Dhruva News Room with Georgia Osterman - Pentagon Attack Survivor 9/11


13-09-2021 • 30 minutos

Today in conversation with a very special guest, 73year old retired retired US #government official Georgia Osterman. We are honored by her service to the US government and gracing us with her presence on our show. Her career successfully spans in #civilservice on the Federal and State levels of the US government. Of which 10 years were dedicated towards #intelligenceoperations via the #pentagon. This is the very #firsttime that Georgia has appeared on a #podcast #broadcastshow to talk about her work and experience on the fateful day.

Georgia narrates her #miraculousescape from the #westside of the pentagon on #9/11 when the plane hit the building. Full credit of the interview goes to Matt Nisenoff - Host - Politipod He is an exceptional #politicalcommentator and we are grateful Matt has given us this opportunity to use our news platform to dedicating this story to every one of the souls who survived.

Highlights of the Episode:

  • Georgia gives her brief introduction
  • A typical work day at the Pentagon that spanned #military and intelligence network
  • Remembering the events of the day when the plane hit the building
  • Her miraculous #escape from the #westwing 5th floor of the building just when the #planehit Pentagon
  • The after effects of inhaling smoke, dust, heat
  • Emotional reunion with the family later during the day
  • Suffering from Post traumatic Disorder after 9/11
  • Working on minimum wages after 9/11 and how life drastically changed forever
  • Tribute to the fallen heroes of Pentagon via her own knitted quilt
  • Final message

#9/11 #pentagon #truesurvivorstory #podcaststory #humanstories #realheroes #miracle