Episode #83: Common Misconceptions When Implementing a CMMS

The Productive Parks 5-Minute Podcast

01-08-2024 • 8 minutos

When a parks and recreation agency chooses maintenance management software to help streamline operations, individuals often have ideas about what the software can and cannot do.

Some may think choosing computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) software will solve all their problems. Others may believe that “Big Brother” will be watching over them, tracking their every move.

After all, change can be a difficult thing. When faced with it, the mind can go to all sorts of places. One of the best ways to temper misconceptions about maintenance management software is by having a clear understanding of what it is capable of and what it doesn’t do. (Spoiler alert: simply logging into the software won’t solve all your problems.)

In this episode of the Productive Parks 5-Minute Podcast, learn some of the common misconceptions people have about CMMS software and the realities of the maintenance team using this powerful tool.


The Productive Parks 5-Minute Podcast is for busy professionals working to change the game in Parks and Recreation. If you liked this episode, please check out more of our park and recreation maintenance podcasts or view some articles on our blog (https://productiveparks.com/blog).

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