The topic of this week's episode is misplaced rage. Rage about being forgotten after suffering for your country. Rage about how your patriotic duty resulted in the allowance of people you don't particularly care for or respect gaining freedoms you don't believe they deserve. Rage about how you spent all this time building a cool serrated razor glove with no one to show it off to but a bunch of horny teenagers who don't appreciate your craftsmanship. Rage about how you built all these crazy booby traps that aren't effective in the least. Rage about how you're 34 years old and you already have the face and hairline of a 72 year old pop-pop with 13 grandchildren. Rage about how you can't bear to hear your ol' lady talk about her curtain selection process with some rich broad. This rage is represented in two very different but no less viscerally hard hitting, diamond sharp films. First, in the Mexican produced Slasher, Trampa Infernal aka Hell's Trap (1989). Then, in Joe (1970).