Jan. 29, 2024 - The one week we can make the MOST difference at the Capitol

TFL’s Capitol Connection

29-01-2024 • 23 minutos

The attention of the news world left Iowa after the Caucuses ended, but in truth, perhaps the most significant week in the state is what comes next, as the Iowa Legislature discusses, debates, and listens to lobbyists on the local bills that are going to impact Iowans the most!

And in this critical week, The FAMiLY Leader was there.

TFL's Drew Zahn and Chuck Hurley explain the flurry of bills where TFL was called on to testify for biblical values in an environment that is anything but godly.

PLUS: For pastors who are considering partnering with TFL's Church Ambassador Network, just what does it look like to come to the Capitol for the first time? TFL's Noah Meyers gives you just the facts, so you know what you're getting into!

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