Life experiences provide us with great stories that are uplifting or show overcoming obstacles and are very relatable when put into song. The parables of Jesus can also provide us with that musical and spiritual uplift as The Ninety and Nine by Elizabeth Cecelia Clephane (music by Ira D. Sankey) demonstrates. Have you felt like you have been left by yourself, away from the rest of the flock, at the mercy of the elements and enemies. Take heart. Jesus has not abandoned you but reaches out to you. He has left the rest of the flock in the protected place and is coming to find you and bring you back to a place of peace and safety. When you hear his voice, run to Him. Let Him bind up your wounds and bring you back into His fold. He is searching for you.
Article taken from Living Stories of Famous Hymns by Ernest K. Emurian. Copyright © 1955 by Baker Book House Company. Used by permission of Baker Book House Company.