Episode 137: Cannabis and Giant Pumpkins with Matthew DeBacco

Cannabis Cultivation and Science Podcast

10-09-2024 • 1 hora 8 minutos

My guest this week is Matthew DeBacco. Matthew received his Bachelors degree in Pathology with a secondary degree in horticulture, then going on to receive a master’s degree in agronomy 2011 and a masters in education in 2014, both from the university of Connecticut. Then in 2020 he received his PhD from Ashford University. Matthew started the first cannabis course at a public university at the University of Connecticut. I first found out about Matthew from his research on powdery mildew with cucurbits using raw milk, as it was circulating around the giant pumpkin community. Matthew also enjoys growing giant pumpkins and has held the state record twice with the largest weighing 1,885.5 lbs. In this episode we talk about the similarities between the giant pumpkin community and the cannabis community and how we might be able to utilize some of the advancements across the cultivation of these very different plants. Now on to the show!

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