Episode #86: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Parks & Recreation

The Productive Parks 5-Minute Podcast

12-09-2024 • 8 minutos

Most people work better when they have a clear path to follow. When they understand what needs to be done and why. Unfortunately, not every agency has focused short- and long-term goals that give a sense of purpose and unity.

You may have heard of key performance indicators (KPIs) before. But do parks and recreation agencies really need KPIs?

In short, Yes!

Parks and recreation agencies with clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) are more focused on their jobs and serving the public.

In this episode of the Productive Parks 5-Minute Podcast, learn about key performance indicators and why they are beneficial. Then, get some KPI examples specific to parks and recreation agencies and maintenance teams.  ____________________________________________________________________

The Productive Parks 5-Minute Podcast is for busy professionals working to change the game in Parks and Recreation. If you liked this episode, please check out more of our park and recreation maintenance podcasts or view some articles on our blog (https://productiveparks.com/blog).

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