Dhruva News Room with Mitchell N. Gerber - Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking in China


06-09-2021 • 18 minutos

Today in conversation with #investigativejournalist Mitchell N. Gerber who has dedicated 22 years of his life to expose the #newevil of organ harvesting and human trafficking rampant in China. Mitchell has been traveling the world in a crucial attempt to #raiseawareness about The Forced Organ Harvesting of The Falun Gong in #China; where hundreds of thousands of these innocent practitioners have been rounded up, sent to over eight hundred state mandated hospitals; their #organs #cutout of their bodies while Alive; the organs then sold for massive amounts of profit, and the bodies then #burned in #crematories to conceal the evidence.

Mitchell’s intention is to get the word out about The Forced Organ Harvesting in China, as well as, gain support across as many media outlets and channels as possible about this new form of evil, especially against the innocent Falun Gong practitioners; and he calls to action kind hearted human beings who will welcome an interesting discussion about this continuing #crime and pressing #topic.

Video evidence of the #cruel practice:



How can you help:



International Government action against the growing mass murder:


Highlights of the Episode:

  • Mitchell's tryst with destiny as he began on his mission to expose the evil practice and the concentration camps staying just a few miles away from the Chinese border.
  • Who are the Falun Gong? What are the practitioners of this movement famous for?
  • Why are the Falun Gong being targeted by the CCP for live organ harvesting?
  • How the tentacles of this horrible network spread in the world?
  • Is it only for the elite?
  • How are the Falun Gong members tortured for the organ trade?
  • Are organ trade and human trafficking co-related?
  • What can we do to prevent it? Where can we find the material and video evidence on this horrendous crime?
  • Final message.

#crime #truecrime #china #government #unitednations #worldpolitics #talkshow