All Selling Aside with Alex Mandossian | "Seeding Through Storytelling is the 'New' Selling!"

Alex Mandossian

The ALL SELLING ASIDE podcast is devoted to hard-working coaches, consultants and service professionals who HATE to sell. Alex Mandossian believes if you truly want to ETHICALLY INFLUENCE others in your personal and professional life, then selling through STORYTELLING is the key. As you listen to each content-rich episode, you'll discover practical strategies of how to attract and convert more PREMIUM clients and win the inner game of sales conversion. If you don't yet make a six-figure income ... if you don't have any PREMIUM clients ... if you're uncomfortable with your SALES process, then the ALL SELLING ASIDE podcast is ideal for you because "SEEDING" through STORYTELLING is the new SELLING! Make sure you check out the notes to each episode at ... You'll also find pre-written "SWIPES" that make it easy to refer "ASA" to your friends, colleagues and family members. read less


Stories B4 Statements
Stories B4 Statements
Which comes first, the story or the statement? When you’re trying to implement ethical influence into your sales process, the best way to start is with a story. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but that is exactly how I start each and every one of my episodes.   First, what is the difference between a story and statement? A story is a narrative intended to engage, amuse, or instruct listeners or viewers. Statements are written or spoken expressions intended to persuade listeners or viewers.    In my opinion, stories need to come first because they are designed to engage the heart before bringing in the head. Sales are not made with the head. They are made when you manage to entangle the heart with the head.    Stories also help you to stay top of mind in people’s memories and there are so many that help to put various situations into perspective.   Listen to learn the three key insights:    What ethical influence has to do with stories and statements. Why ethical influence relies more on stories than statements. How to start an ethically influential story in 6 simple words.    Which stories should you be telling in your business?    In This Episode:  [01:33] - Welcome back to the weekly podcast for coaches, consultants, and service providers. [04:33] - The three key insights you’ll learn in this episode.  [06:42] - Stories are narratives. Learn more about the intention behind them.  [09:08] - What is the right sequence between statements and stories?  [11:33] - Why doubt is the silent assassin of influence.  [14:07] - Ethical influence starts with stories and ends with statements.  [14:35] - The story of indecision explained.  [15:55] - A story that obliterates the objection of hesitation. [19:21] - Stories create rapport. [19:50] - How to start an influential story in 6-words.  [20:56] - Statements equal data but stories equal data with soul. [21:33] - The Alexism is, “Something terrible happens when you fail to engage your prospects to become long-term buyers...NOTHING!”  [21:57] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What ethical influence has to do with stories and statements. Why ethical influence relies more on stories than statements. How to start an ethically influential story in 6 simple words.    [23:30] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [25:34] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes Editing and show notes for All Selling Aside by Pro Podcast Solutions.
Dale’s Magic Formula
Dale’s Magic Formula
When you’re looking to sell your products or services, it’s not the head of your customer that you’re trying to win. Instead, you’re trying to win their hearts. What’s the best way to do this? By telling a story that has your client or customer demanding to work with you.    Dale Carnegie came from humble means but he was driven to be and do more. He completed high school and went on to college, but in that time he learned all about the art of selling. He’d always been an influential speaker and he realized that it was his ability to speak that helped him become an in demand salesperson.   He went on to create an entire school to help others learn the power of oration and he built out a magic selling formula that hinged on one particular skill. The one skill that all successful business people have.    Listen to learn the three key insights:    What the Dale Carnegie Formula is and where it came from.Why the Dale Carnegie Formula wins hearts like magic.How the Dale Carnegie Formula can be structured in 3 steps.    Have you brushed up on your public speaking skills lately?   In This Episode:  [02:02] - Selling is fun when you know how to do it properly. [03:44] - Learn the three key insights reviewed in this episode.  [05:17] - Why Dale Carnegie changed the spelling of his name. [07:48] - What he did after high school and how he worked on his oratory skills. [10:25] - Why he started teaching public speaking classes for adults.  [12:35] - The one skill all successful business people have.  [15:00] - How he learned the success secrets of history’s finest.  [16:25] - Learn more about two great orators of antiquity, Demosthenes and Cicero. [18:16] - What is Dale Carnegie’s Magic Formula?  [20:18] - The correct order of the magic formula. [21:37] - Why is this formula so heart winning?  [24:53] - The Alexism is, “You can’t be 100% committed to any behavior sometimes!”  [25:21] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the Dale Carnegie Formula is and where it came from.Why the Dale Carnegie Formula wins hearts like magic.How the Dale Carnegie Formula can be structured in 3 steps.   [26:16] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [27:39] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes   Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie Editing and show notes for All Selling Aside by Pro Podcast Solutions.
Calculate Your Worth
Calculate Your Worth
Would you say your net worth affects your self-worth? For many, this is a true statement. Not because money is everything, but because when you make more money your mind believes you are worth more. Why does this matter?    Back in 2003 I had just come off of making my first million dollars online. It was during this time that I would take a limo to and from the airport when I was leaving on business trips. The limo driver was a friend of mine and I enjoyed my time on the trips, but the trips cost about $6,000 per year.    My bookkeeper at the time, Denise McIntyre let me know that she wasn’t comfortable with those rides so she said if I could monetize them, I could keep them. I created a Limo Consulting hour where I would do coaching calls on my rides to and from the airport.    Guess what. I had a waiting list that went on for weeks. Learn why the cost of those Limo Consultations was actually not equal to my actual worth and why knowing yours is so important. The three key insights we’ll review are:    What calculating your worth is in your personal and professional life.Why calculating your worth is important and relevant to self-worth.How to calculate your worth on a step-by-step basis and share it.    So, what is your magic hourly number? Is it more or less than you thought?       In This Episode:  [01:59] - Welcome back to the show for coaches, consultants, and other service professionals. [05:30] - The three key insights reviewed in this episode. [07:38] - It’s 2003 and Alex just made his first million dollars online.  [10:25] - Learn more about Denise McIntyre and how she helped Alex monetize his limo rides.  [13:20] - How Limo Consulting resulted in profitable limo rides to and from the airport.  [17:13] - What does calculating your worth look like?  [18:23] - Why is calculating your worth so important to your self-worth?  [20:32] - Move from hourly to project-based billing. Learn why. [23:41] - Alex shares some of his client wins.  [24:05] - How to calculate your worth on a step-by-step basis.  [26:00] - The Alexism is, “Great entrepreneurs don’t wait for their ship to come to them, they swim out to it.”  [26:14] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What calculating your worth is in your personal and professional life.Why calculating your worth is important and relevant to self-worth.How to calculate your worth on a step-by-step basis and share it.    [27:06] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [28:50] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes   Editing and show notes for All Selling Aside by Pro Podcast Solutions.
History’s Greatest Salesman
History’s Greatest Salesman
Selling through collaboration rather than confrontation is a key skill that most successful salespeople cultivate to their advantage. One of the greatest salesmen in history used this same skill to sell the hope of Christianity to the Greeks. Who was this amazing salesman?    Saul of Tarsus was a tentmaker and a Jew who was staunchly against the movement of Christianity. In fact, he likely was responsible for the deaths of several people. It wasn’t until he was traveling to Damascus that he had a vision that changed his life and thus he became Paul the Apostle. His letters make up the vast majority of the New Testament and represent a great lesson in sales for all to learn. You see Paul started off his sale of hope to the Greeks by first granting them his respect and commenting on their altar to the Unknown Deity.    He then paints a picture of who the Unknown Deity is and why He is the greatest of all. By the end of his speech they were enthralled by the dramatism of his story and the vivid experience he created. He took their already extant beliefs and gave them a new point of view to see them from.    Listen in to learn more about these three key insights:    What the definition is of being a great salesperson in your field.Why the art and science of selling is the world’s most lucrative skill.How to sell yourself to others without the risk of embarrassment.    This is not an episode meant to dig into the foundations of Christianity but instead to see how Paul made the spread of Christianity possible through expert salesmanship. What are your thoughts? Was Paul one of the greatest salespeople in history?      In This Episode:  [01:31] - Welcome back to All Selling Aside.  [04:22] - Learn the three key insights you’ll review in this episode.  [06:09] - Hear a story of selling through collaboration versus confrontation.  [08:53] - Alex shares his vote for the greatest salesman in history and what he sold.  [11:01] - What did Paul really sell?  [13:54] - Every great salesperson needs this quality.  [16:33] - How Paul approached the Grecians with the message of Christianity.  [18:17] - Why using pictorial verbiage and building a story is so important when selling.  [22:21] - What is the definition of being a great salesperson in your field?  [23:37] - The 3 Why Formula and why it is more lucrative than any other skill.  [25:45] - You are either making a sell or killing a sale. Learn why. [27:34] - The Alexism is, “You know if you’re a true business leader because after your job is done, all of your followers say, ‘We did it ourselves!’”  [28:36] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the definition is of being a great salesperson in your field.Why the art and science of selling is the world’s most lucrative skill.How to sell yourself to others without the risk of embarrassment.     [30:00] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [31:54] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes Editing and show notes for All Selling Aside by Pro Podcast Solutions.
Anatomy of Movements
Anatomy of Movements
When you create a movement you create a community of members who are highly engaged with you and amongst themselves. Creating a movement is significantly more lucrative than finding a market because of that engagement. I’m sharing everything you need to know about the elements of a movement, why they outperform markets, and how you can monetize them.    I didn’t truly realize the significance of creating a movement until the end of 2008. We were in the middle of the Great Recession and I had just finished selling over 800 spots in my Teleseminar Secrets program. The only issue was that the majority of those sales came from affiliates which have a higher refund rate.    My goal was to hold on to as many of those students as possible, so I created a Facebook page for them to go to and interact with each other. This was pre-Facebook groups so I did what I could to maximize the use of the platform. Engagement was higher than ever amongst my students and I ended up only having to give about 30 refunds. Which is amazing.    Why did this work? Because rather than sell to a market, I created a movement for my students. I gave them a place to connect and engage and learn from one another as they implemented the information they learned in the course. Listen to learn how you can create your own movement and retain the majority of your students and sales. Your three key insights are:    What the three functional elements of constructing any movement are.Why creating movements in business outperform finding markets. How to convert the three movement elements into money making tools.    What kind of movement will you make?        In This Episode:  [01:31] - Welcome back to All Selling Aside.  [02:15] - Why selling is fun. [04:21] - Learn the three key insights you’ll learn about creating movements. [06:11] - The year is 2008 and Alex is in his fourth year of Teleseminar Secrets. [09:03] - Listen as Alex shares his stick strategy for that time.  [11:26] - How did he boost client retention from mostly affiliate sales?  [12:27] - Why Facebook became his movement creation platform.  [14:11] - People want the movement more than the content.  [14:35] - What is a movement?  [16:20] - You don’t have customers or clients in a movement you have a member.  [16:53] - Learn the three functional elements of a movement.  New vocabularyNew community New leaders or role models [20:06] - Why are movements more profitable than a market? [26:06] - How do you convert the three movement elements into money making tools? [28:30] - The Alexism is, “You know if you’re a true business leader because after your job is done, all of your followers say, ‘We did it ourselves!’”  [29:15] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the three functional elements of constructing any movement are.Why creating movements in business outperform finding markets. How to convert the three movement elements into money making tools.     [30:35] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [32:19] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes Editing and show notes for All Selling Aside by Pro Podcast Solutions.
Accelerated Learning Tips
Accelerated Learning Tips
Despite being completely down and out after a failed business venture that was financed by my family, my love of learning was the key to my healing. I was depressed and felt like a complete failure, but I knew that I could learn and overcome. The teaching of Nightingale-Conant became my lifeline.   What I realized was that my teaching in school never taught me HOW to learn which is important. I was never taught to read the summary first and actually read the table of comments so that I could solidify concepts before digging into the actual learning.   The way that I have found has worked best for me is accelerated learning. Listen in as I share what this method is and how you can implement it today to start learning every day. Your three key insights are:    What accelerated learning is by definition… and who it’s ideal for.Why accelerated learning is the fastest, easiest way to change your life. How accelerated learning is activated quickly and easily - step-by-step.    If you’re not learning you’re not growing and if you’re not growing you’re dead. Are you ready to learn?       In This Episode:  [01:34] - Welcome to All Selling Aside — the weekly podcast devoted to those who hate selling. [04:30] - Alex shares the three key insights you’ll review in this episode.  [06:13] - The year is 1991 and Alex is in dire straits both financially and personally.  [09:01] - Learn more about how the Nightingale-Conant 30-day free trial helped him heal. [11:22] - Why school learning is not the same as life learning.  [12:31] - School doesn’t teach you HOW to learn.  [14:12] - The equalizer for all learning human beings is time.  [16:19] - What is accelerated learning and is who ideal for it?  [17:30] - Why is it important to practice accelerated learning?  [18:09] - How do you accelerate your learning?  Choose your topic.Study in multi-sensory platforms. Schedule your routines.Develop memory anchors. Teach what you learn. [21:00] - Hear a quick review of how you can accelerate your learning. [22:07] - The Alexism is, “Be aware of the two evil twins that destroy your productivity — Procrastination (the fear of starting) and Perfectionism (the fear of finishing).”  [23:06] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What accelerated learning is by definition… and who it’s ideal for.Why accelerated learning is the fastest, easiest way to change your life. How accelerated learning is activated quickly and easily - step-by-step.     [24:11] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [26:05] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes   Editing and show notes for All Selling Aside by Pro Podcast Solutions.
The New 3M Sequence
The New 3M Sequence
In 2006 I ran the first of many Teleseminar Secrets Challenges. Those challenges changed the lives of thousands of people but more importantly we created a movement of people making money through making connections. The old 3M sequence was market, message, and media but that model no longer works. You’re not looking to identify or create a market any longer. No, in this day and age you have to create a movement. You have to engage and connect people so that they feel as if they are part of a community working toward a goal.   Which is why the new 3M sequence looks something like this: Movement, monetization, and media. Without creating or inspiring movement, you are setting your business up to fail.    Listen in to review these three key insights:    What the old 3M sequence is and how the new 3M makes it obsolete.Why creating your movement makes it the most important of the 3Ms.How to launch your own marketing movement, step-by-step.    So if you were to create your own movement, how would it be structured?      In This Episode:  [01:31] - Welcome back to the weekly podcast devoted to coaches and consultants.  [04:24] - Learn the three key insights being reviewed in this episode. [06:21] - It’s 2006 and the first Teleseminar Secrets (TSS) Challenge is in full swing.  [09:18] - Why the TSS Challenge changed so many lives. Learn the old 3M sequence. [10:30] - Alex shares the new 3Ms: Movement, Monetization, and Media. [11:59] - Why creating your movement is the most important of the three.  [14:24] - How do you develop a movement? Name it.Design it.Test it.Maintain it.Do what it takes to “become” it. [16:40] - If Alex were to have a “succeed” movement, he’d start with… [19:36] - … and it would end with rewards and acknowledgement.  [23:34] - How long the missions/challenges last.  [24:26] - The Alexism is, “In physics, nothing happens until something moves. In sales and marketing, nothing happens until someone moves.”  [25:12] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the old 3M sequence is and how the new 3M makes it obsolete.Why creating your movement makes it the most important of the 3Ms.How to launch your own marketing movement, step-by-step.    [27:05] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [28:32] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes   The First Follower Video Editing and show notes for All Selling Aside by Pro Podcast Solutions.
A Tale of Two Mindsets
A Tale of Two Mindsets
It’s the year 2012 and I’m in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia after a 5-Day Guerilla Business Intensive event. During this event, like so many others, I noticed the difference between people who took action and changed their lives and those who stayed safe. What I was contemplating however was what the distinction was between them.    Did one person simply believe that they could and the other that they could not? Was one hardwired to be successful and the other not? I didn’t believe that, but what I did discover was that we all have both the “I can” and the “I can’t” mindset within us. The difference between the person who was successful and the other who was not was that the successful person listened to their “I can” mindset.   Which means that the “I can” and “I can’t” mindset does not define two people instead each person has both mindsets within them. That is when I realized that we are responsible for changing our mindset.   The three key insights for this episode are:    What the differences and distinctions between the two mindsets are.Why adopting the right mindset will change your life forever.How to change your “mindset identity” to reach goals easier.    Listen in to learn all the steps you should take to start working on a more positive mindset. So, which steps have you started enacting in your life?     In This Episode:  [01:33] - Welcome back to All Selling Aside.  [04:34] - Alex shares the three key insights you will review in this episode.  [06:21] - The year is 2012 and Alex is in Malaysia having just finished up an event. [07:46] - The two mindsets are “I can” and “I can’t” and they drastically affect our lives. [09:41] - How Alex found the answer to why two people can hear the same message and take completely different action.  [11:43] - What is the distinction between the two mindsets?  [14:06] - Everyone has the same amount of time in the day. What are you doing with your time? [15:39] - Learn times when your “I can’t” mindset is important to use. [18:54] - The 7-Steps you can take to change your mindset:  AwarenessAcceptanceObserve one positive thing per day.Figure out what you would want to be the epitaph on your tombstone.Find your accountability partner.Find a mentor.Find someone that you can mentor [23:27] - A quick review of the 7-Steps. [24:09] - The Alexism is, “There is no such thing as a ‘self-made’ entrepreneur.”  [24:45] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the differences and distinctions between the two mindsets are.Why adopting the right mindset will change your life forever.How to change your “mindset identity” to reach goals easier.   [25:52] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [27:24] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes
How to Find Your Mentor
How to Find Your Mentor
The term mentor is grossly misused in this day and age and I’m here to tell you why. Now, as I have grown in entrepreneurship and business, I have had many people that I consider mentors come into my life. It wasn’t until I heard Roy H. Williams’ definition however, that I realized the number was smaller than I thought.    You see a mentor is a person who is invested in your life and your work, in depth, over a period of time. They are not flighty people who are invested episodically. Instead, this is a person that you speak with constantly. This person hears all of your thoughts, ideas, struggles, and more and helps you to move through and past them.    The mentor-mentee relationship is one of the most important you will ever have in your life. Which is why it is so important that you choose a mentor well. Listen in to learn the seven steps to identifying and approaching your future mentor. Your three key insights are:    What the definition of a mentor is and where it originates from.Why the principle of mentoring is a sacred relationship and rare.How to find the right mentor for you to assist you to evolve faster.   Who do you think would be the best mentor for you at this point in your life?    In This Episode:  [01:30] - Welcome back to All Selling Aside. [04:02] - Learn the three key insights reviewed in this episode.  [05:37] - Alex shares the definition of mentorship per Wikipedia. [06:35] - What is required of a mentor mentee relationship?  [10:08] - When did formal mentoring start?  [11:21] - Learn the different names for a mentor throughout the world.  [12:46] - Why there is a rampant misuse of the word mentor in this age.  [15:19] - Per Roy H. Williams, when you find a mentor you become a protege.  [17:12] - Learn more about the relationship between Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett. [18:55] - Why mentors are so important to not just business but life.  [23:05] - Alex has a habit of being mentored by his former mentees.  [24:19] - One additional interesting thing about mentors through the story of Freddie Laker.  [25:37] - Learn the 7 steps you should take to identify and find your mentor.  Identify an area of improvement.Identify a leader whom you admire and respect. Learn everything you can about that leader.Find out who that leader’s mentor is or was. Learn who they respect and admire that you can access easier. Ask for an introduction. [29:04] - If you have a target in mind and it doesn’t work out, rinse and repeat.  [30:07] - The Alexism is, “Experience is NOT the best teacher. It’s the only teacher.”  [30:29] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the definition of a mentor is and where it originates from.Why the principle of mentoring is a sacred relationship and rare.How to find the right mentor for you to assist you to evolve faster.  [31:50] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [33:38] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes   Monday Morning Memo Sir Freddie Laker Sir Richard Branson
The 5-P’s of Effectiveness
The 5-P’s of Effectiveness
For many people in the world, not just entrepreneurs, but human beings in general, there is a constant need to be more productive… but what does that mean? Better yet, why do we work so hard to be productive, but not necessarily effective?    Peter Drucker defined efficiency as doing things right but effectiveness as doing the right things. Dan Sullivan defines productivity as doing as many things as possible in as little time as possible but priority as doing the right things at the right time.    Both of these definitions are the baseline of the 5 P’s. You see when you’re working through productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness, many times you’re in a mode of switch-tasking. Instead, to get the most out of your time, you should monotask. You should work through each P, one at a time, until the assembly line is done and then switch to the next line. Listen in to learn what the 5-Ps are, the order in which you should do them, and why you should use them to become more effective in your personal and professional life. Your three key insights are:    What the 5-Ps of Effectiveness are and why they are critical to success. What the difference is between efficiency and effectiveness. How to become more effective in your personal and professional life.   Which tasks are you going to move from switch-tasking to monotasking? How will it help your effectiveness?    In This Episode:  [01:42] - Welcome back to All Selling Aside! [04:50] - Learn the three key insights Alex will share in this episode.  [06:48] - Peter Drucker was a business philosopher and an amazing thinker.  [07:29] - How Peter Drucker defined efficiency and effectiveness. [09:31] - Productivity and priority defined.  [12:32] - What is switch tasking and why is it inefficient and ineffective?  [13:50] - When you monotask it requires less willpower and energy. [16:55] - What are the 5-P’s of effectiveness? The first is preparation. [18:13] - Next you need to plan.  [20:06] - The third P is production.  [20:40] - Once you produce you move into promotion mode.  [21:04] - The 5th P is not in your control and it is profit. [22:03] - Doing the right things is taking the sequence of the 5 Ps and working them in order.  [24:08] - The Alexism is, “There are two types of regret all humans have between the inhale and exhale of their final breath on Earth: (1) The things they wish they shouldn’t have done, (2) the things they wish they should have done, but didn’t.”  [25:20] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the 5-Ps of Effectiveness are and why they are critical to success. What the difference is between efficiency and effectiveness. How to become more effective in your personal and professional life.  [26:17] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [28:16] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes   Peter Drucker Jim Collins Dan Sullivan
Misdiagnosing Your Progress
Misdiagnosing Your Progress
The rise and fall of nations, racism, and even genocide can be explained by a misdiagnosis of progress. This is also called the progress fallacy and it is one of the riskiest assumptions that you can make in life and business.    Rather than thinking of progress as a noun, think of it as a verb. You are progressing along your path in entrepreneurship which means that for every failure you are doubling your success rate because you now know what NOT to do.    Here is the thing, in almost any given scenario, event A did not necessarily cause event B to happen. Think about it, you download a new software and sometime later your computer crashes. Was event A the root cause of event B? Not necessarily right?    This same concept can be carried throughout all levels of life and business.   Listen in to learn about the root cause and why finding that root is the most important thing you can do. Your three key insights are:    What the root cause of misdiagnosing your progress really is.Why progress misdiagnosis can cause suffering for humanity.How to stop progress misdiagnosis so that you can live a happier, healthier, and wealthier life.   Don’t let root cause misdiagnosis stop you from succeeding in sales, business, and life!   In This Episode:  [04:45] - Learn the three key insights Alex shares in this episode. [07:05] - Progress is important but is it a noun or a verb?  [08:56] - Why do you go the wrong direction enthusiastically?  [09:50] - What is the progress fallacy?  [11:44] - Why you should ignore the simple logic of progress fallacy. [12:56] - Learn why progress misdiagnosis can cause suffering for humanity as a whole.  [14:47] - The progress fallacy has impacted the rise and fall of civilizations across time.  [17:08] - Genocide is borne out of the progress fallacy.  [17:56] - How is this reflected in business?  [19:32] - Making wrong turns is a part of entrepreneurship… a necessary part.  [22:38] - If you believe that all martians steal… [24:17] - Alex shares a personal story in which the progress fallacy changed his life.  [26:56] - Why does root cause misdiagnosis cause suffering.  [29:35] - How do you stop progress misdiagnosis?  [30:20] - The Alexism is, “The only thing worse than going in the wrong direction is to go in the wrong direction enthusiastically.” - Dan S.: “Progress not perfection.”  [31:13] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the root cause of misdiagnosing your progress really is.Why progress misdiagnosis can cause suffering for humanity.How to stop progress misdiagnosis so that you can live a happier, healthier, and wealthier life.  [32:43] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [34:19] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes
The APP Power Revealed
The APP Power Revealed
What does accountability mean to you? For the ancient Romans it was the process of being accounted for so that the senators could vote for important laws. For your business, it means being held accountable to making change.  The accountability partner program power is having your clients be accountable to each other. Here’s the thing, are you more likely to keep a promise to yourself or to others? If you’re like most humans, you’re going to keep your promises to others more frequently.  So when you incorporate the APP into your programs you’re putting the role of accountability partner onto peers in the program. Then you build in consequences to not attending those meetings. Nobody wants to be kicked out of a program right?  Listen in to learn more about how you can start implementing in your programs. Your three key insights are:  What APP Power means and the evolution of accountability.Why any APP is critical to espousing engagement for any tribe. How the APP works via step-by-step basis and the 5 key questions.  Are you ready to build a tribe of clients or students who can’t get enough of your programs?  In This Episode:  [01:38] - What are your thoughts on selling things? If you hate it, then keep listening.  [04:04] - Learn the three key insights you’ll learn in this episode.  [05:44] - When did the concept of accountability first appear in history?  [07:14] - Why we are more willing to give than receive.  [09:12] - How accountability was baked into Teleseminar Secrets.  [09:53] - What is APP power? Why is it critical for building a tribe community?  [12:09] - Why the critical driver is the fear of banishment.  [14:53] - How the APP works with any group. [16:32] - Put APP power to work for your business.  [18:37] - Learn the five questions you need to have your partners address between each other.  What’s the victory you have experienced in the last 24hrs?What are you grateful for at this moment? What’s the anticipated obstacle that you have for today? What’s the intention to obliterate/unlock that obstacle? What’s the question to the universe that you have?  [22:23] - A quick review of the five questions.  [24:21] - The Alexism is, “Imagination was given to us as humans to compensate for what we are not. A sense of humor was provided to console us for what we are.” [25:05] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What APP Power means and the evolution of accountability.Why any APP is critical to espousing engagement for any tribe. How the APP works via step-by-step basis and the 5 key questions.  [26:07] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [28:08] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes   Stu McLaren Vishen Lakhiani Ryan Deiss Perry Belcher
Was Einstein Wrong?
Was Einstein Wrong?
Einstein was one of the most brilliant scientists of his day. His work on the Theory of Relativity changed the path of atomic research and opened up an entirely new way to view space and time. But did he get it right? The Theory of Relativity is based on a fairly simple contact, but is it really a theory or is it a relationship. Essentially our experience is relative to the world around us. A car moving a 65 MPH is only doing so relative to the car next to it or the pedestrian on the sidewalk.  Time moves only as fast as our perception. Think about it. When you’re bored out of your skull, time moves like molasses. If you’re having a great time, it seems that time moves faster than the speed of light.  How does this apply to sales? Your relationships and metrics are only capped by who you seek to compare yourself to. If that’s the case, should you even indulge in comparison Listen in to learn:  What Einstein’s Relativity Theory has to do with influence. Why Einstein’s Relativity Theory was in error: “Light Speed?”How Einstein’s Relativity Theory is relevant to sales strategies. If you want to become better, model someone who is the best in his or her field. Your performance is limited only by your own relationship to relativity. In This Episode:  [01:34] - Welcome back to All Selling Aside.  [04:27] - Learn the three key insights Alex is sharing in this episode.  [06:15] - Hear the story of how Einstein found the Theory of Relativity and how it has been applied.  [08:33] - How the Theory of Relativity relates to atomic science and why it changed science.  [10:23] - Why space and time are relative… and other relative relationships.  [12:46] - Listen as Alex shares how relativity applies to sales.  [15:01] - Stop putting a ceiling on your performance by using relative comparison to your competitors.  [17:57] - Is your goal to be better or be the best?  [18:55] - The Theory of Relativity suggests that tiny equals huge amounts of energy. The same is true in sales.  [20:10] - What is faster than the speed of light squared?  [21:01] - The relationship of relativity as applied to sales.  [23:17] - Why Einstein’s theory is wrong and how to make it better.  [23:58] - The Alexism is, “Wise entrepreneurs simplify the complex. Foolish ones make simple things complex. True intelligence is about simplification.” [24:45] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What Einstein’s Relativity Theory has to do with influence. Why Einstein’s Relativity Theory was in error: “Light Speed?”How Einstein’s Relativity Theory is relevant to sales strategies. [26:07] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [27:26] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes
Aim At “Bullseye” Clients
Aim At “Bullseye” Clients
Have you ever watched Olympic archery? Picture the target and the rings as they get smaller and smaller toward the bullseye. The best archers know that aiming for the bullseye is the goal, but as long as they consistently hit the target they will win.  The same applies in marketing. Your bullseye client is the ideal of the ideal. They are the client that your messaging should always be speaking to when you shoot the arrow of marketing. However, if you miss and you hit one of the rings, you’re actually expanding your reach.  Why? Because as long as you’ve landed on the target, your message has been heard.  Ready to learn more? Listen in to learn:  What your “bullseye client” is compared to “target market.”Why “bullseye client” marketing expands your reach and visibility.How to attract more “bullseye clients” with your messaging.    In This Episode:  [02:24] - Learn how to sell by obliterating objections.  [04:27] - Alex shares the three key insights you’ll learn in this episode. [06:15] - How Olympic level archery applies to sales and marketing.   [09:12] - The arrow is your message, the bow is your media sources, and the target is your market.  [13:38] - Who is the bullseye client for GBO?  [15:45] - Why you can have different bullseye clients for each of your offers.  [18:52] - If you aim for the bullseye and miss, you’ve actually expanded your reach. Learn why.  [19:46] - How do you attract more bullseye clients with your messaging?  Speak to their aspirations of your ideal client? What are they affiliated with? What are their attributes?  [20:56] - Alex recaps the moving away from keys:  What are their frustrations? What are their fears? What are their foibles?  [22:26] - The Alexism is, “The secret to wildly successful entrepreneurship is the willingness to look bad in public more often than your competitors.” [23:41] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What your “bullseye client” is compared to “target market.”Why “bullseye client” marketing expands your reach and visibility.How to attract more “bullseye clients” with your messaging. [25:41] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [27:38] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes
Persona Selling Formula
Persona Selling Formula
Last week I shared with you the sequence for selling to each buyer persona. This week I want to dive a little deeper and explain the persona selling formula. The sequence of selling still remains vital, but the personas themselves need to be further defined.   The four personas derive from Hippocrates and his four humours. They are competitive, spontaneous, humanistic, and methodical. These same four personas speak to what makes a hit TV show, a best-selling book, or an Oscar-worthy movie. We each identify best with one of the four personas and as such want to see ourselves in the things we read and watch. If we don’t, then we’re less engaged. This is why you need to represent each of the four personas in every piece of copy and every presentation.    Our personas are really just preferences, but they heavily impact our buying decisions. So listen in to learn:    What the persona selling formula is and where it came from.Why the persona selling formula results in max impact with minimum resistance.How the persona selling formula works, in sequenced steps.   In This Episode:  [01:53] - Welcome back to All Selling Aside. [05:14] - Learn the three key insights being shared in this episode. [06:42] - Alex shares the four humours as studied by Hippocrates and how they apply to selling. [09:03] - You can perform outside of your preferences but it is still important to understand.  [11:26] - How does marketing correlate with the 4 principles?  [14:05] - In every crowd you will find each of the 4 preferences so you must speak to them all. [16:47] - It’s virtually impossible to have a hit series without all 4 personas. [19:24] - Hear a rapid review of the 4 personas and which sequence you should speak to them in.  [20:57] - Which of the 4 personas are you most closely associated with?  [22:28] - What is a persona selling formula and where did it come from?  [25:04] - Why does persona selling have such amazing impact with little resistance?  [27:30] - The Alexism is, “The risk of insult is the price of clarity.” [28:25] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the persona selling formula is and where it came from.Why the persona selling formula results in max impact with minimum resistance.How the persona selling formula works, in sequenced steps. [29:50] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [32:03] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes Alex Mandossian’s free live Friday show Hero Quiz Persona Quadrants   Carl Jung Hippocrates Meyer-Briggs DISC
Why ‘Sequencing’ Sells
Why ‘Sequencing’ Sells
In February of 2018, I was on stage at Guerrilla Business Intensive testing the “persona” theory from the stage. I was testing out the theory of sequencing to see how it would impact my sales. Before we get too deep into this, just know that I saw an insane increase in units sold. So what is sequencing? First you need to understand the concept of personas. Most people fall into one of four buyer personas. People either want to know what you’re selling, why it works, who else has it, and how it works. These aren’t learning styles, they are the personas we assume as we process products and services we are considering for purchase. Each persona processes their purchases either from a competitive standpoint, spontaneous, humanistic, or methodical.  This means that during any presentation, you are selling to four different types of people. It’s the order in which you sell them that will be the most impactful to your success.  This order is what I call sequencing. You need to have a system for sales, but when you add in proper sequencing your sales will almost certainly increase. So listen in to learn:  What the sequencing process means compared to creating systems.Why sequencing works faster and easier when influencing others.How sequencing stops the guesswork when crafting sales presentations.  Take a look at some of your recent sales presentations… could you make any tweaks to increase your success rate?    In This Episode:  [03:34] - What skills you learn with Alex aside from ethical influence. [04:43] - Learn which three key insights Alex is focusing on with this episode. [06:31] - How I tested the “persona” theory from stage. [08:54] - What is a world-class presentation?  [12:20] - How sequencing increased Alex’s buying units.[12:55] - Learn what a system is and sequencing makes it better. [16:32] - Alex shares how influence applies to sequencing.  [17:48] - Leadership versus persuasion… defined. [20:32] - Hear the sequence Alex used in his test. How many of you are “what” learners? (Competitive)How about “why”? (Spontaneous)Who? (Humanistic)How? (Methodical) [23:51] - The step-by-step of selling with this sequence.  [25:52] - What is a persona and how does it impact sales?  [27:46] - How does one learn what type of persona they embody? [29:43] - We all embody a little bit of each of the personas but we also have a bias towards one.[30:20] - Learn the ways you can structure a presentation using these personas. [33:59] - The personas broken down in the four quadrants. [36:13] - Answer what, why, who, and how in that order and see your sales increase. [38:06] - The Alexism is, “The first step to ethically influencing others is to define reality. The second step is to accept that reality. The third and final step is to co-create reality!” [38:52] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the sequencing process means compared to creating systems.Why sequencing works faster and easier when influencing others.How sequencing stops the guesswork when crafting sales presentations. [41:20] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [43:04] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes Alex Mandossian’s free live Friday show   Guerilla Business IntensiveMillionaire Mind Intensive Michael Gerber Joe PolishRobert Cialdini
Down-Selling Made Easy
Down-Selling Made Easy
Imagine a fish swimming upstream. There are several fish in the world that do this, the most easily recognized would be salmon. Imagine how hard they work fighting the current to get to their desired location.  This is what happens when you upsell. You’re fighting against gravity working to pull people up your offer ladder. Instead you could be down-selling. Present your highest tiered offer first and then slowly but surely step people down and show them what happens as the price points fall away.  I’ve worked very closely with Jack Canfield, the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and during one of our last recessions he needed to re-evaluate his business model. Now Jack is not a natural salesman. He is a teacher. Getting him into the habit of making the offer was difficult, but it was made much easier by down-selling rather than upselling. I’m sharing the step by step process you should use to downsell and why it is so much more effective than upselling. You’ll learn:  What “down-selling” is defined compared to the upselling modelWhy “down-selling” is easier and works faster than upsellingHow “down-selling” is applied when prospecting, step-by-step People love to buy things, but they hate being sold. When you upsell, you’re constantly selling people on why they should elevate their purchase. As you downsell, you’re simply presenting them information and allowing them to choose. It may surprise you how many people opt for your higher priced offers simply because you found a way to better reveal the value of that offer!   In This Episode:  [01:33] - Hate selling? Then this podcast is for you! [05:03] - The three key insights you’ll learn in this episode. [06:44] - How down-selling versus upselling changed an entire business. [09:40] - Why Jack and Alex started working together.  [11:49] - … then Clear Path Consulting was born.  [12:28] - The difference between down-selling and upselling. [15:36] - What is a funnel?  [17:03] - Why Alex flips the funnel and downsells instead.  [21:05] - There is no motivation when you’re upselling.  [23:11] - As you down-sell you simply remove benefits as you go down the value ladder. [26:55] - Easier and faster to down-sell versus upsell because it’s organic.  [29:24] - How down-selling works… step by step. Identify your offer price levelsFlip the funnel and go high to lowPut a 15-20 minute video on confirmation pages with a top down view of your businessSell via “take-aways” not “add-ons” Divulge the entire ascension model  [37:20] - A quick recap of “how” to upsell. [39:09]] - The Alexism is, “Don’t stress over setting goals you don’t achieve because they are too high. Be more concerned over goals you achieve set too low.” [39:44] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What “down-selling” is defined compared to the upselling modelWhy “down-selling” is easier and works faster than upsellingHow “down-selling” is applied when prospecting step-by-step [40:50] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [42:57] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes Alex Mandossian’s free live Friday show   Jack Canfield The Success Principles by Jack Canfield Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield Clement Stone Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Zig Ziglar Dan Sullivan
Open Loop Influence
Open Loop Influence
Have you ever had someone start a story by presenting several scenarios and leaving them open ended. For instance, have you ever told your kids to grab their shoes and coat and get in the car… you have a surprise for them. What was their reaction?    If they started breathlessly asking you about the surprise and you had their complete and utter attention, then you successfully opened a loop. Once you get the kids in the car, you’ll either drag out the surprise or you’ll close the loop and give up the ghost.  This same principle applies in sales. When you’re speaking with someone about your product or service, you open loops to keep them hanging onto your every word. As you go through your spiel, you start closing loops, one by one. By the time you get to the end, your prospect is either ready to buy or they’re ready to say no. This is called the open loop principle. You weave a story opening and closing loops in just such a way to keep your potential client intrigued and excited about what you’re offering them.    Listen in as I share:  What the “open loop” principle is and how it is designed to ethically influence othersWhy the “open loop” principle is a fast and easy way to suspend attention.How the “open loop” principle works, step-by-step, in marketing communications. You don’t have to create new loops every single time you try to sell something. You can use templates and just make sure that the loops make sense with your new product or service. I’m using Success Resources Virtual summits as an example. What kinds of loops will you start using?    In This Episode:  [03:51] - Alex shares the three key insights for the episode. [05:08] - Listen as Alex recounts the first big action he took when the pandemic came to the U.S. [07:19] - Come late March Alex thought up Success Resources Virtual.  [09:37] - He knew exactly what they should do thanks to the open loop principles.  [11:10] - What is the open loop principle and why is it ethical?  [13:26] - Why is the open loop principle so enticing?  [15:48] - The biggest diservice you can do is to forget to close a loop.  [16:58] - How do you map out your loops to move your audience along the story?  [19:05] - Alex shares an example of the open loop principle in effect with a diamond ad. [22:51] - Listen as Alex breaks down the ad and why it is so effective.  [25:35] - How did he apply this principle to the Success Resources Virtual program?  [28:44] - Alex reveals the second open loop for SRV.  [30:55] - Learn more about the third loop and how it was closed.  [33:45] - What was the 10-second intro template used for each summit?  [35:14] - The Alexism is, “Unlearning old habits is harder than learning new ones!” [35:37] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the “open loop” principle is and how it is designed to ethically influence othersWhy the “open loop” principle is a fast and easy way to suspend attention.How the “open loop” principle works, step-by-step, in communications. [37:08] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [39:08] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes Alex Mandossian’s free live Friday show   Roy H. Williams Success Resources Alessia & Kane MinkusIndustry Rockstar Jeff Sexton Ryan Deiss The Monday Morning MemoThe Wizard of Ads SurveyGizmo   How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie How to Stop Worrying & Start Living by Dale Carnegie The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
H2H Selling Power
H2H Selling Power
The concept of H2H or human to human selling was introduced to me at the Traffic and Conversion Summit in 2017. Ryan Deiss, a former mentee turned mentor, was speaking on the power of understanding the humanity of business.  When you’re selling anything, you’re selling an emotion. When something goes wrong, it’s due to a human failing. When a sale goes right, it’s because of a human connection. So many times we get caught up in whether a company is primarily B2B, B2C, etc… and we forget that all sales are human to human interactions. Would you rather purchase a high-end product or service from a machine or from a human who has been in your shoes and understands the solution?  Never forget that caring is the competitive advantage of the 21st century. In an ever more disconnected world, showing your followers, customers, and clients that you care is imperative. Listen in as I share: Why your business model is not about B2B, B2C, B2G… it’s H2H.Why living into H2H business modality accelerates your profits. Why H2H focus is the key to uncover motivated buyer patterns. So, what processes in your business need a more human touch?    In This Episode:  [01:39] - Welcome back to All Selling Aside. [05:04] - Learn the three key insights you’ll find on this episode. [07:02] - Listen as Alex shares his experience from Traffic & Conversion in 2017. [07:43] - The key point was about H2H interaction. Learn what that means. [10:56] - Why give credit where it’s due?  [13:47] - Alex breaks down what various companies are selling with their products or services. [16:39] - How has status changed over time?  [17:20] - What do people lack in business?  ClarityStructureInfluenceVisibilityCommunity [20:24] - Your level of community status is what counts most. [20:54] - Strengthen what you’re already stong in.  [22:49] - Every organization has five dysfunctions as well. The aggregate of what individuals are lacking.  [25:17] - Why caring is the competitive advantage of the 21st century. [27:30] - The Alexism is, “Don’t look for your business hero… just become one!” [28:00] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  Why your business model is not about B2B, B2C, B2G… it’s H2H.Why living into H2H business modality accelerates your profits. Why H2H focus is the key to uncover motivated buyer patterns. [29:36] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [31:15] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.    Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes Alex Mandossian’s free live Friday show Roy H. Williams Patrick Lencioni Ryan Deiss Harvey Mackay
Three Keys to Biz Growth
Three Keys to Biz Growth
Most people, including me, think that increasing business is a complex, giant burden of thousands of possible tactics that one can try. Thankfully, Jay Abraham has taught me how to take the complex and make it simple.  There are three keys to growing your business, and as long as they are used in the right sequence, growth is inevitable. Now the three keys are increasing new client transactions, increasing transaction price, and increasing transaction frequency. But these keys are out of order. Of the three keys, which do you think is the most expensive tactic? Generating new leads and nurturing new clients of course. This is why, when you are looking to grow, you should first focus on increasing your prices, then your sales frequency, and lastly focus on new clients.  A flawed execution with a brilliant strategy will always win the day. Listen in as I share: What the 3 keys are to unlocking the doors to accelerated biz growthWhy sequencing which keys to use 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc leads to failure or successHow 2 of the keys can double/triple your profits with zero ad cost If you stay to the end, I give you the price increase strategy that is proven to increase your revenue without impacting your client retention. Focus on the backend nurturing of your clients and you’ll see dramatic growth in your business. In This Episode:  [01:33] - Welcome back to All Selling Aside.  [04:12] - Learn the three key insights you’ll learn by listening to this episode. [06:04] - Most people feel that increasing business is complex. Learn why. [08:13] - What are the three keys to growth? Influence more new clients to buy.Inspire clients to buy with more frequency.Increase the dollar value of more client purchases.  [09:00] - Learn the correct sequence for business growth.  [11:00] - Which is the most difficult and costly key?  [12:40] - What is the key sequence to grow your business?  [15:13] - Why you should focus on your backend strategy before their front-end.  [16:14] - Take a quick pop quiz to determine which scenario leads to gross.  [18:39] - How to properly increase your prices. [23:00] - The Alexism is, “Actions are better than conversations. ‘Well done is always better than well said.’ Ben Franklin.” [23:41] - Hear a quick review of the key insights in this episode:  What the 3 keys are to unlocking the doors to accelerated biz growthWhy sequencing which keys to use 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc leads to failure or successHow 2 of the keys can double/triple your profits with zero ad cost [25:20] - If you’ve already given Alex a review, write down your biggest takeaway from this episode on an index card. If you haven’t, though, please use that Aha! moment as your review for the show at this link! [26:54] - In honor of this episode, Alex gives listeners a final gift. You can get a 30-day free test drive of Kartra.  Links and Resources:  Alex Mandossian Alex Mandossian Fan on Facebook Alex’s Friday Live events Marketing Online 4-Part Video Training Series Alex Mandossian on YouTube Alexisms by Alex Mandossian All Selling Aside on iTunes Alex Mandossian’s free live Friday show Kartra Test Drive Jay Abraham Roy H. Williams