The AFIRE Podcast


AFIRE is the association for international real estate investors focused on commercial property in the United States. read less


David Kramer on Affordable Housing
David Kramer on Affordable Housing
How can affordable housing become a reality in cities like New York, whose current blueprint and zoning regulation is not easily suited to modern market-rate and affordable housing development? In our latest episode of the AFIRE podcast, CEO and host Gunnar Branson speaks with David Kramer, president of the Hudson Companies, a leading developer in NYC, about what it takes to build affordable housing in a city made for anything but. It’s a wide-ranging, entertaining conversation about the challenges of living and developing real estate in one of the most vibrant cities in the world—and America’s key “gateway” city. Kramer and Branson explore the tension between developer’s public profiles, and the realities of trying to build new projects in a sustainable way, while also nurturing a city that is hospitable to people from all walks of life. Kramer also takes down the common misconception that landlords determine rents. In fact, Kramer says that achieving housing affordability starts with increasing the number of units in a given market. “The solution . . . should not be chastising landlords and trying to limit rent increases—it should be increasing the supply.” With decades-worth of insider perspective and a whole host of entertaining analogies, Kramer’s interview provides a portrait of a New York developer doing his best to contribute to a city where people love to be—and what other cities can learn from this approach.
Tiffany Sanders on Climate Readiness
Tiffany Sanders on Climate Readiness
Forecasters are predicting another record-hot summer in North America. What’s hard to predict, though, is how environmental disasters will affect the real estate market around the country. Intense hurricanes, droughts and untamable wildfires are all playing roles in the increase of premiums—bringing insurance to the forefront of real estate investing like never before. …which is why we’re talking now, in the latest episode of the AFIRE Podcast, with president and general counsel of EDGE Fund Advisors, Tiffany Sanders. The firm had owned their 1.1 million square foot building in downtown Manhattan for five months before Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on New York City in 2013, with tenants that included a major bank and two media companies. “[The property] was supposed to be a low-maintenance dividend-producing machine,” she explains. What followed Hurricane Sandy was a long and arduous process of recovering from the storm’s aftermath—pumping out water from the building, replacing electrical equipment that had been fully submerged, and repairing damaged interiors. “You can’t turn that stuff back on,” Sanders recalls. “You have to rebuild it.” For Sanders, the process yielded a better understanding of navigating insurance costs, preparing for the worst, and averting crises—all of which are things other investors may want to consider as we enter uncharted territory this summer. “We underestimate our vulnerability and we overestimate our readiness,” Sanders says. After four years and $10M in flooding restoration, Sanders recounts her experience dealing with an environmental disaster and redesigning the building to keep tenants afloat post-storm. She also shares what she says other building owners should know about planning for climate disasters in the years ahead.
Ethan Penner on Curing the Office Slowdown
Ethan Penner on Curing the Office Slowdown
Mosaic Real Estate Investors CEO Ethan Penner, the latest guest on the AFIRE Podcast, doesn’t believe the office sector has hit bottom. Yet, at the beginning of 2024, Penner and his business partner Chad Carpenter announced a new US office-focused real estate finance company, Reven Office REIT, that intended to raise $1 billion to provide office owners and investors with bespoke financing solutions. “Office is a very complicated investment asset today,” Penner says. “It’s something that has inspired fear in investors, and rightly so. But what’s interesting is that when fear becomes pervasive, markets are abandoned. And of course, babies are thrown out with bathwater.” Penner and his partners are trying to find those “babies”—the office investments that continue to have upside, despite ongoing challenges for the sector. In this episode of the AFIRE podcast, Penner explains his sometimes counterintuitive take on the health of the office sector with podcast host and AFIRE CEO, Gunnar Branson. Aside from his enthusiasm for finding overlooked gems in the sector, Penner holds concerns about the effect of AI on the future of office. “The [threat] that looms largest, that’s on the horizon, that people are in denial about,” Penner says, “is the impact of AI on jobs, period. I think that there’s a real threat— technology happens faster than people can imagine.”
Patrick Richard, CEO of Stoneweg, on ESG
Patrick Richard, CEO of Stoneweg, on ESG
With all of the other troubles currently affecting commercial real estate, should ESG still be a priority? Compliance with established environmental, social, and governance (ESG) became a critical measure of real estate performance over the past decade. But with the current slate of challenges faced by CRE—everything from high costs to building and infrastructure obsolescence—some investors are feeling inclined to put ESG lower on the punch list. ...but that would be a mistake, argues Patrick Richard, CEO of Stoneweg US, the US-based subsidiary of the Swiss real estate firm. In fact, in this new episode of the AFIRE Podcast, in conversation with AFIRE CEO Gunnar Branson, Richard builds a compelling case that investors should prioritize ESG investments as a way to generate higher returns on investment—especially now. “One thing that sustainability does is protect the value of your assets,” explains Richard, who sees ESG prioritization as a way to decrease risk and increase revenue—critical differentiators in the current real estate market. Richard explains how investing in climate resilience can decrease insurance premiums and lender interest rates, currently significant cost centers affecting pro formas. By investing with an ESG mindset, despite some current external financial or philosophical pressures, Richard says: “Not only are you protecting your assets, but you’re creating value at the same time."
Paul Bernard on Housing and Affordability
Paul Bernard on Housing and Affordability
Affordable housing may be the most important issue facing the commercial real estate industry today. Statistics show a shortage of more than seven million homes in the US alone. More than half a million people are experiencing homelessness, and high interest rates and a growing population are making housing more expensive for more people. So—how do we solve the problem? What options are available to those of us who are investors, developers, builders, owners, and operators? To get some answers on the current housing situation—and future-focused solutions—AFIRE CEO and podcast host Gunnar Branson recently sat down with Paul Bernard, president and CEO of Affordable Homes & Communities, a nonprofit developer with a focus on housing creation in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. Bernard argues that the housing crisis is partly caused by barriers to new construction, leading to high homelessness rates, high housing costs and insufficient supply. Affordable housing is not a commodity, Bernard says. Instead, it’s an asset class where developers and investors can follow concrete steps to alleviate housing availability issues and still find returns. According to Bernard, building more affordable developments requires an all-hands-on-deck approach, starting with a new narrative that will change public opinion of affordable housing, tax credits and renewed, innovative, problem-solving partnerships with nonprofits, for-profits and the public sector.
Jeffrey Kanne on Data Center Investments
Jeffrey Kanne on Data Center Investments
Technology can be enormously disruptive to commercial real estate. Remote work is responsible for the global devaluation of office properties. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already changing the way we live and work. So what will be the effect of AI on institutional investment strategies? To get at some answers, AFIRE CEO Gunnar Branson talked to one of his favorite futurist investors, Jeffrey Kanne, president and CEO of National Real Estate Advisors, an AFIRE member firm and investment manager specializing in a build-to-core strategy, developing and managing large-scale, urban commercial and multifamily projects for its institutional client accounts. “The advent of AI as a technological tool is going to greatly increase the rate of change,” Kanne tells Branson. “I’m very nervous about where you can place money and think it’s safe.” The best opportunity for investment, Kanne believes, is in data centers that provide consistent power and temperature-controlled environments for the Googles, OpenAIs and Microsofts of the world. With that in mind, Kanne and Branson discuss how investors can enter the data center market. “It’s not rocket science,” Kanne says, while outlining potential pitfalls and barriers to entry for new operators. “It’s incumbent on all of us as investors to think about what the world will be like in five years, ten years, fifteen years,” Kanne says. “When I look ahead, data centers are a good place to focus on.”
What Climate Change Means for Real Estate Investors (Part 2)
What Climate Change Means for Real Estate Investors (Part 2)
On the tail end of the hottest year on human record, it’s clear that climate change is already here—and not slowing down. In the years ahead, the effects of climate change will pose real hardships for billions of people around the world. The challenge of climate change is clear, especially for real estate, as explained in the first of this special two-part series. Now, in this second and final entry of the latest AFIRE Podcast—inspired by the special climate change section featured in the most recent issue of AFIRE’s award-winning Summit Journal, and sponsored by the global ESG consultancy, AccountAbility—AFIRE CEO Gunnar Branson and Summit Journal Editor-in-Chief Benjamin van Loon propose that climate change can also represent opportunity for forward-thinking investors. Climate migration will require new housing in resilient geographies, creating demand for fast and efficient construction methods. Extreme weather and other disasters will highlight the need for more robust building techniques. And an historically hotter world also could usher in carbon markets that use Web 3.0 to better reflect the actual cost of assets that contribute to global warming. (Watch the video version of this episode on the AFIRE YouTube channel: Featuring interviews with: Jacques Gordon, Executive in Residence, MIT Center for Real Estate Bob Geiger, Executive Director, Partner Engineering & Science Parag Khanna, Founder and CEO, Climate Alpha Zhengzhen Tan, Research Scientist, MIT Center for Real Estate
What Climate Change Means for Real Estate Investors (Part 1)
What Climate Change Means for Real Estate Investors (Part 1)
The year 2023 has been the hottest year in recent record—and it will likely be the coldest year for the rest of our lives. In the face of these record-breaking numbers and climate events, 2023 also proved to be a year that real estate investors lead the charge in confronting the constantly evolving challenges of climate change—including insurance rate hikes, migration and population changes, and the irrational implications derived from “the tragedy of the horizon.” In this, the first of a special two-part episode—inspired by the special climate change section featured in the most recent issue of AFIRE’s award-winning Summit Journal, and sponsored by the global ESG consultancy, AccountAbility—AFIRE CEO Gunnar Branson and Summit Journal Editor-in-Chief Benjamin van Loon take viewers and listeners through a conversation with the industry’s top thought leaders to explore how investors can prepare for the impending intersection of climate change, global investment, and the future of real estate. (Watch the video version of this episode on the AFIRE YouTube channel: Featuring interviews with (in order): Bob Geiger, Executive Director, Partner Engineering & Science Hans Nordby, Head of Research and Analytics, Lionstone Investments Jacques Gordon, Executive in Residence, MIT Center for Real Estate Parag Khanna, Founder and CEO, Climate Alpha