The Thoughtful Entrepreneur

Josh Elledge of

You’re gonna love this DAILY, commercial-free entrepreneur spotlight show. We feature CEOs and founders of 6-9 figure B2B companies. Agencies, coaches, consultants, and other leaders share not only their success stories - but their advice for business leaders focused on business growth. You’re going to hear real stories from real people all in 15-25 minutes time - perfect for your commute. On this podcast, your host, Josh Elledge encourages entrepreneurs to share not only their expertise but their stories and their hearts. We believe that every person has a unique message which can positively impact the world. Even YOU! If you’d like to be featured on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, apply here: read less


2006 – Discover the Future of E-commerce: Trends and Tips for Shopify Entrepreneurs with Clayton Bates
2006 – Discover the Future of E-commerce: Trends and Tips for Shopify Entrepreneurs with Clayton Bates
Mastering E-commerce: Expert Shopify Strategies with Clayton BatesIn the latest episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, host Josh Elledge sits down with Clayton Bates, a seasoned Shopify expert and the founder of Inspire Small Business. With over six years of experience and a portfolio of around 600 clients, Clayton has facilitated over $100 million in sales through the websites his company has developed. This episode dives deep into effective e-commerce strategies, focusing on optimizing Shopify websites to boost conversion rates and enhance customer engagement.Clayton Bates is a name synonymous with e-commerce excellence. His journey in the e-commerce space has been marked by a keen understanding of the common pitfalls that new business owners face and a knack for providing actionable solutions. His company, Inspire Small Business, offers a range of services designed to help businesses build and optimize their Shopify websites. Clayton identifies several frequent pitfalls that new e-commerce entrepreneurs encounter. Understanding these mistakes is the first step toward creating a successful online store.Clayton delves into the mindset of e-commerce business owners, highlighting the challenges they face. Many entrepreneurs become overwhelmed by the myriad of tasks involved in running an online store. Prioritizing order fulfillment and social media often takes precedence over website optimization. Clayton emphasizes the significance of the "About" page, which can humanize your brand and significantly influence conversion rates. For listeners interested in improving their e-commerce websites, Clayton offers a free video audit service through Inspire Small Business, providing personalized feedback and actionable tips to enhance website performance.About Clayton Bates:Clayton Bates is a highly accomplished business professional, a finalist for Business Person of the Year, and a recipient of multiple design and business awards. He is the founder and sales leader at Inspire Small Business, specializing in website design. Since 2018, Clayton has been a Shopify Partner and has been recognized as a Shopify Expert since 2019, driving tens of millions in additional revenue. With over a decade of personal e-commerce experience, he has shipped more than 10,000 orders and secured over 1,000 Page #1 Google rankings. Outside of work, Clayton enjoys spending time with family and friends, riding his motorbike, hitting the gym, and playing cricket.About Inspire Small Business:Inspire Small Business are online business architects with experience managing tens of thousands of orders through their own ventures. In addition, they have supported small businesses globally, generating tens of millions in extra revenue. If you’re ready to collaborate with an agency focused not just on websites but on transformative digital journeys, explore their services.Apply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Links Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out Inspire Small Business website at out Inspire Small Business on LinkedIn at out Clayton Bates on LinkedIn at’t forget to subscribe to The Thoughtful Entrepreneur and thank you for listening. Tune in next time! More from UpMyInfluence:We are actively booking guests for our The Thoughtful Entrepreneur.
2005 – Mastering Retirement: Effective Investment Strategies for Business Owners with Steve Selengut
Hace 2 días
2005 – Mastering Retirement: Effective Investment Strategies for Business Owners with Steve Selengut
Maximizing Retirement Income: Transition from Active to Passive IncomeIn a recent episode of "The Thoughtful Entrepreneur," host Josh engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Steve Selengut, also known as "The Income Coach." Steve, the author of "Retirement Money Secrets" and the mind behind, shares his expertise on financial strategies tailored for business owners and entrepreneurs. The episode delves into retirement planning, transitioning from active income to passive income through investments, and the importance of profit margins. Here, we break down the key insights and actionable advice from the episode to help you optimize your financial future.Steve Selengut specializes in helping individuals transition their investment portfolios into income-generating assets. He often works with business owners contemplating retirement or those looking to optimize their investment strategies. Steve's journey began with selling his business and successfully generating income from his investment portfolio, allowing him to retire comfortably. His investment philosophy centers around a critical question: "How much income is your portfolio generating?" He notes that many portfolios yield less than 3% in income, whereas his own portfolio yields around 10%. The key to achieving higher income lies in using the same securities but packaging them differently to focus on income production.Steve introduces closed-end funds as a powerful tool for income generation. These investment vehicles are designed to generate income rather than grow in market value. They invest in a variety of securities, allowing investors to benefit from income generation while minimizing market risk. Steve likens an investment portfolio to a retail store, where each investment represents a product on the shelf. He advocates for setting a profit target—such as 5%—and encourages clients to sell investments that exceed this target rather than waiting for potentially higher returns. This strategy secures profits and accelerates overall profit margins. By following these steps, you can build a robust investment portfolio that ensures financial stability and freedom in your retirement years.About Steve Selengut:Steve Selengut is a seasoned professional with over 40 years of experience in investment management, advisory services, and as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). Currently, Steve focuses on coaching both individuals and fellow advisors to achieve income independence for themselves and their clients. He is also promoting his second book, Retirement Money Secrets. Throughout his extensive career, Steve managed approximately 325 individual portfolios both domestically and internationally. He stands out as one of the few investment authors with direct experience in managing client investments.Steve demonstrates how to generate significantly more potential spending money than is typically needed, consistently quarter after quarter and year after year. His method enables clients to confidently state that neither stock market corrections nor rising interest rates will negatively impact their portfolio income. Instead, these conditions can actually accelerate income growth.Unlike most investment portfolios, which often produce modest returns of 3% or less, Steve's approach safely achieves returns that are two or more times higher.About The Retirement Income Coach LLC:Income Coach Steve Selengut spent his 40+ year career managing millions in client retirement assets for a higher level of income than most investors achieve. He shares a lifetime of income-building insights and innovative investing techniques in his new book Retirement Money Secrets, and his coaching services, and investment security Selection Universes.Steve"s methodology has been one of the best-kept secrets in the investment management business. But not anymore. Now, he’s showing...
2004 - Relationships and Their Impact on Doing Business - Building Trust and Authenticity
Hace 3 días
2004 - Relationships and Their Impact on Doing Business - Building Trust and Authenticity
In this final episode of our special series, we reflect on the profound impact relationships have on doing business. We discuss how trust and authenticity are key to building strong business relationships that drive success.Key Points Covered:Building Trust in Business Relationships:Trust is fundamental to any successful relationship, especially in business. Josh and Alissa discuss how entrepreneurs can build and maintain trust with clients and partners, emphasizing the importance of consistent, genuine interactions to foster long-term loyalty and success.Navigating Personal and Professional Relationships:The lines between personal and professional relationships can often blur in business. This episode explores how entrepreneurs can balance these dynamics to ensure relationships remain effective and productive without compromising personal boundaries.The Power of Authenticity in Networking:Authenticity is a crucial element in building genuine relationships that resonate with clients and partners. Josh shares insights on how entrepreneurs can embrace authenticity in their business dealings to create deeper, more meaningful connections that lead to sustained success.Featured Clips:[Guest 1: Wayne Moloney]:Wayne discusses the concept of relationship selling and the importance of focusing on helping clients achieve their outcomes. He emphasizes the need for strong, trusted relationships to build a successful business.[Guest 2: Liz Wolfe]:Liz talks about the importance of authenticity in relationship-building and how being true to your values and passions can strengthen your business relationships and enhance overall success.Join us as we explore how to cultivate relationships that last and make a meaningful impact in your business!Links for this episode:Explore our philosophy with a FREE trial: Check out our Partner Program: Our VIP Program: Check out UpMyInfluence on LinkedIn at out Josh Elledge on LinkedIn at episodes mentioned in this retrospective installment:
2003 - Your Network is Your Net Worth - Building Connections That Last
Hace 4 días
2003 - Your Network is Your Net Worth - Building Connections That Last
In this episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, we explore the importance of networking and why your network truly is your net worth. We discuss how building and nurturing a strong network can lead to long-term success and create meaningful business opportunities.Key Points Covered:Aligning with the Right People for Success:The discussion begins with the significance of surrounding yourself with individuals who share your goals and values. Josh explains how aligning with like-minded people can amplify success, creating a supportive ecosystem where everyone benefits from shared achievements and mutual growth.Building and Maintaining Digital Relationships:With much of today’s networking happening online, Josh and Alissa explore effective strategies for building and maintaining strong business relationships in the digital age. They offer practical tips on leveraging digital platforms to foster genuine connections and keep relationships thriving.Leveraging Weak Ties for Greater Reach:The episode also highlights the importance of weaker ties—those less obvious connections that can open doors to broader networks and unexpected opportunities. Josh shares how entrepreneurs can effectively tap into these connections to expand their influence and reach.Featured Clips:[Guest 1: Blake Johnson]:Blake discusses the importance of aligning with people who are working toward the same goals and how a strong network can create a supportive environment where success is shared. He emphasizes the philosophy that “what’s good for one is good for all.”[Guest 2: Dr. Benjamin Ritter]:Dr. Ritter shares his journey of building trust and credibility through networking in the leadership development space. He talks about the importance of crafting a compelling message and nurturing relationships that go beyond immediate sales.Listen in to discover how to grow your network and enhance your business’s success!Links for this episode:Explore our philosophy with a FREE trial: Check out our Partner Program: Our VIP Program: Check out UpMyInfluence on LinkedIn at out Josh Elledge on LinkedIn at
2002 - Storytelling That Sells - Using Stories to Resonate and Succeed
Hace 5 días
2002 - Storytelling That Sells - Using Stories to Resonate and Succeed
In this episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, we delve into the power of storytelling in sales. We explore how compelling stories can connect with audiences, build trust, and drive business growth across various industries.Key Points Covered:The Importance of Storytelling in Business:Josh and Alissa discuss why storytelling is more than just a marketing tool—it’s a powerful way to create emotional connections with audiences. They highlight how effective storytelling can differentiate a brand and foster loyalty by making messages memorable and impactful.Crafting Stories That Resonate Across Audiences:The episode provides insights on how business leaders can tailor their stories to connect with diverse audiences. Josh shares examples from the podcast where guests effectively adapted their narratives to appeal to different sectors and customer bases, demonstrating the versatility of good storytelling.Leveraging Stories for Business Growth:We examine how storytelling isn’t just about engagement—it’s a strategic approach to driving sales and business development. Josh and Alissa discuss practical ways entrepreneurs can use stories to enhance their sales efforts and connect more deeply with potential clients.Featured Clips:[Guest 1: John Livesay]:John talks about how storytelling is essential for drawing in audiences and fostering business growth. He shares his perspective on why stories are more persuasive than data alone, helping businesses connect on a deeper level with their customers.[Guest 2: Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, Barefoot Spirit]:Michael and Bonnie share their journey of building Barefoot Wines, highlighting how storytelling played a crucial role in their brand’s success. They discuss their transition into helping other entrepreneurs turn their stories into impactful Hollywood-style narratives.Tune in to learn how to craft stories that sell and create lasting connections with your audience!Links for this episode:Explore our philosophy with a FREE trial: Check out our Partner Program: Our VIP Program: Check out UpMyInfluence on LinkedIn at out Josh Elledge on LinkedIn at
2001 – Leading with Generosity: Balancing Giving and Gaining from 2000 Conversations
Hace 6 días
2001 – Leading with Generosity: Balancing Giving and Gaining from 2000 Conversations
In this episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, we kick off our special series celebrating 2000 episodes by exploring the theme of generosity in business. We discuss the importance of leading with generosity and finding the balance between giving and gaining in the world of podcasting and beyond.Key Points Covered:The Evolution of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur:Josh and Alissa reflect on the origins of the podcast, which started as a tool for interviewing clients in 2018, and how it has grown into a platform for meaningful conversations with entrepreneurs worldwide. They discuss the journey from its humble beginnings in PR to becoming a cornerstone of business advice and inspiration.The Philosophy of Leading with Generosity:The episode dives into the Go-Giver philosophy and how it has shaped the way the podcast engages with guests and audiences. Josh shares insights on how giving value upfront—without expecting anything in return—has fostered trust and long-lasting relationships, both on and off the show.Balancing Generosity and Strategic Gains:We explore how podcast guests can maximize their impact by actively participating in promoting and repurposing their appearances. The discussion focuses on strategies for balancing generosity with strategic actions to ensure mutual benefits for both the host and the guest.Featured Clips:[Guest 1: Bob Burg, Burg Communications, Inc.]:Bob discusses the transformative power of generosity in business, explaining why leading with a giving mindset can create more meaningful and profitable connections. He highlights the importance of giving first as a core business strategy.[Guest 2: Jessica Rhodes, Interview Connections]:Jessica emphasizes that simply appearing on a podcast isn’t enough. She talks about the importance of guests taking an active role in sharing and repurposing their content to fully leverage their podcast appearances for business growth.Listen to this episode to discover how to give generously while also reaping the rewards of meaningful engagement!Links for this episode:Explore our philosophy with a FREE trial: Check out our Partner Program: Our VIP Program: Check out UpMyInfluence on LinkedIn at
2000 – PodCash Leader Network Attraction Mastery Workshop with Josh Elledge
Hace una semana
2000 – PodCash Leader Network Attraction Mastery Workshop with Josh Elledge
PodCash Leader Network Attraction Mastery WorkshopReaching the 2000th episode of "The Thoughtful Entrepreneur" is no small feat. Josh Elledge, the host, has spent countless hours conversing with over 2000 leaders, amassing approximately 40,000 minutes of content. This milestone episode is a treasure trove of insights and strategies for B2B business owners looking to attract high-value clients, partners, and investors without relying on traditional lead generation methods, spam, or ads. Let's dive into the key takeaways and actionable advice shared in this special episode.Josh emphasizes that the cornerstone of attracting high-value opportunities lies in building genuine relationships. Many business owners struggle with lead generation not because of a marketing problem, but due to a lack of meaningful connections. He advises engaging in meaningful conversations, showing generosity, and leveraging perceived authority. To achieve consistent and predictable business growth, Josh outlines six key strategies: public relations and visibility, social media engagement, networking, direct outreach, paid advertising, and SEO and content marketing. He highlights that 90% of top-level B2B decision-makers typically do not respond to unsolicited sales attempts, advocating for trust-building and avoiding pushy sales tactics.Josh also discusses the importance of language in business, encouraging listeners to view interactions as opportunities to build genuine connections rather than merely pursuing sales. He advises adopting "noble intent" and prioritizing high-value relationships over immediate sales. Authority is earned through consistent effort, and Josh suggests assessing your competence and sharing your expertise. Leveraging platforms like podcasts can significantly enhance your ability to build connections and authority. By crafting enticing invitations and being a generous host, you can attract high-quality connections. Josh shares success stories to illustrate the power of building genuine relationships, emphasizing that podcasting offers unique advantages for organic networking and transitioning to business opportunities.Links for this episode:Explore our philosophy with a FREE trial: Check out our Partner Program: Our VIP Program: Check out UpMyInfluence on LinkedIn at out Josh Elledge on LinkedIn at Sales 101: Stop Selling, Start Serving and Build RelationshipsMastering the Art of B2B Social Selling: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for SuccessThe Secrets of...
1999 – How to Turn Your Agency into a Client Retention Powerhouse with Colby Wegter
1999 – How to Turn Your Agency into a Client Retention Powerhouse with Colby Wegter
Mastering Agency Growth and Client RetentionIn the latest episode of "The Thoughtful Entrepreneur," host Josh engages in a compelling conversation with Colby Wegter, the founder of the Delivery Mastery community. The discussion delves into the intricacies of agency growth, the critical importance of client retention, and the common challenges faced by agency owners in today's competitive landscape. This blog post will break down the key insights and actionable advice shared by Colby, providing a comprehensive guide for agency owners looking to enhance their business strategies.Josh opens the episode by inviting listeners to explore valuable resources aimed at enhancing their business connections, including introductions to partners, investors, influencers, and clients. He shares his extensive experience, having engaged in private conversations with over 2,000 leaders to uncover the best sources of business success. Josh offers a free video class that outlines strategies for achieving 100% inbound marketing in any industry within six to eight months, emphasizing a spam-free, ad-free, and sales-free approach. He encourages listeners to visit his website,, to access this resource. Following this introduction, Josh welcomes Colby Wegter to the show. Colby, who has spent over a decade in the digital marketing agency space, shares his journey, including the challenges he faced, such as burnout, and how these experiences led to the creation of the Delivery Mastery community.Colby begins by recounting his 12 years in the digital marketing agency world, with eight of those years as an agency owner. He candidly discusses the severe burnout he experienced in 2022, which nearly led to hospitalization. This period of intense stress and overcommitment prompted him to reevaluate his approach to work and life. In 2023, Colby found solace and support through networking with others who were navigating similar challenges, leading to the formation of the Delivery Mastery community. The core mission of Delivery Mastery is to provide a supportive environment for agency owners who often feel isolated and overwhelmed. Colby emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who understand the unique pressures of running an agency. He aims to share techniques, systems, and frameworks that helped him transition from experiencing multiple burnouts to achieving multiple seven-figure revenues.About Colby Wegter:Colby Wegter has been involved in digital marketing since 2013 and has spent the last eight years as a partner in a bootstrapped agency that ranks among the top 1% globally, according to Clutch.His journey began on a farm, in a house without air conditioning, in a small town with no stoplights and a population of 600. He attended a Big Ten university and graduated with a degree in elementary education. Following graduation, Colby took a teaching job in Brooklyn, NY, but he left after just 4.5 months.Colby then joined BrandYourself as employee number 12, where he launched and managed the highest volume service, handling 160 clients simultaneously. After a year with BrandYourself, the company was featured on Shark Tank and turned down a $2 million offer from Robert Herjavec.After leaving BrandYourself, Colby moved to a marketing agency in the Twin Cities before co-founding Agency Jet with two partners. Under Colby's leadership, Agency Jet experienced remarkable growth, doubling its revenue every year for six years and is projected to reach $2.8 million in revenue this year.Throughout his career, Colby’s core strength has been retaining clients for unusually long periods. While the average client retention in the digital marketing industry is about six months, Colby often retains clients for over three years, with many staying with Agency Jet for up to six years.Colby is known for his strong opinions on delighting and delivering
1998 – Navigating the New Era of Leadership with The Success Factory’s Graham Wilson
1998 – Navigating the New Era of Leadership with The Success Factory’s Graham Wilson
A Comprehensive Guide to Modern LeadershipIn a recent podcast episode hosted by Josh, listeners were treated to an enlightening conversation with Graham Wilson, a renowned leadership expert and founder of Success Factory. Dubbed a "leadership wizard" by a client, Graham brings over three decades of experience in leadership, from his early days in the British Army to his current role in corporate leadership. This blog post delves into the key themes and insights from the episode, offering actionable advice and detailed explanations to help leaders at all levels navigate the complexities of modern leadership.Graham Wilson's title of "leadership wizard" was coined by a client who appreciated his ability to simplify complex leadership concepts. This simplicity is a cornerstone of his approach, focusing on helping leaders decode what effective leadership looks like in today’s fast-paced world. Reflecting on his extensive career, Graham recounts his early experiences in the British Army, where he learned the importance of teamwork and high performance. He was introduced to the concept of "mission command," which emphasizes empowering teams to make decisions to achieve a shared purpose. This experience starkly contrasted with his observations in the corporate world, where he found organizations often over-managed and under-led.Today, Graham believes we are in a new era of leadership characterized by rapid change and uncertainty. He describes the current environment as "VUCA" (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous), which requires leaders to adopt a more agile and collaborative mindset. The traditional model of leadership, where leaders have all the answers, is no longer viable. Instead, leaders must foster a culture of empowerment, allowing team members to contribute to problem-solving and decision-making. By integrating these principles and practical tips into your leadership approach, you can create high-performance environments, inspire your team, and leave a lasting impact on your organization.About Graham Wilson:Graham is a Leadership Expert, author of Leadership Laid Bare, The New Leadership Manifesto and wabisugi. He is the creator of ChangePro and the inspiration behind Successfactory.Described by clients as the UK's #1 Leadership Trainer and Coach, Graham is trusted by many leading global brands to develop their leaders and teams.Graham's specialities include:Leadership Development, Strategy Creation and Implementation, Value Innovation, Vitality, Agility, Leading Change, Resilience, Developing Elite Teams, Executive Coaching, Programme and Project Management and Sales Force Transformation. Graham is also a keynote speaker at leading conferences around the world.About The Success Factory:Our purpose is to awaken possibility in leaders and teams to deliver extraordinary results. We believe that in today’s competitive, volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world there is a better way to lead organisations.In times of fast change organisations need outstanding leaders, not just great managers. We focus on developing your leadership capability in 5 critical areas:New World Leadership Skills: We have worked out what successful leaders actually do to deliver outstanding results. We have decoded this into a system of pragmatic tools and techniques that we want to share with you.Strategy and Culture: Hope is not the only strategy! We help you to create and translate strategy into action. We will share with you the latest techniques for developing New World strategies at all levels in the organisation.Apply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out The Success Factory website...
1997 – Breaking the Marketing Agency Cycle with LoudMouse’s Marc Ensign
1997 – Breaking the Marketing Agency Cycle with LoudMouse’s Marc Ensign
Navigating the Complexities of MarketingIn a recent episode of our podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Marc Ensign, a fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) specializing in the legal, financial, and medical sectors, and the founder and CEO of LoudMouse. Marc shared his extensive experience and insights into effective marketing strategies, the challenges businesses face with marketing agencies, and the importance of leadership and data transparency in driving successful marketing efforts. This blog post delves into the key themes discussed in the episode, offering actionable advice and thorough explanations to guide businesses in their marketing endeavors.One of the critical points Marc emphasizes is the lack of dedicated leadership in marketing within many organizations. While companies typically have a CEO, CFO, and sales team leaders, marketing often gets sidelined. This absence of leadership can lead to ineffective strategies and wasted resources. Marc's role as a fractional CMO allows him to step in and provide the necessary oversight and direction. By understanding the intricacies of marketing and having a comprehensive view of the business, he can identify issues that may not be apparent to other executives. This insight enables him to make informed decisions and adjustments to marketing strategies based on data rather than gut feelingsMarc notes that the marketing landscape is constantly evolving, making it essential for businesses to stay updated. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and transparency in marketing efforts. In a world where consumers are increasingly skeptical, presenting a genuine brand story and connecting with audiences on a human level is crucial. Many businesses struggle to answer fundamental questions about their marketing performance, such as conversion rates and lead sources. This lack of clarity often leads to frustration and disconnection from marketing efforts. Marc stresses the need for robust tracking systems to gain insights into what is working and what isn’t.About Marc Ensign:MARC ENSIGN is a renowned marketer, prolific storyteller, and accomplished musician.After spending over a decade playing bass with the Broadway show Rent, Marc discovered he had a talent for getting people to pay attention. Think about it. How else does a kid with no experience or connections pass up thousands of other musicians to land the most coveted gig in New York City?Really good marketing.When his stint on Broadway ended, he (temporarily) hung up his bass and built a successful digital marketing agency to help companies compete in otherwise impossible industries to break into. This approach caught the attention of Fortune 500 Companies such as Berkshire Hathaway, American Express, and Nike, as well as Celebrities, Athletes, and Entertainers like Tiger Woods and Oprah Winfrey.But eventually, that sort of thing got boring, so he moved on. Now, leveraging over twenty years in the marketing industry, Marc is working with companies as a Fractional CMO to solve the marketing issues that have been plaguing businesses for years, from underperforming agencies and unpredictable results to wasted marketing spend and a lack of transparency. All while alleviating the stress of managing the marketing team so business owners can focus on what they do best.And that’s (more or less) how LoudMouse was born.Of course, none of this would be possible without Marc's incredibly understanding wife, who has been on this rollercoaster for 22 years and counting. Together, they have two kids: Bella, who is currently attending FSU with a major in political science and journalism, and Zach, who is studying to be a game designer. As far as that whole music thing goes, Marc still tours a few times a year with various Broadway shows. It’s a pretty cool side hustle and an even better way to get people to give you a standing ovation at the end...
1996 – Managing Virtual Assistants and Boosting Engagement with Kirsten Graham
1996 – Managing Virtual Assistants and Boosting Engagement with Kirsten Graham
Mastering Outsourcing and Video MarketingIn a recent episode of "The Thoughtful Entrepreneur," host Josh delves into the intricacies of outsourcing and video marketing with Kirsten Graham, co-founder and co-CEO of Six Figure Business Coaching. Kirsten brings over 16 years of experience in the outsourcing industry, particularly in helping businesses streamline their marketing tasks through virtual assistants (VAs). This blog post will break down the key takeaways from their conversation, offering actionable advice and expert insights to help you effectively manage virtual assistants and leverage video marketing to enhance your business operations.Kirsten shares her journey into the world of outsourcing, humorously referring to herself as the "outsourcing queen." With a focus on helping businesses outsource marketing tasks to VAs, primarily based in the Philippines, Kirsten acknowledges the mixed experiences many entrepreneurs have had with outsourcing. She attributes these challenges to a lack of proper management and communication. Drawing from her extensive experience, she shares several best practices for managing virtual assistants effectively, such as providing clear job descriptions, investing in training, utilizing project management tools, building relationships, understanding cultural differences, and committing to long-term roles.Transitioning to the topic of video marketing, Kirsten shares her personal experience in the real estate industry, where she began creating videos to improve client communication. She explains how her initial frustration with clients not bringing necessary documentation led her to create informative videos that enhanced the client experience. Kirsten encourages businesses to leverage video marketing as a way to give value without asking for anything in return, aligning with the philosophy of "givers gain." Josh inquires about how Six Figure Business Coaching supports clients in implementing effective video marketing strategies, and Kirsten explains that her company not only helps clients develop their marketing strategies but also matches them with trained virtual assistants who can assist in executing those strategies.About Kirsten Graham:Kirsten loves helping business owners create evergreen value-based video content that showcases their authority to build know, like, and trust. Knowing that time is our most valuable asset Kirsten and her team train Marketing VA’s for their clients who then take care of video/audio editing, social media and email marketing. This frees the business owner up to focus on making money!About Six Figure Business Coaching:We help entrepreneurs scale through video marketing with a marketing virtual assistant doing the heavy lifting through our signature program, https://TheMarketingVAAdvantage.comOur Outsourcing For Bosses program teaches entrepreneurs how to scale their business. Our business coaches teach you how to create original video content, marketing strategy, how to become a master delegator, provides done-for-you systems and processes and more so you can become an influencer in your niche, generate lead and close more sales.Apply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out Six Figure Business Coaching website at out Six Figure Business Coaching on LinkedIn at out Kirsten Graham on LinkedIn at
1995 – The Importance of Financial Leadership in Business Growth with Prosper CFO’s Jay Dotson
1995 – The Importance of Financial Leadership in Business Growth with Prosper CFO’s Jay Dotson
The Importance of Financial Leadership for Small BusinessesIn the latest episode of our podcast, we delve into the critical role of financial leadership in small businesses, particularly focusing on the transformative impact of fractional CFOs. Our guest, Jay Dotson, a partner at Prosper CFO, shares his wealth of experience and insights on how businesses can enhance their financial health through strategic financial management. This blog post will break down the key points discussed in the episode, providing actionable advice and detailed explanations to help small business owners navigate their financial challenges.Jay provides an overview of Prosper CFO, explaining that the firm offers a comprehensive suite of outsourced accounting services. With a team of about ten professionals, Prosper CFO operates in an industry-agnostic manner, allowing them to work with a diverse range of clients. Their primary goal is to help businesses grow by providing the financial leadership necessary to navigate complex financial landscapes. One of the key themes of the episode is the challenges faced by small business owners in managing their finances. Jay points out that many small business owners take on the role of CEO, which often translates to being the "chief everything officer." This can lead to a reliance on CPAs and bookkeepers for financial guidance, but these professionals typically focus on historical data rather than future strategic planning.Jay introduces a framework called the "Seven Sources of Cash," which he developed to help business owners understand how to improve their cash flow. This framework goes beyond the common strategies of acquiring more clients or reducing expenses, offering a more comprehensive approach to cash flow management. Jay explains that his firm has created a calculator that allows business owners to input key metrics and see the potential impact of small changes in these areas on their cash flow. This tool helps identify the most significant opportunities for improvement. The episode concludes with the host thanking Jay for sharing his insights and encouraging listeners to subscribe for more motivational content.About Jay Dotson:Jay Dotson is a Partner at Prosper CFO, an Austin, TX-based CFO, accounting, and tax firm. His firm is known for bringing holistic financial leadership while being engaging and proactive. They obsess over client ROI and are on a mission to create $100M in free cash flow and tax savings over the next 10 years for their clients.There is a massive gap in financial leadership for small businesses. While bookkeepers and CPAs often focus on the past, owners struggle to make the right strategic decisions for the future. As a result, it is unsurprising that 82% of businesses fail due to poor cash management. They fail not because their product or service isn’t good but because managing cash in a business can be complicated.Many owners believe increasing revenue is the only solution. While that may help, there are seven ways to impact operational cash flow in any business. Jay developed a framework called the 7 Sources of Cash™ to help owners maximize cash flow to scale to the next level and thrive in any economy.About Prosper CFO:Build a business that prospers. Our goal is to help you grow your business through our expertise in bookkeeping, tax and CFO services.Apply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out Prosper CFO website at out Prosper CFO on LinkedIn at
1994 – Overcoming the Connectivity Challenges in the IoT Landscape with Eseye’s Nick Earle
1994 – Overcoming the Connectivity Challenges in the IoT Landscape with Eseye’s Nick Earle
Unlocking the Future of IoT: Exploring Interoperability in IoT DevicesIn a recent episode of The Thoughtful Entrepreneur, host Josh sat down with Nick Earle, the CEO of Eseye and the host of the IoT Leaders Podcast, to delve into the intricacies of the Internet of Things (IoT) industry. The conversation was rich with insights on the challenges and advancements in IoT, particularly focusing on connectivity and interoperability issues that have historically hindered the growth of IoT technologies. This blog post will break down the key themes and actionable advice from the episode, providing a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in the evolving landscape of IoT.Nick begins by addressing a significant discrepancy in the IoT space. He recalls a time when Cisco predicted that by 2020, 50 billion devices would be connected to the internet. However, the reality fell short, with only 11 billion devices connected. This gap underscores the challenges that the IoT industry faces, particularly regarding interoperability and connectivity. One of the fundamental issues in IoT is the prevalence of proprietary systems. Much like mobile network operators with their SIM cards, IoT devices often operate on closed systems, creating barriers for communication between devices. This proprietary nature leads to frustration for both consumers and businesses, hindering the seamless integration of IoT technologies.Nick elaborates on Eseye's innovative approach to solving connectivity issues in IoT. The company has developed a solution that allows devices to connect to any network globally, eliminating the proprietary lock that has long plagued the industry. This solution is akin to the airline industry's evolution, where travelers can now purchase a single ticket that allows them to fly on multiple airlines through alliances like Star Alliance. By abstracting the connectivity process, Eseye aims to simplify IoT integration for businesses and consumers. One of the standout features of Eseye's technology is its ability to enable devices to automatically switch between networks, ensuring that devices remain connected regardless of their location, providing a seamless user experience.About Nick Earle:Nick is CEO of Eseye, a global IoT connectivity solutions company with offices in 7 countries, more than 2000 customers across 190 countries and is deploying its IoT connectivity solutions in large Enterprises including 4 of the Fortune 10.Nick spearheads Eseye’s strategy and firmly believes in connectivity that ‘just works’; that makes people’s lives and jobs easier; connectivity that’s invisible. He’s a visionary business leader with a distinguished career in technology spanning more than 30 years, spanning large corporations and dynamic start-ups and oscillating between start-ups and global technology, telco and transportation companies.Previously, Nick led organisations and cross-company transformation programs for two $50B global corporations; Cisco where he ran the Cloud and Managed Services business as well as their Worldwide Field Services function, and Hewlett Packard where he ran the global Enterprise Marketing function and the internet transformation strategy.Nick was voted #2 in Computer Reseller News list of the 25 most ‘Disruptive Channel Executives in IT globally’. He has recently received the Juniper Research ‘Mover and Shaker’ award and named ‘CxO of the Year’ at the 2023 IoT Global Awards, highlighting his visionary leadership and success in propelling Eseye to an enviable position in the IoT space.About Eseye: As a world leader in IoT connectivity solutions, Eseye enables customers to achieve lasting value from global IoT projects.They bring the deep device expertise necessary to integrate, manage, and optimize IoT connectivity for estates of any scale or complexity. Eseye seamlessly connects these devices across 190 countries...
1993 – Navigating Rising Advertising Costs and Building Customer Loyalty with Max Bidna
1993 – Navigating Rising Advertising Costs and Building Customer Loyalty with Max Bidna
Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Paid Advertising and NewslettersIn this insightful episode of the podcast, the host, Josh Elledge, engages in a deep conversation with Max Bidna, also known as "Marketing Max." The discussion revolves around Max's journey from Wall Street to becoming a marketing expert, focusing on the evolution of paid advertising and the growing importance of newsletters as a marketing strategy.Josh Elledge sets the stage by introducing Max Bidna, highlighting his impressive background and the topics to be covered. The episode promises to delve into the current marketing landscape, particularly the challenges and opportunities presented by paid advertising and the strategic use of newsletters. Max's career began on Wall Street, where he assisted early-stage companies in raising capital. However, after failing the Series 7 exam, he found himself at a crossroads. A client, recognizing his potential, asked him to run Facebook ads for her business. Despite his initial hesitation, Max accepted the challenge, turning a $2,000 ad spend into $20,000 in revenue within two weeks. This success ignited his passion for performance marketing, leading him to establish his own advertising agency.Max highlights the significant changes in the advertising landscape since he started in 2016. The primary challenges today include increased costs and heightened competition. The cost of advertising on platforms like Facebook has risen dramatically, making it difficult for startups and small businesses to achieve a positive return on investment (ROI) from their ad spend. To stand out, businesses need to focus on unique value propositions and personalized marketing strategies that resonate with their target audience. In light of these challenges, Max advocates for the use of newsletters as a powerful marketing tool. He explains that newsletters can help businesses maintain customer engagement and increase LTV without the need for expensive advertising campaigns. By providing valuable content and building personal connections, businesses can create a relatable narrative that resonates with their audience, leading to increased trust and loyalty.About Max Bidna:Max Bidna has a strong passion for helping companies grow and bringing smiles to people’s faces. They have been directly involved in the growth of over 200 companies and continue to do so daily through their advertising agency, angel investing, and advisory work.Their journey into Growth Advertising began while working in the finance industry, where they assisted companies in raising capital. It soon became evident that companies struggled to find a reliable marketing or advertising channel for business growth, regardless of how much funding they secured from investors. Consequently, Max assembled a team and launched their agency from Hell’s Kitchen, NYC, in early 2017.Since then, they have collaborated with over 120 companies across multiple countries, helping them expand their businesses through Paid Media. Thanks to their proven Growth Advertising process developed over the years, the agency’s average client generates $4.22 in revenue for every $1 spent on advertising.Apply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out Marty Capital website at out Marty Capital on LinkedIn at out Max Bidna on LinkedIn at’t forget to subscribe to The...
1992 – Enhancing User Experience in Digital Marketing with COLAB’s Morgan Witham
1992 – Enhancing User Experience in Digital Marketing with COLAB’s Morgan Witham
Unlocking Business Success: The Role of Iteration and AI in Digital SolutionsIn a recent episode of "The Thoughtful Entrepreneur," host Josh engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Morgan Witham, the CEO of CoLab, a digital agency renowned for solving business challenges through innovative web solutions. This episode delves into CoLab's services, its history, and the current trends shaping user experience and digital marketing, particularly the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). Here, we break down the key insights and actionable advice shared by Morgan, providing a comprehensive guide for businesses looking to enhance their digital strategies.Morgan Witham begins by providing an overview of CoLab, emphasizing its mission to address specific business problems through web-based solutions. CoLab's team comprises strategists, UX/UI designers, developers, and software engineers, all dedicated to enhancing user experience and functionality. The agency specializes in redesigns and rebuilds, unique feature development, and long-term partnerships, moving beyond project-based work to develop ongoing relationships with clients, leveraging institutional knowledge for continuous improvement. Notable examples of CoLab's work include improving user experience for Idaho Central Credit Union, enhancing digital interfaces for Virginia Credit Union and Dominion Energy, and improving patient interaction for Chin Med.Reflecting on CoLab's history, Morgan notes that the agency was founded in 2008 by Eddie O'Leary on the principle that collaboration between design and development leads to better outcomes. Since joining six years ago, Morgan has played a pivotal role in refining processes, expanding national presence, and honing the agency's value proposition. Morgan highlights several key trends in user experience, such as ensuring consistency across platforms and using AI for content creation and personalization. He advocates for an iterative approach to web development and user engagement, emphasizing continuous iteration and real-time data utilization. In closing, Morgan invites listeners to explore CoLab's website for valuable resources and encourages those interested in improving their digital presence to reach out for a website audit or to discuss specific challenges.About Morgan Witham:Morgan Witham is the CEO of COLAB, a digital agency that has transformed how marketers leverage digital through custom websites built to grow with their organizations. With a background in investment banking, Morgan’s specialty is in strategy development, cross-functional implementation, finance, relationship building, and coaching and development of personnel.Morgan’s leadership style is characterized by her systems-thinking approach, which involves a keen understanding of how key functions of the business interact and influence each other. She champions a culture of agility, transparency, and continuous learning, with an unwavering commitment to her human-first approach. Under her leadership, COLAB has not only achieved significant business success but has made a measurable and significant impact on its clients’ growth trajectories.About COLAB:COLAB creates websites that grow with companies and their digital teams. Powering progress, one pixel at a time.Apply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out COLAB website at out COLAB on LinkedIn at out Morgan Witham on LinkedIn...
1991 – Navigating Sales Tax Obligations in the Digital Marketplace with Peisner Johnson’s Jason Parr
1991 – Navigating Sales Tax Obligations in the Digital Marketplace with Peisner Johnson’s Jason Parr
Navigating Sales Tax in E-CommerceIn a recent episode of "The Thoughtful Entrepreneur," host Josh delves into the intricate world of sales tax compliance with Jason Parr, the CEO of Peisner Johnson, also known as "The Sales Tax People." This episode is a must-listen for e-commerce businesses grappling with the complexities of sales tax, especially in the wake of the 2018 Supreme Court case "Wayfair vs. South Dakota." Below, we break down the key insights and actionable advice shared during the episode to help you navigate the often-confusing landscape of sales tax compliance.Josh kicks off the episode by inviting listeners to explore his free video resource, which offers insights into generating business leads and partnerships. He emphasizes his extensive experience, having conversed with over 2,000 business leaders, and encourages listeners to visit his website, Up My Influence, for more information. Jason Parr, CEO of Peisner Johnson, joins the conversation. With 33 years of experience, Peisner Johnson has honed its focus on sales tax compliance over the past six years. Jason's expertise provides a deep dive into the challenges and solutions surrounding sales tax for e-commerce businesses.The 2018 Supreme Court case "Wayfair vs. South Dakota" fundamentally changed the sales tax landscape. Prior to this ruling, businesses were only required to collect sales tax in states where they had a physical presence. The Wayfair decision established that businesses must now register and collect sales tax in states where they exceed certain sales thresholds, regardless of physical presence. This has significantly increased the complexity for e-commerce businesses, which may now have sales tax obligations in multiple states. Jason outlines three critical questions that every e-commerce business must consider to ensure sales tax compliance: Do I Have Nexus? Is What I Sell Taxable? Who is Selling the Product? Navigating sales tax can quickly become complicated, especially for rapidly expanding businesses.About Jason Parr:Jason has dedicated his career to helping companies find peace of mind when it comes to state and local tax (SALT), especially sales tax. He has been with Peisner Johnson, "The Sales Tax People", for 27 years. He currently serves as the President and CEO, and has deep experience with all services offered by Peisner Johnson. Having "grown up" in the SALT arena, he has gained an expertise on how to navigate the sales tax issues and processes that keep owners, tax professionals, trusted advisors, and CPAs up at night. Peisner Johnson focuses its efforts on helping companies manage sales tax compliance, including sales tax return services, nexus studies/risk assessments, and getting registered properly, as well as, due diligence related to M&As, audit defense, research, automation, and tax recovery services. Parr lives in Dallas, and he and his wife of 32 years have 6 married children and 12 grandchildren. He enjoys golf, racquetball, ultimate frisbee, and a new favorite - pickleball.About Peisner Johnson:Peisner Johnson, founded in 1992, is a state and local tax consulting firm with a clear mission: Solve clients’ state tax problems. Because we focus exclusively on state and local taxes, we have developed a deep understanding of state tax issues. Our clients benefit from our extensive knowledge and experience and our client-first mentality. We have consulted with thousands of companies doing business across the United States and Canada in virtually every industry.Apply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out Peisner Johnson website at
1990 – The Power of Intellectual Property for Sustainable Business Success with Think Beyond IP’s Erin Austin
1990 – The Power of Intellectual Property for Sustainable Business Success with Think Beyond IP’s Erin Austin
Unlocking the Power of Intellectual Property for Consultants and CoachesIn the latest episode of "The Thoughtful Entrepreneur," host Josh delves into the critical role of intellectual property (IP) for consultants and coaches with Erin Austin, the founder of Think Beyond IP. This episode is a treasure trove of insights on how experts can transform their knowledge into scalable revenue streams by creating, protecting, and leveraging intellectual property assets. Josh kicks off the episode by inviting listeners to explore opportunities for introductions to partners, investors, influencers, and clients. Drawing from his extensive experience of speaking with over 2,000 leaders, Josh shares a free video resource that outlines steps to achieve 100% inbound business strategies without relying on spam, ads, or sales tactics.Erin Austin, the guest of the episode, specializes in helping consultants and coaches leverage their expertise into scalable revenue streams through the creation, protection, and licensing of intellectual property. Erin shares her excitement about joining the conversation and provides an overview of her work. She explains that many experts start their careers by selling their time, but as they grow, they realize the limitations of this model. Erin emphasizes the need to decouple income from time by creating intellectual property assets. These assets, derived from their intellect and expertise, can be sold or licensed, allowing for greater profitability and scalability.Josh expresses interest in hearing about Erin's journey and the impact she has had on her clients. Erin shares that her background in corporate environments, where intellectual property was a daily focus, led her to recognize the untapped potential of IP for independent experts. She recounts working with learning and development professionals who initially provided one-on-one services but sought to scale their businesses. Erin also discusses her podcast, "Hourly to Exit," which focuses on transitioning from an unsustainable hourly business model to a scalable, profitable one. She invites listeners to visit her website, Think Beyond IP, where they can access a free resource outlining the "Audit, Protect, and Leverage" framework.About Erin Austin:Erin is a Corporate Attorney, Podcast Host, Founder of Think Beyond IP and Protect Your Expertise. She is a Harvard Law alum and seasoned contracts expert with over 30 years of legal experience.She offers 1:1 legal services to expert business owners with corporate clients and creates easy-to-understand guides and digital products for business owners who need help understanding how to use and protect their intellectual property. Erin is especially skilled at simplifying complex legal issues and jargon into simple, easyto-understand terms and explanations business owners can actually understand and use.About Think Beyond IP:Legal Services tailored to protect and maximize the value of your ideas and helping B2B professional services firms identify, protect and leverage their valuable intellectual assetsApply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out Think Beyond IP website at out Think Beyond IP on LinkedIn at out Erin Austin on LinkedIn at’t forget to subscribe
1989 – Transforming Leadership Through the Power of Feedback with Lee Povey
1989 – Transforming Leadership Through the Power of Feedback with Lee Povey
Leadership Insights: Cultivating an Olympic Mindset for Business SuccessIn a recent podcast episode, host Josh engages in a compelling conversation with Lee Povey, a high-performance leadership coach who specializes in guiding founders, startups, and teams to develop an "Olympic mindset." This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills and optimize their business performance. Below, we break down the key themes and actionable advice shared by Lee Povey, providing a comprehensive guide for listeners.Josh kicks off the episode by emphasizing the importance of networking and offers a valuable resource for business growth. He shares that he has had private conversations with over 2,000 leaders to identify the best sources of business growth. To help listeners, Josh provides a free video resource that outlines steps to achieve 100% inbound marketing in their industry over the next 6 to 8 months, without relying on spam, ads, or sales tactics. Listeners are encouraged to visit his website, Up My Influence, to access this content.Lee Povey is introduced as a high-performance leadership coach with a unique background in athletics. He primarily works with startups experiencing rapid growth, helping them transition from the gritty early stages of business to a more structured and empowered leadership approach. Lee emphasizes the importance of letting go of the need to be the smartest person in the room, allowing team members to flourish and contribute to the company's success.About Lee Povey:Lee Povey is a high-performance leadership coach specializing in working with founders and start-ups. As a former elite cycling athlete and Olympic Development Program Coach for USA Cycling, Lee has a deep understanding of what it takes to lead at the highest levels.Through coaching hundreds of World, National, and Olympic champions, Lee has gained invaluable experience in developing World-Class leadership and people.He helps leaders and high-achievers understand how best to motivate, lead, give feedback, and empower their teams to incredible growth and performance. He breaks down the human experience in a relatable way, giving tips, skill sets, and valuable mindset insights, allowing us all to perform like Olympians while retaining a strong focus on happiness and longer-term fulfillment.He also runs men’s groups as a way to give back and help develop better fathers, husbands, friends, and leaders.About Lee Povey Coaching:Lee Povey Coaching is dedicated to unlocking the highest potential of visionary leaders, empowering them to excel in creating, inspiring, and making a global impact. With two decades of experience coaching elite Entrepreneurs, World Champions, and Olympians, Lee Povey brings a wealth of expertise to help individuals and teams achieve remarkable success.Through cutting-edge psychological techniques and personalized coaching—encompassing 1:1 sessions, group coaching, workshops, and mentorship—Lee Povey Coaching supports leaders in building the next billion-dollar enterprise.Apply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Links Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out Lee Povey Coaching website at out Lee Povey Coaching on LinkedIn at out Lee Povey on LinkedIn at’t forget to subscribe to The Thoughtful...
1988 – Preventing Burnout and Fostering Well-Being in the Workplace with Solle Solutions’ Laura Nguyen
1988 – Preventing Burnout and Fostering Well-Being in the Workplace with Solle Solutions’ Laura Nguyen
Navigating Burnout, Embracing Self-Care, and the Power of PlayIn a recent episode of the Thoughtful Entrepreneur podcast, host Josh engages in a profound conversation with Laura Nguyen, an executive coach, marketing consultant, and founder of Solle Solutions. The episode delves into critical themes such as burnout, self-care, and the significance of play in both personal and professional settings. Laura shares her insights and experiences, offering valuable strategies for individuals and organizations to manage stress and enhance overall well-being.Laura Nguyen brings over 20 years of experience in digital marketing and has recently transitioned into coaching after experiencing burnout herself. Her journey led her to develop a coaching framework designed to help others navigate similar challenges. Laura's upcoming book, "Career Break Compass," aims to provide a structured approach to taking intentional time off and recovering from burnout. Burnout is a pressing issue, particularly among founders and business leaders, with nearly half reporting feelings of burnout, overwhelm, or anxiety, often considering exiting their organizations due to immense pressure.Laura introduces her four-piece model for self-care, which consists of Play, Pause, Plan, and Pursue. Each component plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and preventing burnout. Play is essential for creativity and problem-solving, Pause involves regular check-ins and mindfulness, Plan focuses on setting and achieving goals, and Pursue encourages engaging in passions and new experiences. Laura also outlines eight steps to overcome fear and emphasizes the importance of building authentic relationships in business. As the episode wraps up, Laura invites listeners to visit her website for free resources and encourages everyone to prioritize their well-being and seek joy in their daily lives.About Laura Nguyen:Laura Nguyen has nearly 20 years of experience in digital marketing, advertising, and eCommerce. She is an experienced growth-focused marketing executive with an extensive background in data-driven marketing, demand generation and branding for DTC and B2B Fortune 500 companies, private equity and private businesses. She has led high-performing teams to achieve organizational growth and market share dominance.As an advocate for diversity and inclusion, Laura led business resource groups at the corporate level. Laura received her Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science at Truman State University, and her Master in Business Administration from Rochester Institute of Technology.About Solle Solutions:Solle Solutions provides consulting and fractional marketing leadership engagements. We begin with a comprehensive marketing opportunity assessment to understand the consumer and segmentation opportunities. We deliver strategic performance marketing recommendations to accelerate growth.Apply to be a Guest on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur: Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out Solle Solutions website at out Solle Solutions on LinkedIn at out Laura Nguyen on LinkedIn at’t forget to subscribe to The Thoughtful Entrepreneur and thank you for listening. Tune in next time! More from UpMyInfluence:We are actively booking guests for our The Thoughtful Entrepreneur.
1987 – Helping Business Owners Thrive Through Community and Mentorship with Nick Berry
1987 – Helping Business Owners Thrive Through Community and Mentorship with Nick Berry
Building Your Business Tribe: The Essential Role of Community in EntrepreneurshipIn a recent episode of "The Thoughtful Entrepreneur," host Josh Elledge sat down with Nick Berry, a seasoned entrepreneur and the host of "The Business Owners Journey" podcast. The conversation delved into Nick's extensive experience in entrepreneurship, his commitment to helping fellow business owners enhance their skills, and the critical role of community and mentorship in achieving success. This blog post will break down the key themes and actionable advice shared during the episode, providing valuable insights for aspiring and current business owners.Nick Berry is a serial entrepreneur who has co-founded and acquired numerous businesses over the years. His primary focus is on empowering business owners to excel in their ventures. During the conversation, Nick elaborates on the challenges business owners face, particularly the overwhelming number of tasks and distractions that can hinder their progress. He advocates for establishing a clear strategy that not only defines what entrepreneurs should focus on but also outlines actionable steps to achieve their goals. Nick highlights three key areas of focus for business owners: leadership development, strategic planning, and operational systems.A significant theme in the episode is the importance of community and mentorship for business owners. Nick emphasizes that entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, and seeking support is vital. He encourages business owners to curate a support system that includes one-on-one guidance, peer communities, and intimate groups. Nick reflects on how these support systems have been pivotal in his own career and how they can significantly impact the growth of other entrepreneurs. By following the actionable advice and insights shared by Nick Berry, business owners can develop effective strategies, grow as leaders, and build supportive communities that drive their success.About Nick Berry:Nick Berry is an accomplished entrepreneur, CEO, mentor, and author, whose track record includes founding and/or acquiring several dozen companies since 2002.A great deal of Nick's two decades of experience as a business owner has been working with other business owners and equipping them with the skills to handle the challenges and uncertainty they face along their path.He’s started or acquired several dozen businesses, and in the process has earned secrets and knowledge that comes with it. He’s got experience with a variety of businesses and business partners, hundreds of employees, had several successful exits, and a few that never took off. He’s recurring revenue’s #1 fan, and his companies have been recognized for growth, culture, and client satisfaction.And it's been 100% bootstrapped.About Business Owner's Journey Podcast:The Business Owner’s Journey is a podcast for business owners who are driven to grow and improve and are looking for their next breakthrough ‘Aha!’ moment. I won’t sugarcoat it: The path of a business owner can be tough. It’s complex, uncertain, and always evolving. And it’s made harder if you try to figure it all out alone. But it can also be incredibly exciting and fulfilling, especially when you learn to prepare yourself for the challenges.We're here to shorten the learning curve for entrepreneurs and business owners by getting other experienced business owners to pull back the curtain and share their hard-earned lessons learned.Links Mentioned in this Episode:Want to learn more? Check out Fitness Revolution website at out SEOContentSurge website at out Fitness Consulting Group website at...