Never Too Late Ever with Lorraine Hoving

Lorraine Hoving

Lorraine Hoving is an eternal optimist with contagious enthusiasm and a passion to change the world. She has recently created an online series called "Never Too Late Ever" to inspire others to make the next chapter of their lives the BEST chapter ever. Lorraine has lost over 120 lbs from her highest weight of 275 lbs. She reached an "aha moment" when she turned 60 years when she realized her life was two thirds over. She took a leadership development class, dealt with past trauma began to lose weight again and has been on a mission ever since. She has been a realtor for the last 15 years and lives in Washington state with her husband of 42 years, she is now taking her message of hope and inspiration to audiences live across the country. She has a son, daughter and a granddaughter.

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