#5 These Once-Safe Institutions Are Now ROTTEN

Citizen Representatives

20-03-2021 • 1 hora 19 minutos

16MARCH2021 CITREPS #5 Humor of the day: https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/03/16/report-meghan-markle-networking-with-democrats-on-potential-bid-for-u-s-presidency/

The tyranny of daylight saving time

Citizen Representatives comes from Molecular Politics-Fixing America

Explain CitReps again Update on CitReps.

“Gone Viral” with double digit views on a video

Repeat ideas on: Civil Rights and serving people Being Intolerant of the

Intolerant Institutional Rot Congress FBI/CIA/Police


Antifa vs. Jan 6 “rioters”


Oregon federal courthouse set on fire. No insurrection.




Pregnant woman in maternity flight suits

Tucker Carlson says to focus on China Military lashes out on twitter


Schools K-12 Educators don’t want to teach anymore, they want complete protection from Covid

Teaching Critical Race Theory Loudoun, Virginia Teachers Plot to "Infiltrate" and "Expose" and Use "Hackers" to Silence Parents Who Object to Critical Race Theory

http://ace.mu.nu/archives/393213.php Teaching and Forcing Transgenderism

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/horror-father-faces-arrest-jail-time-trying-stop-doctors-transitioning-middle-school-daughter-boy-video/ College Bringing back segregation


Why are they rotten?

Are they taking the path of least resistance?

How do we counter these things?

Congress-Citizen Representatives K-12-Vouchers, movements to fund children, not schools

College-remove loan guarantees from student loans, tie graduation and employment to schools

Science? Privatize?
