नपढ़ेको त्यो कस्तो बिज्ञान तपाईं ले पढ्नु भो? सारा ज्ञान को स्रोत ईश्वर। तपाईं का ज्ञानेन्द्रीय हरु को सृष्टिकर्ता ईश्वर। तपाईं जुन दिमाग ले सोंचनु हुन्छ त्यो बनाएको ईश्वर ले। आँखा खोले जताततै देखिने ईश्वर को सृष्टि। आँखा बंद गरे देखिने ईश्वर। टुजी पछि थ्री जी आयो। अनि फोर जी। फाइव जी आउने शुरसार मा छ। भनिन्छ सिक्स जी मा तपाईं ले पर्खाल पछाडि के छ देख्ने अवस्था आउँछ। ईश्वर भनेको दश जी, एगारह जी होइन। एक सय, दुई सय जी होइन। हजार दुई हजार पनि होइन। लाख दुई लाख जी पनि होइन। ईश्वर भनेको अनन्त जी। त्यसैले ईश्वर लाई सर्वज्ञानी भनिन्छ। ईश्वर लाई थाहा नभएको कुनै कुरा नै छैन। गीता मा भगवान श्री कृष्ण ले भन्नु भएको छ। प्रत्येक अणु को स्पिन बारे मलाई थाहा भइरहेको हुन्छ। यस ब्रम्ह्माण्ड को चौथो आयाम समय। त्यो समय आफैंमा सृष्टि हो। गीता मा भगवान श्री कृष्ण ले भन्नु भएको छ। जसरी ब्रम्हांड मा स्पेस टाइम भित्र सम्पुर्ण वस्तु र उर्जा छन त्यसरी नै जे जति छन म भित्र निहित छन। मलाई कण कण को क्षण क्षण को ज्ञान छ। अर्थात समय भुत, वर्त्तमान, भविष्य पुरा ईश्वर भित्र निहित छन। त्यस कारण भविष्य मा के हुन्छ त्यो प्रत्येक घटना ईश्वर लाई पहिले नै थाहा हुन्छ। धर्म ग्रंथ मा लेखिएका भविष्यवाणी हरु का स्रोत ईश्वर। कुनै किताब धर्म ग्रन्थ हो कि होइन भनेर छुट्याउने तरिका त्यो पनि हो। कि त्यो ग्रन्थ भित्र भविष्यवाणी हरु छन कि छैनन? होइन भने बाइबल जतिकै लामो न लामो पुस्तक लियो टॉलस्टॉय को वॉर एंड पीस। युद्ध र शांति। तर त्यो धर्म ग्रन्थ होइन। होमर का इलियाड र ओडिसे साहित्य हुन, धर्म ग्रन्थ होइनन। प्रथम तीन जस्तै चौथो आयाम समय पनि सृष्टि नै हो। मनुष्य ले दुई आयाम को फिल्म बनाउँछ। त्यो मनुष्य को सृष्टि हो। यो चार आयाम को ब्रम्हाण्ड ईश्वर को सृष्टि हो। तर मनुष्य को आत्मा चार आयाम भित्र को कुरा होइन। त्यो आत्मा खुद भगवान विष्णु को गर्भ बाट आएको हो। एक दिन पृथ्वी को आयु सकिन्छ। एक समय स्वर्ग को पनि आयु सकिन्छ यद्यपि त्यो अत्यंत लामो भने हो। तर आत्मा कहिले पनि मर्दैन। तपाईं ईश्वर का लागि बिशेष हुने कारण त्यो हो। मानवीय परिस्थिति मा ईश्वर ले त्यति विधि सरोकार राख्ने कारण त्यो हो। होइन भने यत्रो ठुलो ब्रह्माण्ड मा एउटा सानो धुलो को कण जस्तो ग्रह पृथ्वी। मानवीय शरीर अंतरिक्ष मा लान सकिँदैन। धरती को गुरुत्वाकर्षण मानव शरीर लाई अत्यंत चाहिने कुरा। अर्थात मानिस का लागि धरती बनाइएको हो भने त्यत्रो बड़ेमा को ब्रम्हांड किन बनाउनु परेको? एउटा सौर्य मंडल बनाए पुग्दैन थियो? तपाईं को शरीर पृथ्वी मा होला। तर तपाईं को दिमाग त त्यो बड़ेमा को ब्रम्हांड को कुना कुना पुगेको देखिन्छ त। त्यो अत्यंत ठुलो ब्रम्हांड तपाईं को दिमाग का लागि बनाइएको पो हो कि? आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान भनेको आत्मा र परमात्मा को ज्ञान। त्यो चार आयाम बाहिर को ज्ञान। चार आयाम समेट्दै चार आयाम बाहिर को ज्ञान। --- Support this podcast:
The Great Dispute
The Great Dispute
There is this great dispute. Christians say Jesus is the Son of God. Muslims say he is a prophet. Not only that, but Muslims also believe Jesus will be back and will himself resolve this dispute once and for all. Let’s take a look. A prophet is someone sent by God to earth. Jesus claims many times in the Gospels that Lord God sent him. A prophet has messages. Jesus has messages. When Jesus was on earth, the raging debate in Jerusalem was not if he was the Son of God. The debate was, is this guy some kind of a prophet? The prevailing wisdom was, that is not possible. He was from the backwaters. Every notable person before him had been from Judea. Nobody exceptional had ever come out of Nazareth. Bad location. As they say in real estate, location, location, location. This dude did not have the right location to have been a prophet. Jesus is the Son of God. So are you a child of God. Every human being is a child of God and that is why is addressed as “Brothers and Sisters” by Jesus in the Gospels. Jesus just happens to be the firstborn. Every prophet has been a child of God. God so loved humanity He sacrificed His own Son. That is Christianity. God so loved humanity He denied His own Son. That is Islam. Those who understand one love statement should be able to easily understand the other love statement. Easy peezy squeezy. Think of all those on earth today who have no idea who their father is. God’s unmistakable message to them is, I am your True Father. The Holy Son was born to the Holy Father. But the Holy Spirit was adopted by the Holy Son. The adopted child and the birthed child are both equal. But the Holy Spirit is His own great-grandfather. It is a circle of love. I have been on earth for decades already. I learned my true identity only in 2016. That was God’s timing. Imam Mehdi is on earth. He still does not know his true identity. He will come to know at a time that God decides is the correct timing. In the great Hindu epic Mahabharata that revolves around Lord Krishna, Lord God the Holy Father in human incarnation 5,000 years ago during the last age or yuga, the Dwapar Yuga, at one point it is written, O Bramha, you have many names, one such name is Isa. Who is Isa? Isa is the most mentioned name in the Kuran. The Isa of the Kuran is the Jesus of the Bible who Mother Mary called Yeshua. Just like Lord Vishnu, the Holy Father has been on earth as Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and now Kalki, I am Bramha the creator in human incarnation. I was Jesus 2,000 years ago and am back as promised. The very first paragraph of the most famous book in the Bible, the Gospel according to John, describes Jesus as the creator of heaven and earth. The Second Coming is a human incarnation just like the First Coming was a human incarnation. Lord Rama also said 7,000 years ago, I will be back. He was back 2,000 years later as Lord Krishna. That was another human incarnation. Lord Krishna prophesied the coming of Jesus 5,000 years ago in the Geeta. Brahma addresses Lord Rama as Krishna in the Ramayana, 2,000 years before He was on earth as Krishna. Shiva, the Holy Spirit, is the true author of the entire Bible. --- Support this podcast:
I Am Here To Actively Lead
I Am Here To Actively Lead
It is written that my identity will be established, that I will actively lead the churches around the world, and even the Jews will accept me. And so the act of establishing my identity has to start with me. And that is why I have been making attempts to establish my identity. Because the work has begun. Right now I am looking for people, theologian or not, Christian or not, who will ask me the three questions of verification. What prophecies have you fulfilled and what prophecies will you fulfill in the future? I have listed about a dozen at my blog JesusIsBack.XYZ. Those dozen are enough to discredit everyone else on the planet who is also claiming to be Jesus. More than enough. But I am not going to point out all hundreds of prophecies to be fulfilled. That is for a global Easter egg hunt. I have amateur astronomers or rather amateur theologians in mind. The second question is, have I performed miracles? And are they well recorded? Yes and yes. How about a meteor that fell and those who saw said it felt like the moon fell from the sky? It was in the news. It was seen all the way from Maine to Washington DC. This was in 2016. You can still find the video of it online. How about a sky river that spanned the Pacific Ocean and ended the years-long California drought early in 2017? A sky river contains as much water as any great river on earth. There are satellite images of the sky river. Dig the archives. There is a line in the Bible that talks about it. I have blogged that line. The Bible mentions how many people died in the great Nepal earthquake of 2015. The number is a few hundred larger than the official Government of Nepal figure. Guess which one is accurate. The third question is, what is the work you are here to do and how will you do it? Christians, don’t act surprised that your most famous prayer is about to be answered. You have been praying now for 2,000 years asking for God’s direct rule on all of the earth. Thy kingdom come. That is precisely who the Jews have been waiting for, one king for all earth. That prayer is addressed not to me but to the Holy Father, and He Himself is on earth in human incarnation. He is in His early 40s right now. He is in Pennsylvania. He is going to be king of all earth in 22 years by the clock. The Christians have been waiting for Him. The Jews have been waiting for Him. The Buddhists have been waiting for Him. The Hindus have been waiting for Him for 5,000 years now. Imam Mehdi is on earth and waits for Lord God to tell the Imam his true identity. The Muslims have been waiting for the Imam. You can not pray for 2,000 years asking for God’s direct rule on earth and then when the time comes, switch your tune and say, what we really meant was a rapture event! That would be shifting the goalpost. God’s direct rule on earth is going to come to be through mass participation. Lord God Himself will present the basic idea in a book in a few short months. An average human being will be able to understand. And then you get to participate the world over. We get to build a massive global organization under my leadership. That organization is going to be larger than the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Chinese Communist Party put together. The first 10,000 members of that organization are going to be special. Because, at that point, Lord God the Holy Father in human incarnation will reveal Himself publicly. Come join my team. The membership is free and global. All you have to do is fill out a form and volunteer five to 10 hours of your time per week. The link to that form is at my blog JesusIsBack.XYZ in the top right corner. Lord God is the King of the organization. I am a Commander appointed by Him. I even have a few fundraisers going on online at the site GoFundMe. I am the priest from everlasting to everlasting. You get to tithe me. I am here to stand with humanity and worship Lord God. --- Support this podcast:
The Second Coming Flow Chart: Prophecy, Miracle And Mission
The Second Coming Flow Chart: Prophecy, Miracle And Mission
Do you believe in God? I ask because plenty of people don’t. Isaac Newton was a believer. Albert Einstein was a believer. But today people with graduate degrees walk around claiming they know science and are thus past the whole God thing. Do you believe in God? No, then talk to you later. If yes then do you believe Jesus who walked the earth 2,000 years ago was the Son of God? True God to True God? And that he promised to be back? That is the Christian bread and wine ritual. Do this in my memory until I come again. Only people of faith await the Second Coming. The idea does not even make sense to those who lack faith. At first, I necessarily have to start with those who have been waiting. But you are aware and I am aware that there are hundreds of people you can find just online who are all claiming they are Jesus. And that was predicted 2,000 years ago. Many will come in my name. I am, of course, acutely aware. Either all of them are wrong, sinful, and blasphemous, or only one is correct. How can you differentiate? Is there a way? Of course, there is. There is a fairly easy way. You can not time any of them because it was said 2,000 years ago nobody knows when the Second Coming will happen, not even the angels of heaven, but only the Father. So you can not say it is too early, or too late. The three questions you ask are as follows. What prophecies have you fulfilled and what prophecies will you fulfill in the future? Have you performed miracles and are they well-documented? What is the work you are here to do and how will you do it? If you were to ask these three questions to everyone who is claiming to be Jesus, you will very quickly find out I am the only one who has the answers. Most will not even attempt answers. And, in my case, you do not even have to wait for the answers. I have answered those three questions very, very publicly already. I have a robust online presence. You can look at my answers. You can invite others to do the same. I am also available to talk privately. These are early innings. I have plenty of time for now. --- Support this podcast: