What’s at the end of the rainbow? LGBTQ+ inclusion with guest Brock McGillis

Line Change

04-04-2023 • 47 minutos

Pride. Rainbows. In arena events. The current initiatives are failing to bring inclusion and equity for LGBTQ+ people in hockey.

In fact, homophobia and transphobia across society are creeping toward an all-time high, or perhaps, people are simply feeling emboldened to share their bigoted views. So where does hockey go from here?

Brock McGillis, hockey's first professional hockey player to come out, an LGBTQ+ advocate, and one of the founders of Alphabet Sports Collective, has some ideas.

Brock and Ian discuss the issues facing LGBTQ+ people in hockey, and more importantly, how to fix these issues, and build a more diverse, inclusive, equitable game for all.

View on YouTube https://youtu.be/Py484Qg9d8Q

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