By building urban ecosystems, we will make Canberra a refuge for the plants, animals and ecological communities devastated by climate change, habitat loss, bushfires and urban sprawl.
So on this World Bee Day let’s remember our untiring insect friends who power the pollination of the plants we love and need.
Bee populations are under threat. Destruction of their natural habitat, intensive farming practices, and pests and diseases are just some of the complex reasons driving a decline in both the number and diversity of bees.
The ACT is also making concerted efforts to reduce the use of bee-harming chemicals, phase out neonicotinoids and reduce the use of glyphosate and other pesticides that can decimate our bee-loved insect populations.
The ACT Government has adopted integrated weed management practices that reduces chemical use and incorporate other techniques such as flame weeding, biological controls and manual weed removal.
For more about World Bee Day →