Be Real Episode 55 | Justin Roethlingshoefer: The Vicious Cycle of Sacrificing Your Health To Get Wealth, Then Sacrificing Wealth To Get Your Health Back

Be Real with Vikram Deol

30-11-2021 • 59 minutos

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Do you believe that health is wealth, and wealth is nothing without health?

In this episode of Be Real, I welcome Justin Roethlingshoefer. He is the founder of Own It, and has 15+ years in the performance, health, nutrition, and mindset space. He is also known as “the data guy,” who constantly closes the gap on education and the use of data for application to the real lives of the best athletes and biggest companies in the world. He has worked as a performance director in the NHL and NCAA and runs a private biohacking and body preparation camp for pro hockey players in Florida. Justin and his fiancé started to Own It two years ago, and they now work with more than 500 CEOs and executives along with over 100 different companies at the Fortune 100-1000 level, serving as their data-driven wellness and performance provider.  He is also an Amazon best-selling author for his books: Intent, Blueprint, and the Own It Manual, which is focused on peak performance, human optimization, and applying data and testing to create personalized blueprints.

During his childhood years, he lived an active life and was an athlete, but came to a point where he had to battle with Anorexia for 3 years. He went from 160lbs down to 98lbs. And while kids his age were busy reading comic books, he became obsessed with reading medical journals and scientific articles. When he applied the things he learned, he saw a massive change in a very positive way. It impacted how he played soccer and how he felt about himself and his confidence.

In this episode, we will talk about health awareness, habits, and how physical health can transform every aspect of your life. Justin will share the lessons he learned in his health & wellness journey, and the things he learned as a professional in exercise physiology and human biology. He takes the latest research on nutrition, training, and recovery, and packages it into digestible, systematic, and applicable steps,

There are many things in this episode that I’d like you to listen to. This will definitely make you think, give you goosebumps, and change the way you are living every day. I know a lot of people who worked with Justin, and I have seen how their lives changed. This episode will surely inspire you to start changing your life in a positive way. I am so honored to have had this opportunity to interview such an amazing human.

Make sure to listen to these tracks:

02:51 - “Son, talent will get you noticed, but consistency will get you paid.”

05:15 -  The 13-year-old’s battle with Anorexia

15:29 - Food awareness: How the marketing tactics can be so deceiving and how labels can play the average people

30:11 - “Wealth means nothing if you’re in a hospital.”

37:45 - The “3-2-1” diet recommendation

41:10 - “You sacrifice your health to get wealth, then you sacrifice your wealth to get your health back.”

49:10 - “You don’t want to be in a routine. Routine is the worst thing that you can be in because routine is hard. Routine is stage 1.”

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