Let Them Breathe

Let Them Breathe

Are you awake? Are you breathing freely? That’s your birthright as an American and our children’s hope for the future. Let Them Breathe founder, Sharon McKeeman, delves into crucial issues of this pivotal time and dialogues with influential leaders, community members, parents, and students.

Let Them Breathe led the movement to protect students’ educational rights during the pandemic, and they’re continuing to pave the way for freedom, family rights, and educational reform. This movement was born in California and has a rapidly growing nationwide community. Their Let Them Learn initiative is building a network of alternative education with both online resources and an in-person Learning Center in North County San Diego.

This show is sponsored by PublicSq, connecting freedom loving individuals with businesses and communities that share their values.

Sharon McKeeman is a mama of four, military wife, educator, author, advocate, and the founder and executive director of Let Them Breathe. Let Them Breathe is a quickly growing non-profit based in California with over 80,000 families involved nationwide.

Sharon led the movement for mask-choice and has upheld student rights to education. She has been featured frequently on FOX NEWS, OAN, Newsmax, Epoch Times, NBC, ABC, CBS, KUSI, the LA Times, San Diego Union Tribune, and many other news outlets. She hosts a show titled Let Them Breathe, sponsored by PublicSq, that builds on the movement she led to restore student’s smiles and pushes listeners to wake up and live with freedom as their birthright.

Sharon is also an educator with experience in public, private and alternative education. Her Let Them Learn initiative is building a network of alternative education with both online resources and an in-person Learning Center in North County San Diego.

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