What do the poem of an Anglican-turned-Methodist clergyman and a song celebrating the commemoration of the anniversary of the discovery of printing have in common? When combined (following some editing of the poem over time), it resulted in a world-famous Christmas carol. The clergyman/poet was of course, Charles Wesley and the composer Felix Mendelssohn. When their work was ultimately combined, it gave us the Christmas carol, Hark! the Herald Angels Sing. Whether you sing along with the townsfolk in the movie, It's a Wonderful Life, or are swept away by a full choir and orchestra in a majestic cathedral, or enjoy it with the simple singing in your home with family and friends, it lifts us as we glorify God and celebrate the birth of Jesus. The angels proclaimed His birth and we can know the blessing of our sins being forgiven. Glory to the newborn King!
Article taken from Living Stories of Famous Hymns by Ernest K. Emurian. Copyright © 1955 by Baker Book House Company. Used by permission of Baker Book House Company.