MAILBAG | The Last Jock Mailbag
his is it, folks.
The Jock Mailbag is over.
Damo and Clarky ask guests who have appeared throughout the season to reflect on their season and then also look forward to 2024.
Damo and Clarky also reveal their plans for next year, which will be away from Jock Reynolds.
Thank you...
Lekdog, Patch, Barron, Foz, Azza, MJ Want, Ben, Swiz, Al Paton, Tim Michell, Matt Turner, The Phantom, SuperCoach Mumma, Cam McLachlan, MiniMonk, Janath Fernando, DR, Patto, Pistol for appearing in episodes this season.
Thank you to everyone who ever submitted a question, and we hope you'll enjoy what we do next year.