Questioning Your Cents

Kevin Molen & Charles Steinmetz

Does the thought of a financial podcast summon images of your college accounting professor droning on and on in a too-warm lecture hall? Well, it is time to ditch the flashback. Because this podcast is anything but boring. Questioning Your Cents takes the real-world experience of tax advisors of Molen & Associates who have taken a deep dive into more than 10,000 financial situations to help you stop and think about your finances. Questioning Your Cents focuses on helping you solve your tax and financial headaches. Kevin and Charles have been best friends since they were 10 years old and both work for Molen & Associates today. You’ll feel like your chatting with friends and even learn a little along the way. If you’ve ever wanted free advice from a tax advisor, accountant or financial coach, now is the time! Kevin has the gift of gab and Charles sure can tell a story. The two co hosts will help you learn about the practical intricacies of the tax code while building your financial vision. They will pull from real world examples and even respond to live questions with actionable takeaways. Get ready for real-world, pragmatic tax and financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors. Check out details on each show, then transform your commute or morning run by subscribing. You may even end up sneaking a listen at your desk. We hope you find this podcast as entertaining as it is educational. read less


13. Business Entity Elections
13. Business Entity Elections
Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors. We are your hosts, Kevin Molen and Charles Steinmetz. Our job is to help educate you on how to manage your money and save on taxes. In this episode, we discuss the different types of business entities.   Important Points: Different Types of Entities Three Options as a Sole Proprietor: Do NothingDBALLC Pass Through Entities: PartnershipS Corporation C Corporation   Why do you set up an LLC? Pros and Cons of an LLC Tax vs Legal structures What is a pass through entity? Why are partnership agreements important? When is it beneficial to become an S-Corp?   Comfort Zone: I Inherited a home and am now selling it. How is this treated for tax purposes?Why is my tax refund being delayed?   Videos referenced: Stimulus Checks Round 3 - Child Tax Credit Changes - Texas Federal Disaster - Unemployment Taxation -   Contact us: 281-440-6279   Find us on social media:
12. Side Job Taxation
12. Side Job Taxation
Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors.   We are your hosts, Kevin Molen and Charles Steinmetz. Our job is to help educate you on how to manage your money and save on taxes. In this episode, we discuss self-employment, side jobs and how they are taxed.   Important Points: Side jobs, Self-employment, MLM, temporary or contract workers Real estate agents, Law enforcement extra jobs and truck drivers often times fall into these categories Do you have to report small side job cash on your tax return? What is a 1099-K and what is it used for? When do you need to begin claiming your income? How do I correctly track my income and expenses? 1099-NEC vs 1099-MISC When do you need to issue a 1099 to a worker? How do business expenses work for side gigs? What do ordinary and necessary mean for business expenses? Security extra job and law enforcement deductions Why are tax deductions like Web MD? Facts and circumstances determine what is tax deductible? Can I deduct expenses as a W2 employee? What happened to the form 2106? Unreimbursed employee expenses How is side income taxed? What are estimated tax payments? Are they the same as quarterly payments? How do underpayment penalties work? Do I have to file taxes quarterly on self-employment income?   Comfort Zone: Is Social Security taxed?   Contact us: 281-440-6279   Find us on social media:
11. Timing the Market or Time in the Market
11. Timing the Market or Time in the Market
Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors.   We are your hosts, Kevin Molen and Charles Steinmetz. Our job is to help educate you on how to manage your money and save on taxes. In this episode, we discuss financial planning & other investing strategies.   Important Points: Don’t try to time the market as an investor Age based investing Target retirement funds Risk tolerance Fact vs emotion-based investing Why putting more money under your mattress doesn’t work Wealth accumulation vs. Wealth protection phases How do taxes play a role in investing? Long term capital gains tax rates Municipal bonds vs. corporate bonds and taxation Why would it be great to pay $1 million in income taxes? Sector investing and diversification How does portfolio rebalancing work? Investing is both an art and a science Why is it so bad to have your money in cash? Inflation explained What is hedging   Comfort Zone: As a school teacher, can I deduct my classroom expenses? At what point can I take my money out of my Roth IRA without paying a penalty?   Contact us: 281-440-6279   Find us on social media:
10. Help! I'm Starting a Business
10. Help! I'm Starting a Business
Help! I’m Starting a Business Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get your real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors. We are your host Kevin Molen and Charles Steinmetz. Our job is to help education you on how to manage your money and save taxes. In this episode, we will discuss tax and financial considerations when starting a business.   Important Points: Intro Sole proprietor vs. multi member business differences Why are you starting a business? Most business owners are skilled service providers Are you good at “business” or just the product or service you provide? How are businesses like dishes? Why you need to know your financial numbers Do you have to do everything in your business? No! Work your strengths and hire out your weaknesses Do you need an LLC? When should you set on up? Why do people set up an LLC? 1. My friend told me to 2. To get a tax ID number 3. Legitimacy 4. Liability protection Does an LLC truly give me legal liability protection? What are the major types of businesses? Schedule C or Sole ProprietorPartnershipS CorpCorporation How are different businesses taxed? How do self employment taxes work? What is a pass through entity? Partnership have more flexibility but there are still self employment taxes S Corps normally have preferential tax treatment, but more hoops to jump through What is double taxation for C-Corporations? When is it worth it to set up an S-Corp? How do I pay employees? What is the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? New 2020 1099 form for independent contractors 1099 NEC Why you shouldn’t mix personal and business expenses Why is a good paper trail needed? Is it better to pay more in taxes or be more profitable? Comfort Zone: Can I still deduct charitable contributions? 5 types of itemized deductions: 1. Medical expenses 2. Sales tax 3. Property tax 4. Mortgage interest 5. Charitable donations Ouro   Contact us: 281-440-6279   Find us on social media:
4. Looking Forward and Looking Back
4. Looking Forward and Looking Back
Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors.   We are your hosts, Kevin Molen and Charles Steinmetz. Our job is to help people with education on how to manage your money and save on taxes. In this episode, we talk about some tax and financial tips and how you should plan your financials over big life decisions.     Relevant points:   Planning your income for the next few years is important so that you don’t burn out your moneyAffording something does not mean being able to make the payments each month, rather it should include how that new expense fits within your budget to achieve your financial goals.Set up goals for the money you want to make and then work on how to achieve themPlan on how to get your children from the state of constant worrying to the state of self-independenceYou can push yourself to make small life changes that are not so bad for you and then from there you can push yourself and prove.Set achievable goals and planning appropriatelyLearn and apply the law based on your unique circumstancesQBI (qualified business income) is 20% deduction on your business profits             Time Stamps:   00:01:00 - Introduction 00:04:00 - Changing the system 00:08:00 - Emotional vs Factual decisions 00:10:00 - The question of can I afford it? 00:13:00 - Know your numbers 00:15:00 - Knowing your numbers 00:18:15 - Continuous improvement 00:20:50 - Setting a goal 00:24:00 - getting rid of the asset 00:28:30 - Look at your numbers to make better decisions 00: 31:00 - Comfort zone (Q&A) 00:37:30 - QBI - what it is? 00:41:00 - Outro   Relevant links:
3. Rich Retirement Planning
3. Rich Retirement Planning
Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors.   We are your hosts, Kevin Molen and Charles Steinmetz. Our job is to help people with education on how to manage your money and save on taxes. We hope you will use the knowledge from this episode on traditional IRA’s, Roth IRA’s and retirement accounts. We will discuss how they are different for each other and the factors to look out for when investing.     The main idea of using these vehicles is when you retire you have a lower tax bracket and hence you save your tax money and get a high returnThe retirement vehicles do not matter as much how much money is invested or how it will perform, they are based on how you can enter and exit the system, which then changes your taxes.     Comparing the Vehicles:   Traditional IRA   You can always add money to the IRA but depending on how much you make determines if it can be considered as tax deductible or notIf you plan on making less money in after retirement (and a lower tax bracket) this can be a useful strategyTraditional IRA’s mean tax savings initially, but then the tax hits you again on a higher amount later on due to investment increases. If you are strategic and take out the money slowly, this could be advantageousAfter inheriting a Traditional IRA money needs to come out over 10 years and will be taxed.After you turn 72 you need to take out the money from the Traditional IRA, not all of it, but a required minimum distribution (RMD). This amount depends on many factors. If you own multiple Traditional IRA accounts, you can take money out of the poor performing account and write it out without touching the better performing accounts. Generally, the RMD amount is 3-5% of the total value of the account. If you don’t take it out then there will be a penalty of 50% of RMD, which is a very high penalty.     Roth IRA   No tax write off can be done for money invested in a Roth IRA.In order to withdraw money from  a Roth IRA, there is a minimum of 5 years that the account must be held and if you take the money out after you turn 59 then no penalty is applicable on that money taken out.Money invested in a Roth IRA is taxed initially so no tax is taken after investment growth. This could mean huge tax savings if you plan on retiring at a higher tax bracket.If you make more than $139k/year in adjusted gross income you cannot invest in a Roth IRA. If you are married filing joint, then the limit is $260k of adjusted gross income.It is easy to transfer a Roth IRA to a child or spouse since the income has already been taxed, it will not be taxed again upon transfer.     401(k) Plan   This type of account is normally provided by your employer and automatically deducts from your payrollThe maximum that can be added is $24k annuallyCompared to IRA, a401(k) can have a lot more money contributedNo income limitationsYou can’t take the money out until you retireNeed to be careful in how the 401k is investing as some 401(k) providers don’t offer the best investment options       Contact us: 281-440-6279   Find us on social media:         Time stamps:   00:03:00 - Introduction 00:05:00 - What to look for in a retirement account 00:06:45 - Traditional IRA 00:15:55 - Roth IRA 00:22:15 - Roth vs Traditional IRA scenarios 00:26:00 - Inheritance of IRA’s 00:31:40 - Required Minimum Distributions 00:39:15 - How 401(k) works 00:47:45 – Comfort Zone - Questions round 00:48:02 - Benefits of filing taxes early 00:52:00 - Paying taxes after the deadline 00:56:00 - Difference between Exemption, credit and deduction 01:00:00 - Outro
1. History of Taxes
1. History of Taxes
Welcome to Questioning Your Cents where you can get real-world, pragmatic tax & financial advice for business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors.   We are your hosts, Kevin Molen and Charles Steinmetz. Our job is to help people with education on how to manage your money and save on taxes. In this episode, we talk about why we have taxes and how our tax laws have changed over time.     Important Points: Intro Al Capone and taxes Formation of the IRS 1986 – major tax reform Bandaids in tax reform with every president Simplification of the tax code Taxes in an election year, tie between politics and taxes Implementation of eFile Tax bracket changes 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Changes in Corporate tax rates Changes in Child tax credits Changes in standard deduction, itemized vs standard deduction Loss of employee deductions Tax rules while selling a home “Comfort Zone” When Should I form an S-Corp Roth or Traditional IRA? Outro   Important links in order of appearance:   Contact us: 281-440-6279   Find us on social media: