Derrick Downey Jr.

Onward with Rosie O'Donnell

06-02-2024 • 46 minutos

Rosie's guest this week is Derrick Downey Jr., also known as a "Squirrel's best friend."

With well over a million followers, Derrick caught Rosie's eye and heart with his creativity, compassion and love for squirrels.
Derrick shares content about fighting depression, taking care of oneself, and making the time to be still with nature through his squirrel family, especially Maxine. A true influencer. And a "cutie patootie" to boot!

Listen in to Rosie and Derrick first actual conversation after years of private messaging through social media. An extraordinarily special meeting of the heart, mind, human spirit, and of course, squirrels!

Also, check out:

Hand and Paw: Maxine's Tale of Compassion by Derrick Downey Jr. His book of adventure for kids (young and old)!

Please send your voice memo questions or comments to Rosie:

See for privacy information.

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