Welcome to Brightshore!
During the annual Remembrance Festival the attention of the Gaurdeners falls on the party.
Cast: Kevin as Gornak (Bugbear Warlock). @Savage_McNavage
Trish as Kheddeerta Lichenstitch (Deep Gnome Druid).
Dexter as Walker (Warforged Artificer).
Ethan as Meizaphir Rangemore (Half-Drow Ranger).
Brightshore is a Fantasy Noir 5e mystery campaign. Gain early access to episodes and join us on Patreon for 5e Adventures and Maps, and other TTRPG System supplements. https://www.patreon.com/dungeonrogues
Find Dungeon Rogues Adventures on your favorite tools at.
DriveThruRPG. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/21489/Dungeon-Rogues
Roll20. https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/publisher/1912/dungeon-rogues
Recorded using a HyperX QuadCast S [affiliate link]. https://amzn.to/3Oh3LP6