Welcome back to the Nurse Papa podcast. This week, I will be helping two queer parents encounter the age old question of circumcision. If their baby has a penis should they snip it or save it? Should they snip it and then save it? Should they save it for snipping later? We're gonna take a deep dive into the weird history of circumcision and also discover how this ancient ritual stands in modern times.
I'd like to dedicate this episode to a friend of mine. Christian Doll is a fellow pediatric oncology nurse, father of four kids, and just one cool dude. Thanks for being you, Christian :)
I am proud to have EKO as a sponsor to the Nurse Papa podcast. I use this special stethoscope every day at work and it has indeed changed my nursing practice for the better. Please check it out and use the code word PAPA for 10% and purchase.
Remember, Nurse Papa is also a book. You can find out more about this special reading experience at www.nursepapathebook.com and you can purchase your own copy on Amazon. I'd love to hear what you think. Watch Nurse Papa talk about his work and family life on the NBC Today Show.