Asemio Decoded


What are we talking about when we say “tech”? This stratospherically broad topic can be broken down into a seemingly infinite number of subtopics. Aaron and Jess, from social enterprise Asemio, decode some of those technology and tech-adjacent concepts in ways that are often useful, typically thought-provoking, and occasionally mind-blowing. Whether you work in the social impact space like they do or you’re just interested in technology in general, Asemio Decoded gives you insight into some of today’s hottest tech topics and why they matter – or don’t. read less


Decoding the "Talent Gap" with Libby Ediger
Decoding the "Talent Gap" with Libby Ediger
In the second episode of this season, Aaron and Jess sit down with the CEO of Atlas School, Libby Ediger. Jess helps us to understand the pervasive ‘talent gap’ that exists within the software development industry and how schools like Atlas are making big changes in tech education. Jess, Aaron, and Libby talk old memories, Tulsa magic, and the future of software career training. Atlas School is a non-traditional software school in Tulsa, Oklahoma that offers students a flexible and innovative alternative to four year college. How Online Trackers Track You, and What You Can Do About It | Luke Crouch | TEDxUniversityofTulsaWhy are Black and Latino people still kept out of the tech industry?Black Futures Hackathon will inspire teens to enter tech jobsTulsa Remote | Make Tulsa Your New Headquarters and HomeService agreement creates new opportunities for drone research, startup development in northeast Oklahoma | Oklahoma State UniversityGartner Survey Reveals Talent Shortages as Biggest Barrier to Emerging Technologies AdoptionClosing the Tech Talent Gap | LinkedIn LearningGatekeeping Has No Place In CybersecurityTechnology Talent ShortagesThe Most Powerful And Practical Alternatives To College | Pinnacle Career InstituteHolberton Rebrand to Now-Independent Atlas SchoolATLAS SCHOOL TULSA, OKFollow us!→→→→→
Decoding DATA & HIGHER EDUCATION with Dr. Laura Latta
Decoding DATA & HIGHER EDUCATION with Dr. Laura Latta
Jess and Aaron are back for Season 3 with a fresh lineup of social service experts, passionate good-doers, and humanitarian champions to talk social impact, data, technology, and how these forces come together to improve our impact on our communities. Welcome back to Asemio Decoded!This month, we bring you a conversation with Dr. Laura Latta of the Tulsa Higher Education Consortium (THEC). THEC is committed to advancing student learning, improving student success and degree completion, achieving equity in outcomes, and meeting workforce needs by working collaboratively to increase higher education opportunities in the region. The Consortium brings together higher education institutions across Oklahoma to establish and work towards common goals that better the education process for students.Laura joined us to talk about the work happening at the Consortium, her journey across multiple roles in the education space, and how leading this unique organization has been the dream job she didn't know she wanted. Learn about the critical role that data and information play in the day-to-day at THEC and its member institutions, how collaboration helps administrators to challenge the status quo, and how language in the "helping field" is ever-evolving as we continue to learn and change.Tune in monthly for more fascinating and relevant conversations with some of the country's leading experts in social impact work.Tulsa Higher Education Consortium Bilingualism and the Development of Executive Function: The Role of Attention - PMCEVALUATING THE EFFECTS OF STEM OUT-OF-SCHOOL TIME PROGRAMMING ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF STEM ATTITUDES AND 21st CENTURY SKILLS OF COMMUNITY SCHOOL STUDENTSLearning to Listen: Supporting Dual Language Learners’ Language Acquisition and Learning Identities (Voices) | NAEYCData-Driven vs. Data-Informed: Which is More Strategic?Follow us!→→→→→
Decoding CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement) with Lauren King, M.A.
Decoding CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement) with Lauren King, M.A.
If you don’t know what CQI is, you want to. Processes, frameworks, systems… these are the things that make our modern world go round. Yet too easily they can become stagnant, unresponsive to changes in the world around them, and out of touch. How do we put processes in place and simultaneously create environments that are constantly learning and improving upon them? How can we apply these principles of continuous improvement not just to our work, but our every day lives?Join Aaron and Jess as they chat with Lauren King, M.A. of Impact Tulsa for the fifth and final episode of Asemio Decoded Season 2. Lauren is the Director of Learning & Activation at Impact Tulsa where she serves as a coach, trainer and facilitator to support partners in building capacity to disrupt inequities through systemic change. Learn how she uses CQI in her work, and how pillars of data architecture building and quality improvement are being used in more than just code. That's a wrap on Season 2! We'll be back with more awesome guests and fascinating topics in 2024. Happy holidays and cheers to the new year! Origins of CQIWicked ProblemsLauren's Full BioAsemio is the technology, data, and consulting firm for mission-based nonprofit, government, and philanthropic organizations that are addressing today’s social problems and underserved communities. With a special focus in Salesforce, consulting, data analytics, and custom software development, we equip our clients with the data they need to do good.Learn more at
BLOCKCHAIN! …And generative AI? These topics keep being brought up together, associated, compared as similar revolutionary technologies, and Aaron has had enough! We’re throwing our hat into the ring to break down what blockchain is, how it compares to generative AI, and where we think the real value lies for these technologies and their ability to make the world a better place. “As a technologist, I’m always in search of the best value proposition.” Explains Aaron as he puts on his engineering hat to help us understand the complexities behind some of the biggest buzzwords in tech. Join Jess in asking Aaron… What the heck actually is blockchain, where did it come from, what is all the hype about, and how does it actually impact peoples’ lives? Where does generative AI come into this conversation, and should we even be talking about these things in the same breath? All of the super-dense studies and articles we talk about are below if you want the information straight from the horse’s mouth. Citations: 56.3% Growth El Salvador & Bitcoin Who Is Satashi Nakomoto?“Attention is All You Need”“AI Is Not Okay”“What are NFTs”Asemio is the technology, data, and consulting firm for mission-based nonprofit, government, and philanthropic organizations that are addressing today’s social problems and underserved communities. With a special focus in Salesforce, consulting, data analytics, and custom software development, we equip our clients with the data they need to do good.Learn more at